JURAJ BRABEC 80 JT C 31.12.2018

JURAJ BRABEC 80 JT C 31.12.2018

Slovak Organisation for Chess Composition (SOKŠ) announces international jubilee tourney
on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Juraj Brabec (26.5.2018).

The tourney is announced for twomovers with changes (new-strategical twomovers) employing at least one „oblique grasshopper“ (the name “krivý cvrček” was invented by Juraj Lörinc). „Oblique grasshoppers“ differ from the ordinary grasshoppers by the fact that they turn direction of their move in the following way: moose (los) by 45°, eagle (orol) by 90°, sparrow (vrabec) by 135° and hamster (škrečok) by 180°. Utilization of other fairy elements is allowed; the tourney will be judged by jubilee Juraj Brabec. The entries should be sent by e-mail to the address of tourney director Juraj Lörinc juraj.lorinc@gmail.com until 31.12.2018. | See detailed announcement as web page and in PDF.

Quartz 44 is online & Quartz TT11

Quartz 44, December 2017, is online at:


Don’t miss Quartz TT11:
Since 1996, Glasgow Chess was very poorly represented and our belief is that this genre has a lot of potential. So, we are launching a thematic tournament, Quartz TT11, for problems with Glasgow Chess rules.
The tourney has two sections: a) fairy problems; b) retro problems.
In both sections, combinations with other genres, fairy units, are allowed, but Vielväterstellung problems are not allowed.
Send problems in an unlimited number to our Director, Dinu-Ioan Nicula, e-mail: nicudin004@yahoo.com, up to July 1, 2018

Czechoslovak Republic 100 JT

announce on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic

International anonymous chess composing jubilee tournament

Czechoslovakia 100

Sections: a) Mate in 2 moves b) Helpmate in 2 moves c) Symbolic composition without any limitation of stipulation and conditions, which in any way evokes the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic → see PDF announcement

Closing date: 30.06.2018 | Announcement of results: 28. 10. 2018 – 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia

Albinas Bičiušas – 80JT

sachmatijaAlbinas Bičiušas – 80JT

The Lithuanian chess composers’ society announces a jubilee tourney Albinas Bičiušas – 80.

Theme: h#2 with Take & Make and Annan Chess condition. Neither fairy pieces nor other conditions are allowed. Entries on diagrams must be sent by 30th of October, 2017, to director of tourney Borisas Gelpernas, Vytenio g. 27-15, LT-03112 Vilnius, Lithuania or by e-mail: Borisas2011@gmail.com. Write your post address.

The judge will be Albinas Bičiušas.
Prizes: Lithuanian books of chess composition. The award will be announced in „Šachmatija“ in the beginning of 2018.

60th WCCC: Informal FAIRY composing tourneys

WCCC2017_logoThe four week composing tourneys of the 60th WCCC have been announced as of 18 July 2017.

Of them Fairy/Proof game composing tourneys:

Potica-Tourney (fairy-h#, generic cialis uk online Marko Klasinc & Janez Nastran, 6 days, open worldwide) is one more fairy tournament within 60th WCCC, to be announced at August, 5th.

Closing date for all tourneys: Thursday, 10 August 2017, 20:00 (Dresden local time)

15th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

This year the Tzuica Tourney is not an unofficial tourney of the congress. We are not able to fulfill all conditions of the rules for unofficial composing tourneys established by the organizers. – Eric Huber & Vlaicu Crisan

15th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

Theme: hs#n/hs=n, at least 4 consecutive cross-checks 

Scope: Any fairy piece and/or condition are allowed

Judges: Vlaicu Crisan & Eric Huber | Prizes: Bottles of Tzuica | Details: see PDF

Audience: The tourney is open to everyone, but only congress participants can receive bottles.
Deadline: August 9th (Wednesday8 p.m. to Dinu-Ioan Nicula, or by email until August 6th to Eric Huber hubereric@yahoo.fr

Announcement of Tourneys of “The Macedonian Problemist” 2017

macedonian-problemistAnnouncements of Tourneys
of “The Macedonian Problemist” for 2017

  1. informal tourneys (closing date 12.2017) for: #2 – Pavel Murashev; #3-n – Boško Milošeski; s#2-n – Peter Sickinger; h#2 – Jorge Kapros & Jorge Lois; h#2½-3 – Christopher Jones; h#3½-n – Hans Gruber; fairies – Eric Huber & Vlaicu Crişan; retros – Thomas Brand.
  2. “The Macedonian Problemist” League (a formal tourney, free themes, closing date 15.10.2017) in four sections: #2 – Karol Mlynka; #3 – Henk le Grand; s#3-8 – Jiří Jelinek; h#2 – Živko Janevski (a reserve judge for any section – Hans Gruber). The tourney brochure with the awards and the total ladder will be published in 2017 and all participants will receive the preliminary awards by e-mail.

Free subscription prizes are stipulated for the best composers. Entries for any of the above tourneys should be sent to the editor’s e-mail address mprobl@yahoo.com or to his snail mail address: Zoran Gavrilovski, P. fah 137, Pošta 2, Skopje MK-1001, Macedonia.

RIFACE, Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or, 2-5.06.2017

st-germain-au-mont-d-orThe 38th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place from Friday, June 2, 2017 (evening) to Monday, June 5, 2017 (noon) at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or.

Themes are the following:

RIFACE 2017 – Thème aidés.pdfThème féerique.pdfThème rétro.pdf

Address to send the entries : RIFACE.2017@gmail.com.
Time limit to send the entries : Sunday 4th June at 15:00

Kenneth Solja 60 JT

Entries are invited in three sections:
a) Orthodox #2 ; b) Orthodox h#4-n ; c) hs#2-4 with neutral pieces. Fairy pieces allowed but no fairy conditions. 

Entries must be C+ and authors are asked to state which program was used in checking.

The theme is free in each group | The judge is Kenneth Solja | Entries by 30.6.2017 to nealturnerfinland[at]hotmail.com

Formal thematic tourney with Viceking by A.P.I. – C31.12.2017

The A.P.I. organizes a formal thematic tourney in 2-4 moves with the piece called Vicekingsee description in the announcement.
Originals can be of any type (direct, helpmate, selfmate, helpselfmate, series etc. Are not allowed other types of fairy conditions and pieces). No zeropositions.
Director of tourney: Valerio AGOSTINI [valerio.agostini@gmail.com] | Judge: Antonio GAROFALO | Deadline: 31.12.2017
Originals must be sent within deadline to Director only by e-mail. The problems awarded will be published on Sinfonie Scacchistiche, which will be sent to every participant.