Site Updates-221212

Site Updates-221212

Updates as of 18-22.Dec, 2012:

  • (22.12) Welcome, welcome to Ján Golha, Slovakia! Ján is not only a well known Slovakian composer, but also an editor of very popular website! So, I’m very happy to be able to publish his problem! See Miniature-Aristocrat – No.198 !
  • (22.12) Peter Harris often surprises me with his ideas, but these 3 problems are even more unusual! See No.195, 196, 197 ! Thank you, Peter
  • (21.12) It’s always nice to get problems from our active commentators! Please see No.194 by Paul Răican! Thank you, Paul, for your activity! 
  • (20.12) Happy to show you a joint problem by two authors – Alain BIÉNABE & Sébastien LUCE, No.193 – and to welcome a new author – Sébastien LUCE, France! Thanks to the authors!! 
  • (19.12) And now I have no doubts we’ll have 200 problems by the end of year! – I’ve a pleasure to present you 4(!!) problems by Peter Harris – all different, all complicated! See them all – No.189,190,191,192! Thank you for support, Peter!!
  • (18.12) I’ve a pleasure to show you a joint problem by two Hungarian authors – see No.188 by Tibor Érsek & János Mikitovics! This problem is also quite complicated! Thanks a lot to the authors!
  • (18.12) See a complicated (as always!) problem by Peter Harris – No.187! Thank you, Peter, for coming again and again with your new problems, and for your support! I have to count who from us has more problems here – either Peter or myself! 🙂 

(18.12) Will  we have 200 problems here by the end of year??

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. 

Your original problems are very welcome!!

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shankar ram
shankar ram
December 19, 2012 12:53

I’m sure.. I already predicted it when 100 was crossed.. 🙂
>>Will we have 200 problems here by the end of year??

December 19, 2012 16:25
Reply to  shankar ram

It may be 200 already taking into account the originals in the articles and the improved versions !!

December 19, 2012 17:38
Reply to  Julia

I was not talking about the future work. I was merely mentioning that the count needs reverification 🙂

I presume that the question, whether to publish more than 200 is should wait for our Judge’s response !

Kostas Prentos
Kostas Prentos
December 21, 2012 01:36
Reply to  seetharaman

Regardless of the exact number of originals, the judge’s work will be enormous. Especially, since the level of the competition appears to be high. If such numbers are achieved in less than a year, in the beginning of this site, one may expect almost twice as many originals for the next year.
A suggestion might be to break the tourney into two or more pieces, either chronologically (e.g. January-June and July-December) or according to the type of problems published (e.g. directmates, helpmates, helpselfmates), and have two or more judges do all the work.

Juraj Lörinc
December 21, 2012 09:33
Reply to  Kostas Prentos

This is really advisable for 2013.
Breaking by types of problems published is better in my view as it also helps judge.

Diyan Kostadinov
Diyan Kostadinov
December 21, 2012 14:19
Reply to  Julia

“How to break the tourney into 2,3 parts, because there are so many entries…” A dream question for all editors – so I congratulate you for your success Julia!

I remember when I was a judge of Fairy tourney for the first time some years ago – there were more than 100 entries and it was a hard work… I decided to split the tourney in 2 sections: problems without fairy pieces and problems with fairy pieces. This looks logical. Even now the Fairy Originals section of Strate Gems is like that. The problem is where should be the compositions with the condition KoBul Kings – probably in Fairy pieces section?

Of course another logical way is the tourney to be split for problems with fairy conditions and problems without fairy conditions.

Actually I think that some of the pointed methods above should be done even for FIDE Albums – It is not normal Helpmates to be with separated sections (H#2 and H#n), but all Fairies to be collect together. This genre is very rich now. What is the opinion of another composers about that?

I think Mr. Shankar Ram have to take this decision now, but for the next year the sections should be announced from the beginning.

Of course the another way of breaking the tourney in 4 or 6 months period is also acceptable (as in Orbit magazine for H# section).

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