Quick Composing TT-121

superproblem-ru-logoQuick Composing TT-121 is announced – 20-09-2014

Tourney name: “A single unit gives mate by double check”
Stipulation: fairies
Theme: The double check may be given by a fairy piece such as Double-Grasshopper (or DG family such as Double-Rookhopper, Double-Bishopper), Rose (or Rose family), Spider, Reflecting Bishop (or Reflecting family), Moose, Sparrow, Ubi-Ubi… The double check may also be the effect of a fairy condition.
All stipulations, fairy pieces and fairy conditions are allowed.
Judges: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber.
Closing date: October 20, 2014
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail: alex_rox@mail.ru
All received problems will be presented to the judges in anonymous form.
Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru
Download the announcement in English [pdf, 69 KB]

Arnold Beine 60 JT

schwalbe-logoArnold Beine 60 JT

= 216th TT of Die Schwalbe

On the occasion of the 60th birthday of its fairy-editor Arnold Beine Die Schwalbe announces a TT.

Theme: Required are problems with one of the following stipulations: #/=, h#/h=, s#/s=, r#/r=, hs#/hs= in 2 – n moves with Annan Сhess and neutral pieces. At least one neutral piece stands on or moves to a square between a white (or neutral) and a black (or neutral) piece, where it causes an Annanchess-effect for both sides; both effects play a certain role within the solution. Fairy pieces are permitted, but no other fairy-conditions. All entries must be tested by Popeye (version 4.63 or higher). →Read more…

Judge: Franz Pachl. For prizewinners there is a prize fond up to 300 Euro.
Entries until 31.12.2014 to the tourney director Arnold Beine, Grund 15, 65366 Geisenheim; arnold.beine@web.de

Hanspeter Suwe 65 Jubilee Tourney


There is a new closing date for the Hanspeter Suwe 65 Jubilee Tourney (joint 215th Theme Tourney of Die Schwalbe and 73rd Theme Tourney of feenschach): Please send your contribution until December 31, 2014 to Thomas Brand (t.brand@gmx.net). Theme definition can be found at:
http://www.feenschach.de/downloads/suwe65-jt.pdf or  http://www.dieschwalbe.de/kompositionsturniere.htm.

4th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2015 (C 15.1.2015)

FIDE-logoThe International Chess Federation (FIDE), within the framework of its “Chess Composition” special project, is organizing the 4th FIDE World Cup in Composing for 2015 in eight sections.

The tournament is coordinated with the WFCC Presidium and is a part of the joint efforts by FIDE and WFCC for the popularization and development of chess composition worldwide.

Karol Mlynka 70 JT – fairies

KMlynka70JT-aw“First of all, I would like to thank all those who published the information on my jubilee tournament and, of course, the participants for their high quality contributions. Although the announcement had allowed any kind of chess composition and any stipulations, only twomovers with cyclic change of defensive motifs were submitted. Not even a single problem did come on the theme change of harmful effects. Much to my regret, there were no threemovers or selfmates. The participants were not numerous but can be counted among the finest chess composers, as reflected in the award itself.” → Read more..

57th WCCC – 12 th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

Berne, Switzerland August 23-30, 2014
12th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

Judges: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber (Romania)
Theme: Help-selfmates (hs#n) with at least two solutions featuring mate by double check.

Please send entries to Eric Huber by e-mail at hubereric@yahoo.fr until August 24th, or during Congress to the Romanian delegate Dinu-Ioan Nicula until Wednesday, August 27th, 8 p.m.  →See full announcement in PDF!

Italy – Israel Friendly Match in Chess Problem Composition

Castel del Monte Andria-small

Italy – Israel Friendly Match
in Chess Problem Composition

jerusalem Peace Monument

We are delighted to announce the friendly match between our countries. The match will be in three sections:
A) Mate in 2 moves; B) Helpmate in 2.5 or 3 moves; C) Fairy problems

Details on the themes for each section and judges names are included in the annex of the Announcement.

Tourney organizers and country captains:
Antonio Garopalo – Italy
Evgeny Bourd & Shaul Shamir – Israel
The tourney director will be Julia Vysotska – Latvia

Wishing success to everyone
Antonio Garofalo
Evgeny Bourd
Shaul Shamir

ĽUDO LEHEN MT C 31.12.2014

ludo-lehenĽUDO LEHEN MT C 31.12.2014

Slovak Organisation for Chess Composition announces an international tourney for fairy twomovers (with any fairy units or/and fairy conditions). Entries are to be sent to brabec@brabec.sk or by post to Juraj Brabec, Svetlá 1, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia. Closing date: 31 December 2014. The judge is Vasyl Dyachuk.

Slovenská organizácia kompozičného šachu vypisuje medzinárodný turnaj v skladaní exodvojťažiek, venovaný pamiatke zosnulého slovenského skladateľa Ľuda Lehena. Prípustné sú ľubovoľné druhy exokamenov, ako aj rôzne druhy exošachov. Zasielacia lehota 31.12. 2014. Skladby posielajte v elektronickej podobe na adresu: brabec@brabec.sk alebo obyčajnou poštou na adresu Juraj Brabec, Svetlá 1, 811 02 Bratislava. Rozhodcom súťaže je Vasyľ Ďačuk.