Julia Vysotska
Diyan, probably, is right.. Although, the second pawn (g5) can be only white. Isn't it better to have the both…
On Kangaroo or Lion ?
Oh, thank you, Ram! I'm happy today! Also I've printed out the Award to study the problems there...
On Kangaroo or Lion ?
Dear Vaclav, thank you very much for your comments! I'd appreciate them a lot for the future posts too! /julia.
On Kangaroo or Lion ?
Thank you very much for your attention! I've made one another Post tonight as an answer to your comment. But…
On The Main Accent: BATTERY-PLAY
Thanks, Diyan! I'll think about No1 :). But I've just read about the Forsberg twins @ http://b3rn0ull1.blogspot.com/2011/01/forsberg-twins.html - "...a classic…
On The Main Accent: BATTERY-PLAY
Hi Dmitri, Oh, you’ve helped me to find the mistake on the diagram. The pawn on g7 shouldn’t be Chameleon…
On The non-standard Chameleon
Спасибо, Владимир! Конечно, проще. Я обязательно буду писать об интерфейсных программах. Немного не успеваю все сразу :). Добавлю и Ваши…
On Popeye
I have sent an email to you - let's try to check together what's going on. I believe I can…
On Batch scripts to run popeye
Hi Kevin, Thank you very much for your comment!! I also like sometimes to be taken back in a time..…
On The non-standard Chameleon
Sorry, your email address doesn't work from me - it says "mailbox unavailable". You can write me to julia@juliasfairies.com -…
On The non-standard Chameleon