Originals 01-110217



Original Problems


1-11th of February, 2017

Dear authors and visitors, please use “Like”  button under the diagram if you like the problem published!

  • (11.02) No.1188 – Michael Barth & Franz Pachl (h#2; Circe; Zebra; Moose). And here I’d like to welcome Michael on JF, again after about the same break of 3 years as for Francesco’s No.1187.
  • (11.02) No.1187 – Francesco Simoni (h#2; LEO; Lion; Nightrider; Contra-Grasshopper). I’m glad to welcome Francesco’s problem after almost 3 years since his previous publication on JF.
  • (07.02) No.1186 – Bruno Kampmann (#9*/#8*; Lortap; Grasshopper). Warm welcome to Bruno in Original problems section of JF!
  • (06.02) No.1185 – Erich Bartel (hs#10*; Maximummer; Circe Equipollents; White Minimummer; Grasshopper; Marguerite).
  • (04.02) No.1184 – Paul Rãican (-9 & s#1 Proca; Anti-Circe).
  • (04.02) No.1183 – Claude Beaubestre (h#2; Take&Make).
  • (01.02) No.1182 – Paul Rãican (h#3.5; Circe; Grasshopper). Inspired by No.1176, Lörinc & Novomesky.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judges of JF-2017(I) and of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018 are not appointed yet.

Invitation to Dresden: 60th WCCC & 41th WCSC

WCCC2017_logo60th WCCC & 41th WCSC

Dear all,
We proudly inform you that the official web site for the 60th WCCC /41st WCSC held in Dresden (August 05-12, 2017)  is online — please use it for information on the event and for registration.

The address is https://www.wccc2017.de

Thank you very much for your support, and see you at Dresden! ∼ Thomas Brand

WCCC Official Composing Tourney (Concurrently 222nd Schwalbe Theme Tourney)

Theme: Fairy #3 – #8 with Dresden idea:

A strong defence by one black piece is eliminated, but another, yet weaker defence by a second black piece, newly brought into play, substitutes for it. Depending on how the strong defence is eliminated there are three main types of the Dresden theme.

Judge: Jörg Kuhlmann | Closing date: Sunday, 16 July 2017, 12:00 p.m., by entering problems directly to the directors Gunter Jordan and Sven Trommler, using this mail address: tourney_wccc2017@web.de | See full announcement (PDF)

13th ECSC in Riga!

ecsc2017riga-logoThe Latvian Society for Chess Composition, in co-operation with the Riga Chess Federation, has the honor of inviting the European national teams and individual solvers to participate in the 13th European Chess Solving Championship. The event will be held from Friday, May 12th to Sunday May 14th, 2017, at the Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, in Riga.

Directors of the competitions: ECSC: Luc Palmans (Belgium), Open solving and Solving show: Vidmantas Satkus (Lithuania), Baltic Combined: Ilja Ketris (Latvia).

Please, register by March, 31st at the  ECSC 2017 Official website. See you in Riga!

Quick Composing TT-184: Rebirth square paradox

superproblem-ruQuick Composing TT-184 by SuperProblem
Tourney name: “Rebirth square paradox”

Stipulation: fairies
Theme: When rebirth of pieces applies in fairy conditions, an empty rebirth square usually means an advantage for the transported piece’s party, as it preserves the piece’s power. This tournament, however, is looking for the exceptions. It requires chess problems of any kind applying any fairy condition involving rebirth of pieces, where the vacation of a rebirth square of a piece belonging to the party which is going to fulfill the problem’s aim (e.g. white in n#/h#n or black in s#n/hs#n) means a disadvantage and/or the obstruction of such a square means an advantage for that party because of the potential rebirth (not) taking place.
All stipulations, fairy pieces and additional fairy conditions are allowed.
Judge: Klaus Wenda. Closing date: February 16, 2017
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail: alexeioganesyan@gmail.com
Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru.  Download the announcement in English [pdf, 244 KB]

Originals 12-140117



Original Problems


12-14th of January, 2017

Dear authors and visitors, please use “Like”  button under the diagram if you like the problem published!

  • (14.01) Fairings No.52 – Chris Feather, distributed by Stephen Emmerson, is added to the Articles section!
  • (14.01) No.1181.1 – Ralf Krätschmer & Franz Pachl (hs#4.5; Circe; Neutral piece) – a new version to the problem No.1181.
  • (12.01) No.1181 – Ralf Krätschmer & Franz Pachl (hs#4.5; Circe; Neutral piece).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judges of JF-2017(I) and of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018 are not appointed yet.

2. Retroblog Thematurnier – C16.04.2017

2retroblog-ex12. Retroblog Thematurnier 25.12.2016 – 16.04.2017

Stipulated are Proca defensive retractors with Anticirce Cheylan condition showing following theme: In a selfmate the squares at 8th row are occupied in a way that the mating move is only possible by Pawn capture to the first row (thus a specific modafinil promotion). (It is not a dual, if a Pawn may promote to different pieces or more than one Pawn may promote.) ?See the Announcement (PDF)

Controller: Thomas Brand t.brand@gmx.net | Judge: Andreas Thoma | Closing date: 16. April 2017 | Prizes: books

Black Retro „Duals“ by Günther Weeth

Black Retro „Duals“
by Günther Weeth, Stuttgart

Even after more than a century of the composition of retro problems we are confronted with a certain problem, strange as it might appear to most of us. It shows off when it comes to the evaluation of defensive retractors.

Some retro experts strictly representing no other style than the classical orthodox one, thus being exclusively committed with the aesthetic demands of help retro play sometimes seem to be mistaken when it comes to evaluate defensive retractors. Every now and then you may come across their verdict on black retro moves obviously being ambiguous… → see the whole article

Originals 02-030117 & Likes!



Original Problems


2-3rd of January, 2017

A new feature – Likes!

Dear authors and visitors, I’m happy to welcome you on JF in the New Year 2017! Thinking about how much authors are interested in any feedback (well, the editor is interested in it too! 🙂 ), this year I’ve decided to add a “Like” button for JF’s publications. […]

  • (03.01) No.1180 – James Quah (#2; Quintessence).
  • (02.01) No.1179 – Michal Dragoun (hs#4.5).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judges of JF-2017(I) and of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018 are not appointed yet.