JF Original Problems | November, 2023
The judge of JF-2023: K. Seetharaman
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2023-2024: Thierry Le Gleuher

JF’s waiting list (to be published in December):
Received in October-November: Gábor Tar, Brian D. Stephenson & Jacques Rotenberg, Michael Barth, Sergey Smotrov.
I would like to remind that I give a priority to the problems I can publish faster, so please consider either using the submission form or to provide all required information in your email sending.
The order of publication might be not the same as in the waiting list: the problems correctly sent using the submission form, easy to test and to animate, C+, without additional questions to composers will go first.
- (29.11) No.1787 (hs#4 duplex; Superguards) – Vlaicu Crişan. “A Wenigsteiner with SuperGuards” (Author)
- (29.11) No.1786 (#3 ; Grasshopper, Nightrider ; AntiCirce Cheylan, BlackMustCapture) – Aliaksandr Bulauka. Two triplets of black promotions.
- (29.11) No.1785 (hs#4) – ‘Robert Sharp‘. “Double battery transformation” (Author).
- (29.11) No.1771.1 (pser-s#9 ; AntiCirce) – Kjell Widlert & Arno Tüngler. “To my astonishment, my old friend Arno found that a fourth corner-to-corner move can be added to my 1771 at very little extra cost.” (K.W.)
- (29.11) No.1784 (hdp=3.5) – James Malcom & Andrew Buchanan. Help dead position (hdp). “Testing DP & particularly hdp problems has been notoriously challenging. After 20 years of wandering around in the dark….” (Authors)
- (29.11) No.1783 (h#2 ; Shrinking Men) – Andreas Thoma. “Dedicated to Bernd Gräfrath on his 65th birthday” (Author)
- (29.11) No.1782 (PG 11 ; Chess960 + #Colour) – Paul Rãican. “This version seems sound. The last 8 moves was actually checked.” (Author)
- (12.11) No.1781 (hs#4) – Nikola Petković. Exchange of functions and something more on the same square.
- (12.11) No.1780 (hs#3.5) – Menachem Witztum. Enjoy some solving! 🙂
- (12.11) No.1779 (h#2 ; SeriesCapture) – Menachem Witztum & Ricardo de Mattos Vieira. Warm welcome to Ricardo!
- (05.11) No.1778 (h#2 ; PAO, Grasshopper, Camel) – Hiroaki Maeshima – “Inspired by Stefan Milewski-80 JT’s Theme ‘Mate by a pinned piece.’ ” (Author)
- (05.11) No.1777 (h#2 ; VAO, PAO, NAO) – Georgy Evseev & Boris Shorokhov – “Dedicated to 21st Tzuica TT” (Authors
- (05.11) No.1776 (=2) – Gerhard Maleika.
- (05.11) No.1775 (s#6 ; Grasshopper ; Maximummer) – Henri Nouguier.
- (05.11) No.1774 (h#7 ; Horizontal cylinder) – Ya’aqov Mintz & Hans Gruber – “This is one of our joint compositions with which we are investigating possibilities to create an AUW on cylindrical boards.” (Authors)
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson