Originals 280517



Original Problems


28th of May, 2017

  • (28.05) No.1221 – Chris Feather (h#7 ; Alphabetic Chess).
    And some more problems by Chris in the latest issue of Fairings – Fairings 54, kindly distributed by Stephen Emmerson.
  • (28.05) No.1220 – Michael Grushko (ser-h#6 ; Phantom Chess, Ghost Chess; Grasshopper, Lion).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Originals 270517



Original Problems


27th of May, 2017

  • (27.05) No.1219 – N.Shankar Ram (hs#2.5 ; Madrasi Rex Inclusive).
  • (27.05) No.1218 – S.K.Balasubramanian (h#2 ; Andernach).
  • (27.05) No.1217 – Vladimir Kozhakin (h#2 ; Anti-Take&Make).
  • (27.05) No.1216 – Hubert Gockel (#2 ; Eiffel Chess).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Formal thematic tourney with Viceking by A.P.I. – C31.12.2017

The A.P.I. organizes a formal thematic tourney in 2-4 moves with the piece called Vicekingsee description in the announcement.
Originals can be of any type (direct, helpmate, selfmate, helpselfmate, series etc. Are not allowed other types of fairy conditions and pieces). No zeropositions.
Director of tourney: Valerio AGOSTINI [valerio.agostini@gmail.com] | Judge: Antonio GAROFALO | Deadline: 31.12.2017
Originals must be sent within deadline to Director only by e-mail. The problems awarded will be published on Sinfonie Scacchistiche, which will be sent to every participant.

ECSC 2017 in Riga; break in publications…

ecsc2017riga-logoDear Friends, being one of the organizers of the 13th European Chess Solving Championship in Riga from Friday, May 12th to Sunday May 14th, I’m very much busy till the end of the event. I have to apologize for the delay in publications on JF. Please, send your original problems starting May 16th and I’ll be glad to publish them!

Of course, will continue to update WFCC website, especially during ECSC. Thank you! – Julia.

Originals 26-300417



Original Problems


26-30th of April, 2017

  • (30.04) No.1215 – György Bakcsi & Zoltán Laborczi (s=5; Black Must Capture). Warm welcome to György & Zoltán in Original problems section of JF!
    Zoltán Laborczi writes about his co-author: “György Bakcsi has always had weak eyes and now he has been completely blind for a long time, but he continues composing chess problems solely in his head.”
  • (26.04) No.1214 – Paul Rãican (phser-=82).
  • (26.04) No.1213 – Sergey Shumeiko (ser-h#6 ; Circe). Warm welcome to Sergey in Original problems section of JF!
  • (26.04) No.1212 – Peter Harris (hs#3 ; Nightrider ; Sentinels, Transmuted Kings, Anti-Circe, Isardam). Dedicated to Dirk Borst.
    Peter mentions that Probleemblad has published many of his problems, but actually he dedicates this problem to Dirk in recognition of his agreeing to be JF’s Retro judge.
    I’m grateful to Peter too, for his care about me and JF. I have to tell also, that Peter’s words reminded me I haven’t appointed a fairy judge for the current period (01.01-30.06.2017) yet. Not only because of being too overloaded this year, but also because of my own work under the award of The Problemist’s Fairy section (2014), which makes me understand too good what a big work I’m asking for inviting a judge. Maybe anybody is willing to? (JV)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2017, C23.05.2017

BIT2017-GroupCBelgrade Internet Tourneys 2017

Composing Tourneys announced for the 12th Belgrade Problem Chess Festival 26th-28th May 2017 are split into 3 groups, including fairy Group C (HS#2.5 Max) which will be judged by solvers and composers themselves, in a special Composing-Solving-Judging contest on May 26th 2017, the first day of the Festival.

Group C – HS# Max 2.5, 2 Solutions Thematic condition: Help-selfmate Max is a new condition, with the help-play before the last two half-moves, presenting S#1 Maximummer (Black has to play the geometrically longest move).

The BIT 2017 will use the method of entering originals for the tourney directly to the Mat Plus website. Composers unable to use it may send their entries by email to the Mat Plus administrator: borislav.gadjanski@gmail.com. Deadline: May 23rd 2017.

Originals 16-220417



Original Problems


16-22nd of April, 2017

  • (22.04) No.1211 – Gani Ganapathy & Juraj Lörinc (#2 ; AMU). With gratitude for the dedication to JF’s 5Y! (JV)
  • (22.04) No.1184.1 – Paul Rãican (-8 & s#1 Proca Retractor; Anti-Circe). Improved version of No.1184.
  • (17.04) No.1210 – Boris Shorokhov & Dmitri Turevski (h#5.5 ; Relegation Chess).
  • (16.04) No.1201.1 – Andrew Buchanan (h=3; C- ?). Improved version of No.1201.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

CGSN – 70: Selected Chess Compositions

cgsn70-annCGSN – 70: Selected Chess Compositions
N.Shankar Ram

This e-booklet is a small tribute to CGSN, to celebrate his 70th birthday, which was on 24-Mar-2017. The 70 compositions included here form approximately 25% of his total oeuvre. I hope my selection captures his best and delights all readers.

CGSN, C.G.S.Narayanan, Chithathur Gopalan Sathyanarayanan is one of the world’s eminent chess problem composers. His main area of interest being the orthodox 2-mover, in the modern style, with changed mates and cyclic relationships. He is also strong in the orthodox 3-mover, which he started composing in the late 90s. He also composes to a smaller extent in other areas like helpmates, selfmates and fairies. Whatever be the area, his problems are marked by excellent construction, originality, economy and good solving difficulty. He avoids the hyper modern style where the content takes priority over other aspects…