My first Congress is over several days ago, but half of my soul is still there, in Ostróda…
My first intention was to write about the facts and things happened, but in reality during the Congress I had no time for posting anything, and now all facts are already known. I’ll share just a little of emotions here.
It was amazing to meet so many famous people face to face, in so short time! I was a bit confused as I couldn’t remember everybody from the first meeting as I wished.. Name badges weren’t used for this Congress, so all I could do was asking Latvian delegate, Ilja Ketris, who is who. 🙂 Of course, it was great pleasure for me to see that most of people know me, and to hear so many warm and kind words! –> read more
I thought, I have enough time, as have to concentrate “just” on composing, judging, and meeting people. No, time was absolutely not enough, the days ran so quickly that I couldn’t believe on Friday, that the week is over.
I thought, it’s not so interesting to go for the Congress to some small town as Ostróda is. I’ve changed my mind on the very first day. It was so nice to walk along the lake in the mornings and late evenings… Blue water, blue sky, some “half-neutral” birds 🙂 – black with white heads.. and bright stars at nights.. calm and warm.. Half an hour on that nature gave some more energy to continue the work.
The organizers, Polish team, met us so warmly, and took so much care of us during all the event! The gifts and a late dinner on arrival was a pleasant surprise.
I was too busy with my first judging, and had to spend most of the days in the room, analyzing problems. I never went to sleep before 2am, had to skip the excursion and on Friday’s night stayed up till 4am finishing the Award. The both feelings, excitement and fear about the first Award, the ceremony, the speech, kept me awaken. Only yesterday’s evening I felt how much I’m tired and sleepy.
The Composing prize giving ceremony. Nothing compares with the feeling of being a prize winner there! Much more strong to compare with getting the results by email sitting at home. I had a wish to sing and jump! 🙂 But seriously, it’s a great motivation to do my best to be among the winners the next time again.
I felt so sad on Saturday that everything is over! And my eyes were full of tears during the first hours of driving back.. But after all, I have a strong feeling that I wish to go to the next Congress a lot (40th WCSC and 59th WCCC will be held in Belgrade, July 30th – August 6th, 2016) – to meet all people again, to run a tournament, to be happy for all prize winners on the ceremony, to compose and to hope for the best! Thanks to all who have been there!