Lennart Werner 50 JT

Jubilee Tourney Lennart Werner 50 years

To celebrate the 50th birthday of FIDE Master Lennart Werner on July 16, 2019, the Swedish Chess Problem Club and the magazine Springaren announce a jubilee tourney.

Theme: h#3–n Circe with 2 or more phases (solutions, twins, set-play) (no fairy pieces or other fairy conditions)

Closing date: May 1, 2020 | Judge: Lennart Werner | Prize fund: € 100 | Examples in PDF

Address: Rolf Uppström, rolf.uppstrom@springaren.se  | Godhemsgatan 24c, SE-41468 Göteborg, Sweden

5th Retroblog TT on Fuddled Men proofgames

5th Retroblog TT on Fuddled Men proofgames

With “Fuddled Men”, no unit can make two moves in succession. This restriction also holds for the effect on the opponent’s king.

In an article Bernd Gräfrath demonstrates this fairy condition with six original proof games, and in order to encourage the further exploration of this thematic field, the Retroblog announces a thematic tourney for proof games with Fuddled Men. Both article and announcement of the thematic tourney you will find at

Please send you entries until March 31, 2020 to me; Bernd will judge the tourney. Much fun and good luck! – Thomas Brand

“…and now it’s time for half-neutrals!” – Quick TT-232 by SuperProblem


Quick Composing TT-232 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “…and now it’s time for half-neutrals!
Stipulation: #2 (fairy)
Theme: In the initial position or after the key move of #2, there is at least one orthodox half-neutral piece in neutral phase.
The thematic half-neutral piece should play at least 4 times, in the following way:
1) it should be played by White to give at least two mates on different squares.
2) it should be played by Black to at least two different squares, leading to different mates by White.
The thematic variations can be split between phases (set play, tries, actual play, twins) but zero-positions are not allowed.
It is also allowed to use the thematic piece as front piece of a battery.
No other fairy pieces and conditions are allowed, except orthodox half-neutral pieces.
Judges: Vlaicu Crişan, Julia Vysotska, Marjan Kovačević. | Closing date: October 24, 2019 | Download the announcement in English
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail:
alexeioganesyan@gmail.com. All received problems will be presented to the judge in anonymous form. Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru.

feenschach-70 Jubilee Tourney – C29.02.2020

feenschachlogo feenschach-70 Jubilee Tourney

feenschach turns 70 this year, and so feenschach editorial team announced a Jubilee Tourney dealing with the new fairy condition make&take invented at Andernach 2019.

Stipulated are problems with the condition “make&take”. Additional fairy pieces and/or conditions will be accepted.

Closing date: February 29, 2020. | Judges: Thomas Brand, bernd ellinghoven, Hans Gruber.
Controller: Ulrich Ring – please send your contributions via email to feenschach-70@rxng.de
“Internal duals” (ambiguous paths to the capture target) should be avoided. The extent to which they reduce the value is decided by the judges on a case-by-case basis.
Prizes: feenschach subscriptions or FEE=NIX books (if still available) | Announcement in PDF in German / English.

17th TT by Phénix (C 1.04.2020)


The team of Phénix announces its 17th Thematic Tourney. Compositions of problems are requested with the Breton condition (or one of its three variations).

Breton : When a piece is captured, one piece of same nature and the same capturing camp must also disappear (if there is one). The choice of the eliminated piece is made by the captured camp. | Adverse Breton : When a piece is captured, another piece (of same nature) of the captured camp must also disappear (if there is one). | Chromatic Breton : When a piece is captured, a piece of same nature and of the capturing camp (if there is one) must change color. | Adverse Chromatic Breton : When a piece is captured, another piece of same nature and of the captured camp (if there is one) must change color.

  • Section A – directs mates. Judges : Maryan Kerhuel and Laurent Riguet
  • Section B – fairy stipulations, conditions of any kind are accepted. Judges : Éric Huber and Vlaicu Crişan

Limitation of 5 problems per author in each section. | Final date of entries is April 1st 2020 | Announcement in English | Announcement in French | The problems must be sent to the tourney Director : Laurent Riguet, travailphenix@gmail.com

The 19th Japanese Sake Tourney


The 19th Japanese Sake Tourney


  • Theme: H#2 Point Reflection. Fairy pieces and/or other fairy conditions are not allowed.
  • Definition: Point Reflection: When two pieces of any color stand on the squares which are symmetric with respect to the central point of the chessboard (eg. a1-h8, b3-g6), they exchange their roles (i.e. powers of movement). A Pawn on the first rank and its corresponding piece on the eighth rank cannot move by themselves. Only non-reflected K and R can castle, and only non-reflected Ps can make en passant. Implemented in Popeye 4.83 to be released soon.
  • Judges:  Tadashi Wakashima, Toshiki Kobayashi and Hitoshi Yanami.
  • Prizes: Bottles of Sake
  • Audience: The tourney is open to everyone, but only congress participants can receive bottles.
  • Deadline: Thursday, 22 August 2019 | Send to: tadashi@hcn.zaq.ne.jp
  • Details: In the attached PDF document

Tzuica Tourney 2019 Announcement

Dear all,
We have the great pleasure of announcing the 17th Tzuica Tourney.

Tzuica Tourney 2019


  • Theme: hs#n/hs=n, at least 3 (stale)mates by the same piece on different squares
  • Scope: Any fairy piece and/or condition are allowed
  • Judges: Vlaicu Crisan & Eric Huber
  • Prizes: Bottles of Tzuica
  • Audience: The tourney is open to everyone, but only congress participants can receive bottles.
  • Deadline: August 21st (Wednesday) 10 p.m. to any Romanian participant, or by email to Eric Huber hubereric@yahoo.fr 
  • Details: In the attached PDF document

Best wishes,
Eric Huber & Vlaicu Crisan (both attending the Congress this year!)

Composing Tournaments of the RIFACE 2019, C09.06.2019

The 40th RIFACE 2019 (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or, June 7-9, 2019.

Themes of composing tournaments:

Thème aidés.pdfThème féerique.pdfThème rétro.pdf

Address to send the entries : RIFACE.2019@gmail.com for Helpmates and Fairies problems ; abrobecker@yahoo.com for retro problems
Time limit to send the entries : Sunday 9th June
 at 15:00

“It’s time for neutral pieces” – Quick TT-222 by SuperProblem


Quick Composing TT-222 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “It’s time for neutral pieces
Stipulation: hs#3.5-N
Theme: In a diagram position of one- or multi-phases-problem hs#3.5-N, there are at least four neutral pieces. Every neutral piece should not be artificial, meaning that if any neutral piece is translated to black or white then the solution will no longer be valid, or it will have cooks, in one phase or more. Neutral King is allowed. Twins and zero-positions are allowed. Fairy pieces are allowed. Fairy conditions are not allowed. Only problems tested by the program can be accepted for the tourney. Each participant should indicate by what program his problem was tested.
Judge: Ofer Comay | Closing date: May 23, 2019 | Download the announcement in English
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail:
alexeioganesyan@gmail.com. All received problems will be presented to the judge in anonymous form. Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru.

BIT 2019, Group C (fairy!)


Belgrade Internet Tourneys, Group C – Protean Chess HS#3

The Serbian Problem Chess Society invites composers around the world to take part in the Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2019 in the frames of the 14th Belgrade Problem Chess Festival – 24-26. May 2019.

As in the previous years, there will be three groups: BIT A (#2), BITB (h#2), BIT C (Protean Chess, HS#3) with the same closing date: Tuesday, 30. April 2019

Group C will be dedicated to the memory of IGM Nenad Petrović (7.9.1907-9.11.1989), who passed away 30 years ago:
HS#3, 2 solutions, Protean Chess. No other fairy conditions or fairy pieces are allowed, except royal pieces (only one for each side!): Royal Queen (rQ), Royal Rook (rR), Royal Bishop (rB), Royal Knight (rS) and Royal Pawn (rP). These royal pieces may be present in the initial position (example 2) or may appear during the play. Royal Pawn promotions are allowed. “Supernumerary” pieces in initial position (e.g. 2 white Queens, 3 white Bishops, 3bR, 4 bS, etc…) are permitted if this form is thematically necessary for the problem.
Judge: IGM Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)

See detailed announcement (PDF) with examples, definitions of fairy terms and also competitions Group A&B.