Julia Vysotska
Yes, I'm sorry, my mistake, stipulation corrected to h#2,5! Nice Back-To-Back specific mates here! About the definition: at first, I've…
On No.582 (HG)
Nikola, there're too few things which are shown just once in the history if we look as you do! Ok,…
On No.574 (JV)
Thanks, Nikola! You're absolutely right about the "thematic essence"! A block of the neutral Chameleon is interesting by itself, but…
On No.574 (JV)
I'm looking forward to publish it!!
On Disparate – PART I (P.A.P.)
Yes, Nicolas, there should be wPd2 for diagram position. With animation of solution it shows the position of the last…
On No.564 (LP)
Thanks! Agree about Bishop on f1!
On No.565 (JV)
Yes, sure, thanks! Corrected under diagram. (My first version had a twin b) Bc1→b1, but while preparing publication I've decided…
On No.565 (JV)
Oh, right, thanks! Corrected under diagram to C+ by Popeye 4.67.
On No.563 (AB)
Oh, sorry, have changed the definition to a better one (from StrateGems).
On No.563 (AB)
I believe that "Hole" here would be just a limiting condition that simplifies composing (or solving)! It neither has anything…
On No.556 (JV)