18th Romanian Tzuica Tourney – C 7.10.2020

18th Romanian Tzuica Tourney
Judges: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber (Romania)

Theme: Helpself compositions (hs#n/hs=n) with at least 2 solutions showing the Schnoebelen theme.  This year’s tourney is dedicated to Guy Sobrecases.

Please take in consideration the following definitions:
1. In a help-selfmate problem in ‘n’ moves (denoted hs#n), White starts and Black collaborates with White in order to reach a position of s#1 (selfmate in one move) at move ‘n’ (the last move). Helpselfstalemates are also accepted.
2. Schnoebelen theme: A promoted unit, which has not played after its promotion, is captured on its promotion square.

  • Problems with twins or zeroposition are allowed.
  • All fairy pieces and conditions are accepted, provided that the problem is checked by a known solving program.
  • Annoucement in PDF

Prizes: bottles of Tzuica, hopefully deliverable during 2021 WCCC. The tourney is open worldwide, however the prizes will be for 2021 congress participants only.

Deadline: October 7th, 8 p.m | Send to: Eric Huber, hubereric@yahoo.fr

Composing Tournaments of the RIFACE 2020, C13.07.2020

The 41st RIFACE 2020 (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place at Dardilly (Lyon), July 11-14, 2020.

Themes of composing tournaments:

Thème aidés.pdf | Thème féerique.pdf | Thème rétro.pdf

Address to send the entries : RIFACE.2020@gmail.com for Helpmates and Fairies problems ; abrobecker@yahoo.com for retro problems
Time limit to send the entries : Monday 13th July
 at 15:00

DANKA PETKOVA – 100 MT 2020 (C15.11.2020)


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Danka Petkova (1920-1993), mother and first chess teacher of the Bulgarian composer Petko Petkov, the grandmaster organises an International thematic tournament “Danka Petkova 100 M.T. 2020”.

The tournament will be held in three sections:

a) Direct mates in 2-4 moves.
b) Helpmates (stalemates, double ==) in 2-4 moves with at least two phases

(2 or more solutions, set play and solution, twins but no zeropositions.).
c) HS# (=, ==) in 2-4 moves with at least two phases.

The theme in each section is free , but with the obligatory use of at least one of the new Bul (Bulgarian) fairy pieces invented by Petko Petkov: Bul Grasshopper, Bul Lion, Bul PAO, Bul VAO. The colour of these 4 pieces can be white, black, neutral or semi-neutral. Also allowed are Royal pieces of Bul type. The usual kinds of G,LI, PAO and VAO are not allowed. No other fairy pieces or fairy conditions are allowed.

Originals must be sent to the organiser GM Petko Petkov: ppetkov2702@gmail.com no later than November 15th, 2020
The results will be published by the end of 2020 | Prizes: books by Petko Petkov | Examples and details  in PDF announcement.


~ ~ ~   60 Jubilees!  ~ ~ ~ 

Judge: Francesco Simoni (Italy)
Judge: Petko A. Petkov (Bulgaria)

Judge: Paz Einat (Israel)
Helpmates in 3,5 or more moves showing the Perpetuum mobile theme are required. By making the key, a new problem comes out, which is solved by returning the key piece to the starting square. In addition…. -> Are required Helpselfmate (HS≠) in n moves with any kind of cyclic play; all fairy pieces and conditions are allowed. The problems must be cheked (C+) by any known solving program.  Are required ≠2, free theme. Fairy pieces or conditions are not allowed. 

All problems will be submitted to the judge anonymously. Deadline 31/12/2020.
Send originals by e-mail to the tournament director Antonio Garofalo: perseus@bestproblems.it

See examples in the PDF announcement (English and Italian).

229th theme tourney of the Schwalbe

schwalbe-logo229th theme tourney of the Schwalbe

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of Franz Pachl,
the Schwalbe announces a THEME TOURNEY.

Required are helpselfmates in 2-4 moves where the mating move is performed by a neutral piece (not by a semi-neutral one!). Fairy pieces and conditions are allowed. Twins (including zero positions) and multiple solutions are allowed, but all phases must be thematic.
Tourney director: Rainer Kuhn, e-mail: rainer.kuhn@web.de | Judge: Franz Pachl (Ludwigshafen) | Prize money: 200 €
Closing date: July 08, 2020 (postmark or date of email) | The award will be published in the February issue of Die Schwalbe 2021.



The Romanian magazine Componist-Buletin Problemistic is announcing the Memorial Tournament dedicated to Anatole F. Ianovcic, in order to commemorate 35 years from his passing away.

The tourney is for direct problems with mate in 2 moves, containing at least one grasshopper and/or at least one nightrider (other fairy pieces/conditions are not allowed), showing the Ianovcic theme: in the initial position, two black pieces A and B are half-pinned; after the key, a white line-piece C (= Q, R, B, G, N) is pinned by B (it could be already pinned); in the thematic variation, A plays, self-pinning B and, due to a black interference, allows C to give mate with a Pelle move (a move on the pin-line).

Entries should be sent until November 1st 2020, at the tournament director Dinu-Ioan Nicula, e-mail: nicudin004@yahoo.com
Announcement with examples in PDF | Prizes in chess literature.

“Pata morgana” – Quick TT-240 by SuperProblem


Quick Composing TT-240 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “Pata morgana
Stipulation: =N, ser-=N, h=N.5, hs=N.5, ser-hs=N
Theme: in a diagram position of =N, ser-=N, h=N.5 (hs=N.5, ser-hs=N) problem, Black (White) is stalemated. But White (Black) begins a play and, due to absence of waiting moves, he is forced to destroy this stalemate.
In solution, a structure of final stalemate can be the same or different compare to the one in the diagram position.
Any kinds of twins are allowed if its are thematic. Fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed.
Depending on quantity and quality of sent problems, the judge can divided an award into several subsections or, vice versa, can combine several sections into the one.
Judge: Aleksey Oganesjan. | Closing date: May 7, 2020 Download the announcement (pdf, 220 KB)
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail: alexeioganesyan@gmail.com
Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru

Munich Fairy Chess Tourney 2020 – С10.10.2020

Announcement Munich Fairy Chess Tourney 2020

h#2 Point Reflection

The mpk-Blätter announce the Munich Fairy Tourney 2020 in two sections:
A) h#2 with the fairy condition Point Reflection
B) h#2 with the fairy condition Point Reflection plus one of the conditions Circe or Anticirce

The theme is free. Fairy pieces and/or further fairy conditions are not accepted. Problems in more than one phase are allowed, whether with set play, multiple solutions, twinnings or some combination of those methods.

In the case of low participation, the judge reserves the right to merge both sections into one single award.

Judge: Thomas Brand | Tournament director: Rolf Kohring | Closing date: October 10th, 2020 | Announcement in PDF

Submissions should be sent to mpk-blaetter@gmx.de (preferred) or Rolf Kohring, Bolkamer Straße 5a, D-83104 Tuntenhausen, Germany. The definition of the fairy condition Point Reflection can be looked up in the fairy chess lexicon of  ’Schwalbe’ as well as in the award of the 19. Sake tourney at WCCC 2019 

“Full-length reflex defense” – Quick TT-238 by SuperProblem


Quick Composing TT-238 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “Full-length reflex defense
Stipulation: r#n (n>=3)
Theme: required to compose Reflexmate in 3-n moves with:
– full-length threat, i. e. with the threat that ends with a mate to White King on n-th Black move exactly;
– at least one “full-length reflex defense”, i. e. with at least one variation that defenses from the threat and has a White try that starts on 2nd move and ends with a mate to Black King on nth White move exactly. At that, in this try 2nd, 3rd, … and (n-1)-th White moves must coincide with the same ones in the full-length threat.
Any kinds of twins are not allowed. Fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed.
Judge: Miodrag Mladenović. | Closing date: March 19, 2020 | Download the announcement (pdf, 228 KB)
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail: alexeioganesyan@gmail.com
All received problems will be presented to the judge in anonymous form.
Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru

Sergey Smotrov 50JT

Jubilee tourney “Sergey Smotrov – 50”

Stipulation: s#12-N
Theme: logical selfmate in 12 or more moves.
Both orthodox selfmates and selfmates with any quantity of fairy pieces and/or conditions are allowed. Depending on quantity and quality of sent problems, the judge can divided an award into several subsections or, vice versa, can combine several sections into the one.
Judge: Sergey Smotrov | Send entries to the judge sergsmotrov@yandex.ru | Closing date: February 4th, 2020
Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru