Dear Friends,
First of all, I wish you a happy and successful year 2016! As always, you’re very welcome here, on JF!
The second informal tournament of the previous year – JF-2015/II – has finished on the 31st of December, 2015 with 128 published problems (excluding versions and Retro&PG problems). Thanks a lot to all participants and to the judge, Ofer Comay, for his future work!
The year 2016 will be also split into two informal tourneys for fairy problems:
I – January-June, II – July-December.
You’re welcome to participate in the first informal tournament of this year – JF-2016/I, January-June!
I always try to publish your problems as soon as I can. Hopefully, in 1-2 days. But at some periods I really get too many of your works, and I’d like you to know that in such cases I give a priority to either the problems I consider as more interesting or to the new authors or those authors who has less of publications on JF.
I’m happy to announce the judge of this period – Petko A. Petkov – International Judge, GM in composition, famous fairy composer and a leader in the world rank list with 454.25 points in the FIDE Albums. Till now, Petko has judged four JF’s thematic competitions and was also one of the strongest and active authors on JF. This time I’m grateful to Petko for taking one more job, although, loosing him as an author for this period. Warm welcome to Petko!
Good luck to all of us in 2016! – Julia