Julia Vysotska
Thanks! You know I like Chameleons, so the idea to use this piece came into my mind right after reading…
On My Participation in WCCC2012 Tourneys
🙂 Well, yes, I've added Awards of the Tourneys were participated myself - just because I've got them by email!…
On WCCC2012 – The Awards
Thanks! But this is why I have the both Awards 🙂 Hopefully, all of them will appear at WCCC2012 site…
On WCCC2012 – The Awards
Thanks! What I also like about hs# is that strong pieces like Q can be actively used - they don't…
On JV problem No.14
Juraj, thanks for your examples! Of course, all of them show hopper-specific double-checks as you say. I don't know if…
On JV problem No.9
I understand how it is.. such updates always require time, and usually they seem less important then some other, urgent…
On Update to My Problems
Dear Vaclav, Thank you for good words! Really, I had a big plans what to write about WinChloe, and even…
On WinChloe
Really? 🙂 Ok, corrected to the "latest"! thanks!
On WinChloe: Echecs database as of 12-Aug-2012
Use register on the bottom of the left menu, after registration you can edit your profile and add photo! See…
On Site Updates-250812
Thank you! Have installed, will look! /julia.
On Site Updates-250812