The Final Award in TT-216 (The Magic Wonder Masand Chess, fairies)


Dear chess friends!

The Final Award in TT-216 (The Magic Wonder Masand Chess, fairies) has been published:

There are no changes compared to the provisional award. Please, check the correctness of names, positions and solutions. We thank all participants of the tourney and congratulate the Prize winners! Best wishes – Aleksey Oganesjan

Award JF-2016/I by Petko Petkov

Dear authors and readers,

For those of you who are not sleeping yet I’ve prepared  something special for this night – to read or to celebrate! With the gratitude to the judge, IGM Petko Petkov, for his enthusiastic and tremendous work to make this Award (among some more others) ready before the end of 3-years cycle!


For polishing English I’m very thankfull to Stephen Emmerson, who was so kind to offer me his help, and who’s nice style of writing we all can enjoy now.


Congratulations to the winners! Sincerely glad for all of you! Wishing you to be the same successful in the New Year 2019!
And.. of course, your best works are always welcome on JF! – Julia

WCO 2018 – Batumi, Fairy Award


From the tournament director I received 41 originals by 23 authors from 10 countries.
There was no limit to the number of problems an author could send (a novelty for this tournament!). This fact does not bother me. However, I would suggest in the future that in such cases a maximum of 2 or 3 problems in a section must be set.
I’m glad to say that the level of the competition is very high! This assessment, of course, applies in the highest degree to the problems awarded with prizes.
I express my gratitude to problem-friend Geoff Foster for the English version of my text!

→The Award in PDF


Quick Composing TT-216 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “The Magic Wonder Masand Chess
Stipulation: sections – А) #2-6, s#2-6, r#2-6; B) h#2-6; C) hs#2-6. In all sections, instead a stipulation “mate” (#), following stipulations are allowed: “stalemate” (=) and “double stalemate” (==).
Theme:  fairy problem with the condition Masand: “When a piece X by its move gives direct check, all pieces of the same color which are controlled by X, and all pieces of opposite color which are attacked by X, change color (except kings). A Rook, changed color in a corner, can participate in castling”. Fairy pieces and another fairy conditions are not allowed. In all sections multiple solutions are allowed if all the solutions are thematic. Twins of any type are allowed. Zero-positions are not allowed. Only problems tested by the program which supports the Masand condition (Popeye or WinChloe) can be accepted for the tourney. Each participant should indicate by what program his problem was tested. Depending on the amount and quality of the entries, there may be one award for all stipulations, or separate awards for different stipulations.
Judge: Petko Petkov | Closing date: October 15, 2018 | Download the announcement in English
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail: All received problems will be presented to the judge in anonymous form. Award will be published in 2018 on the website

Informal tourneys by Sinfonie Scacchistiche 2019

The official A.P.I. Magazine is organizing an informal composition Tourney for 2019 in sections:
Two-moves [≠2] : Valerio AGOSTINI (Italy)
n-moves [≠n] : Grigory ATAYANTS (Russia)
Helpmate 2 moves [H≠2] : Francesco SIMONI (Italy)
Helpmate n-moves [H≠n] : Antonio GAROFALO (Italy) | Selfmate n-moves [S≠] : Stephen TAYLOR (England)
Section studies [win/draw] : Marco CAMPIOLI (Italy) | MTy Marino BORTOLOTTI
HS≠ n-moves [HS≠2-6] : Eric HUBER (Romania), Vlaicu CRISAN (Romania) | Retro : Marco BONAVOGLIA (Italy)

The deadline: 30/09/2019
The originals have to be sent to the director Valerio AGOSTINI only by e-mail. The problems will be published in the magazine: every composer will receive the copies of the publications and the awards (PDF version). It’s mandatory the declaration of the computer control (C+) of Popeye, WinChloe, Alybadix or others, for every problems (not for studies, of course).

The memories of 61st WCCC in Ohrid

Getting back into my daily work after a week on a beautiful Ohrid lake… 

These are the words I’ve heard from the congress participants: “one of the best congresses”, “absolutely wonderful place”, “much over my expectations”, “who could have expected it?..”  etc… And I shared such emotions very much, initially having no special expectations, more like doubts about going to the little town of the unknown far away country.. but! what a beautiful place it was! Thinking later how the nice warm place, friendly people around, old town on the hill covered with the flowers, ancient churches, blue lake surrounded by the mountains, tasty food, live music… it all easily covers all little imperfections in organization 🙂

Yes, I’d say it was very fairy congress, but not only because of the paradise-like place..  Oh, no, the most amazing were the organizers! Absolutely invisible men! Reminded me René J. Millour’s 1st Prize winner, No.838, although Rene had 11 Invisibles, but we had only 2, still much more complicated to find! 

Well, the serious or practical part of the event is already covered more or less in the recent posts at And I’ll put some more photos to the 42nd WCSC page soon. But here would gladly share the album I have, free to download if anybody is willing to.

Fairy informal tourneys in the frame of the 61st WCCC:

Murfatlar Tourney for fairy PGs (WCCC2018)

Murfatlar Tourney for fairy proof games

Theme: Proof games with Berolina Pawns are required. The genre can be combined with another genre, but fairy pieces are not accepted.
Prizes: bottles of Murfatlar, an appreciated Romanian wine | Details: In PDF document
Send entries by email until September 3rd to Paul Rãican, at (or to him personally during Congress).

16th Romanian Tzuica Tourney (WCCC2018)

16th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

Theme: hs#n/hs=n, at least 3 (stale)mates on the same square
Scope: Any fairy piece and/or condition are allowed
Judges: Vlaicu Crisan & Eric Huber | Prizes: Bottles of Tzuica | Details: In PDF document
Audience: The tourney is open to everyone, but only congress participants can receive bottles.
Deadline: September 5th around 8 p.m. to Dinu-Ioan Nicula, or by email until September 2nd to Eric Huber


The Preliminary Award of the Jubilee Tourney
Dinu-Ioan Nicula – 50

The tourney held in the frames of XIII Belgrade Problem Chess Festival 2018, as a part of Belgrade Internet Tourney 2018: Group C – fairy h#2, Lortap chess with fairy piece Locust.

…There were 36 entries, of 24 authors/pairs of authors, from 14 countries. Being very satisfied of the problems’ level, but also keeping into regard that it is a special occasion, I have decided to give awards to half of them! (Dinu-Ioan Nicula)

Prize winners:
1st and 2nd Prize – Petko Petkov, 3rd Prize – Juraj Lörinc, 4th Prize – S.K. Balasubramanian & Vlaicu Crisan, 5th Prize – Hubert Gockel.