Julia Vysotska
No, no, it's not like I'm going to make this classification myself and needing good luck wishes! I'd like to…
On Fairy elements: the statistics
Vlaicu and Shankar Ram have mentioned the fairy STIPULATIONS I've missed in my statistics. It's just because I have much…
On Fairy elements: the statistics
Ha-ha! I like it!! ...but who are those seven others? 😉
On Fairy elements: the statistics
Thanks a lot! Have updated the TOP 21 list with those names! Myself I'd be curious to know when the…
On Fairy elements: the statistics
If anybody knows the years of inventions, please let me know too! I'll update at least the top list with…
On Fairy elements: the statistics
Sorry, my mistake, wrong order of solutions, corrected now. Thank you, Joost!
On No.1545 (IT)
"The problem of Ivo Tominic is fantastic!" - were the words from Daniel Papack's mail to me. And my first…
On No.1545 (IT)
Just published as a new version. Thanks!
On No.1540 (MS)
The both programs, Popeye and WinChloe, show no solution with the refutation 1...f2-f1=G ! The question if promotion to G…
On No.1544 (NT)
For solving with Popeye the stipulation ser-hs+14 should be given. Honestly, I don't know why it works this way... Any…
On No.1543 (LK)