56th WCCC & 37th WCSC in Batumi!

56WCCC-logoThe 56th WCCC & 37th WCSC in Batumi
22nd-28th of September, 2013!

(29.09) Two new Awards available: Award 1° Azemmour and 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013 ! Congratulations to the winners and participants!

(28.09) I don’t see any official announcement yet, but have heard that the next Congress will take place in BERN, Switzerland, in the end of August 2014. 

(27.09) Composing tourneys – almost nothing is published… I have only  11th Tzuika Award and VODKA TOURNEY – 2013 is published on A.Selivanov’s website.

(27.09) Problems & Solutions are added for Open Solving. WCSC results are published at WFCC website! Congratulations to the World Champion – Piotr Murdzia! To the team’s Champion –  Poland! And to all other medal winners and participants!!

(25.09) For now I know just two things about the Congress:  it was raining in Batumi the first days; and the results of Open Solving Tournament Batumi, 23rd September 2013, are just published at WFCC website! Congratulations to the winners – Ofer Comay and Arno Zude! And congratulations to all participants!

I wish to all participants of the meeting to have a great time in Georgia! Quick composing competition is waiting for you already tonight, and an Open solving competition the next morning will continue to keep you up! I wish a good luck to composers and solvers in these first competitions, I admire the ability of solvers to go through a very hard two days of WCSC on 24th-25th of September, I wish to all of us to be successful in the composing competitions announced for the 56th WCCC! 

I’d like to invite the participants of the Congress to send your comments and maybe some photos of the events – I’d be happy to publish them here!

API 4th Mini-TOUR 2014


The Italian Problemist Association (API) organizes
The 4th Mini-Tour called NEUTRAL PIECES

Will be admitted any type of problems from 2 to 6 moves. Every problems must to have one or more neutral piece(s) in initial position. (See original announcement in Italian/English in PDF here!)

More solutions and twins are allowed, but not zero-position and duplex. It’s allowed also only one fairy condition. Problems must be C+, please point out the software used. Sent to this address: valerio.agostini@gmail.com
Sinfonie Scacchistiche with the problems (and award) published will be sent to all participants. Deadline: August 31, 2014.  

End of JF-2013-II


01-September, 2013
The End of Informal Tourney JF-2013-II & the beginning of JF-2013-III

Dear Friends,  yesterday was the last day of the informal tourney Julia’sFairies-2013-II !

I will inform you later about the list of problems participating in this tourney (some improved problems, PG-problems will be excluded). The number of problems is around 50 (from No.311 till No.365).

THANKS A LOT to all participants and active commentators!

GRATITUDE to our judge, DIYAN KOSTADINOV, for taking this big work! I’d like to mention, that Diyan runs also two thematic tourneys himself now, Zabunov-85MT 2013 and The 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013(PDF), and regular informal tourneys on the website KoBulChess, so taking one more judging is really impressive! Diyan, we’ll be patient and can wait for the Award as long as needed! Have a pleasant judging!

And now all of you are very welcome to participate in Julia’sFairies-2013-III: from 01-September-2013 till 31-December-2013.
Welcome to our judge of autumn-winter period – ERIC HUBER!



This tournament was announced by the “Union of problematicists Argentina Chess (UAPA). Had three sections: 1º – H # 2 – 2º – H # 2.5-3 – 3º – H # n

There were 83 problems: H # 2 (41), H#2,5-3 (27) and H#n (15) , 46 composers of 17 countries. → Read full Award!

3-rd FIDE World Cup in Composing 2013


Reminder! The last days to submit your problems to the

3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing 2013

The International Chess Federation (FIDE), within the framework of its “Chess Composition” special project, is organising the 3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing for 2013 in eight sections.

The tournament is coordinated with the WFCC Presidium and is a part of the joint efforts by FIDE and WFCC for the popularization and development of chess composition worldwide. →Read more…

The closing date is September 1st, 2013.

Orbit 1st Fairy TT for Alphabetic Chess Help-play probems


Orbit 1st Fairy TT for Alphabetic Chess Help-play problems

One month left before closing! Requested are helpmates or series-helpmates in any number of moves, no zero-position, no fairy pieces, optionally one of the conditions Circe, Madrasi or PWC may be used in addition to ABC.
Problems must be computer-tested by Popeye or WinChloe.
The judge is Michael McDowell, problems are to be sent to Pierre Tritten’s Orbit address: pt.orbit@yahoo.fr until 30/09/13.

Announcements of “The Macedonian Problemist”

ANNOUNCEMENTS OF macedonian-problemist

The Macedonian Problemist announces its informal tourneys for 2013 in the following sections:

  • 2# – judge: Zoran Gavrilovski 
  • 3#-n – judge: Zlatko Mihajloski 
  • s2-n# – judge: Predrag Žuvi?
  • h2# – judge: Živko Janevski 
  • h3#-hn# – judge: Nikola Stolev 
  • fairy – judge: Hans Gruber 

Send to: Zoran Gavrilovski, p. fah 137, MK-1001 Skopje, Macedonia; e-mail: mprobl@yahoo.com


The Macedonian Problemist announces a formal jubilee tourney for h#2s to mark the 60th birthday of its regular contributor Živko Janevski (born on 4 August 1953), Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Compositions, International Judge of the FIDE for Chess Compositions, the leading Macedonian problemist in the last several decades and one of the world’s best and most successful composers (4th on the total FIDE Album points list up to the 2004-2006 Album). ?Read more… (click to show/hide)


Composers are invited to submit their originals (free themes) for TMP – tL 2013 in four sections – #2 (judge: Juraj Brabec), #3 (Zlatko Mihajloski), h#2-3 (judge: Nikola Stolev) and s#2-6 (judge: Živko Janevski). The awards will be published in 2013.

Please send original problems to: Zoran Gavrilovski, P. fah 137, Skopje MK-1001, Macedonia, mprobl@yahoo.com by 1.9.2013.

feenschach 72nd TT

feenschachlogo Announcement of the 72nd feenschach TT

Required are series help-selfmate move-length records with 5-24 (or more) units (legal position and no promoted force). Series help-selfmates exceeding the current overall length record of 196 moves with promoted force (legal position) are also welcome! Closing date is December 31st 2013. Entries should be sent to the tournament director Thomas Brand, preferably via email. All entries that are length records for the different numbers of total normal force will be published in one of the first feenschach 2014 issues. Books or brochures prizes are offered as a reward to all tournament participants who send at least one actual length record if the total number of such records from all tournament participants is equal or exceeds the total number of records submitted by Arno Tüngler!

See full announcement with examples at http://www.feenschach.de/downloads/f72TT.pdf !