Originals December 2020

Originals December 2020

JF Original Problems | December, 2020

The judge of JF-2020/II: Hans Gruber.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021 !
My very best wishes to everybody!

(19.12.) Julia’s illness is over! ⇒

  • (31.12) No.1577 (#2 ; PAO, VAO, NAO, RAO, Chinese Camelrider) Jean-Marc Loustau (France). “Double complete Tertiary Threat Correction (TTC), with successive corrections of thematic double threats” (Author) … and much more!
  • (31.12) No.1576 (#3 ; Mars Circe) Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (Germany). “A problem for the New Year’s Eve punch: The same solution – or not…?!” (Authors)
  • (30.12) No.1575 (hs#3) János Csák & Gábor Tar (Hungary).
  • (29.12) No.1551.2 (ser-s#22 ; Circe Rex Inclusiv) Dirk Borst (Netherlands). Correction for No.1551 & 1551.1. “This time I hope to have found a real correction (attached). Both the first and the second cook are impossible in this position. But who knows what Arno will find next!?” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1574 (hs#3.5) Vitaly Medintsev & Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia). “We have managed to implement probably a NEW idea which might be called ‘Promoted Anticipatory Grimshaw’.” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1573 (h#3 ; Take & Make, Transmuted Kings) Sergej Smotrov (Kazakhstan). “Echo mates” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1572 (h#3.5 ; Invisibles) René J. Millour (France). “In this Wenigsteiner using Invisibles, mating by castling occurs twice in a very strange way!” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1552.1 (h#2 ; Take & Make) Jacques Rotenberg & Pierre Tritten (Israel / France). An improved version to No.1552.
  • (26.12) No.1524.1 (-33 & #1 Proca ; Anti-Circe) Dmitrij Baibikov (Israel). Correction to No.1524 after comment by Bojan Bašić.
  • (26.12) No.1571 (hs#10) Torsten Linß (Germany). “Critical moves by three pieces with return to their original squares.” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1570 (hs#8.5 ; Neutral pieces ; Alphabetic Chess, PWC, Einstein Chess, Republican Chess) Michael Grushko (Israel).
  • (25.12) No.1569 (h#2.5 ; Neutral pieces ; Anti-Circe) Manfred Rittirsch (Germany). “Soul Sacrifice”
  • (25.12) No.1568 (h#2 ; Brunner Chess, Back-to-Back) Karol Mlynka (Slovakia).
  • (25.12) No.1567 (hs#4 ; Anti-Andernach, Mars Circe) Igor Kochulov (Russia). Enjoy the order of promotions!
  • (25.12) No.1566 (hs#3.5 ; LEO, NAO) Franz Pachl (Germany).
  • (25.12) No.1565 (h#2 ; Breton Adverse) Thomas Maeder (Switzerland). Glad to see Thomas on JF again, after previous publication back in 2015, No.897.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

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Manfred Rittirsch
Manfred Rittirsch
December 20, 2020 14:17

3 weeks – that sounds awful! I am VERY GLAD you recovered (and astonished that regarding your enormous and highly valuable activities it did not even show)! Now I hope you are immune against anything that might concoct stopping you!

shankar ram
shankar ram
December 21, 2020 16:37

Amen to that, Manfred! Especially now that the virus has mutated in the U.K into a faster spreading variant. (Has it been reading about our classification project, leapers evolution…? 😉 )

Last edited 4 years ago by shankar ram
andrew buchanan
andrew buchanan
December 21, 2020 21:43

Really sorry that you’ve been sick, Julia. I’d no idea. Glad you are feeling better and please take time to recover properly

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