18th Romanian Tzuica Tourney
Judges: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber (Romania)
Theme: Helpself compositions (hs#n/hs=n) with at least 2 solutions showing the Schnoebelen theme. This year’s tourney is dedicated to Guy Sobrecases.
Please take in consideration the following definitions:
1. In a help-selfmate problem in ‘n’ moves (denoted hs#n), White starts and Black collaborates with White in order to reach a position of s#1 (selfmate in one move) at move ‘n’ (the last move). Helpselfstalemates are also accepted.
2. Schnoebelen theme: A promoted unit, which has not played after its promotion, is captured on its promotion square.
- Problems with twins or zeroposition are allowed.
- All fairy pieces and conditions are accepted, provided that the problem is checked by a known solving program.
- Annoucement in PDF
Prizes: bottles of Tzuica, hopefully deliverable during 2021 WCCC. The tourney is open worldwide, however the prizes will be for 2021 congress participants only.
Deadline: October 7th, 8 p.m | Send to: Eric Huber, hubereric@yahoo.fr