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JF-LOGO-1Now you can easily find any problem published on JF by its number. The search by other criteria, like Author, Stipulation, Fairy elements is also improved. For any entry field you can use either the whole name of the parameter, or a part of it using ‘%’ for any symbol in the beginning, end or the middle of it. The Search page is the first option under “Original Problems” top menu. Bug reports are welcome! 🙂

Originals 07-120216



Original Problems


7-12th of February, 2016

  • (12.02) No.1004.1 – Michael Grushko (ser-h#11; Circe Rex Inclusive; Castling Chess; Grasshopper). An improvement to No.1004, composed after comments.
  • (12.02) No.1005, 1006 – S.N. Ravi Shankar. C- problems as All-in Chess condition is not implemented yet: No.1005 (#4; All-in Chess; Sentinels); No.1006 (#6; All-in Chess; Relegation Chess).
  • (11.02) No.1003, 1004 – Michael Grushko. Castling Chess for the first time on JF in the both problems: No.1003 (ser-h#12; Circe Rex Inclusive; Castling Chess); No.1004 (ser-h#8; Circe Rex Inclusive; Castling Chess; Grasshopper).
  • (09.02) Fairings No.47 by Chris Feather, distributed by Stephen Emmerson, is added to the Articles section!
  • (09.02) No.1002 – Cornel Pacurar (-2 & #1 Proca Retractor; Anti-Circe Assassin). “A Proca Retractor employing, for the first time, the Anticirce Assassin condition!” (Author).
  • (07.02) No.959.2 – Ján Kovalič & Ladislav Packa (h#2; Take & Make). One more improvement to No.959. As the initial problem, No.959, relates to the previous period, JF-2015/II, I’ve agreed with the judge of it, Ofer Comay, that the improvement will be related to that period as well.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2016(I) – Petko A. PetkovThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 01-030216


J’F 1000

Original Problems


1-3rd of February, 2016

  • (03.02) No.1001 – Georgy Evseev (hs#3.5; Phantom Chess; KoBul Kings).
  • (02.02) No.1000Vlaicu Crișan (h#4.5; PWC; Contra-Grashopper; Rose-Locust). Unbelievably, we have no.1000 here, on JF, thanks to all of you, my dear authors! 
  • (01.02) No.999 – Sébastien Luce (h=5; Anti-Circe; Grashopper; Locust). A gift for Julia and her wonderful website! (Author). Published with a gratitude! (JV)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2016(I) – Petko A. PetkovThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 30-310116



Original Problems


30-31st of January, 2016

  • (31.01) No.998 – Anatoly Stepochkin (s#6; Maximummer; KoKo; Lion).
  • (31.01) No.996, 997 – Erich Bartel: No.996 (ser-=18; Circe File; Disparate); No.997 (ser-s#19; Circe Equipollents; Alphabetic Chess; Berolina Pawn).
  • (30.01) No.993, 994, 995 – Karol Mlynka: No.993 (#3; White Super-Transmuting King; Royal Nightrider-Locust); No.994 (h#2; White Super-Transmuting King; Rose); No.995 (hs=2; Circe Turncoats; Anti-Circe; White Super-Transmuting King; Royal Locust; Rook-Locust).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2016(I) – Petko A. PetkovThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Krassimir Gandev – 70 JT 2016

logo-kobulchesskrassimir-gandevKrassimir Gandev – 70 JT 2016

On 21st March 2016 the Bulgarian maestro IM Krassimir Gandev will celebrate his 70th Anniversary. The website for Chess Composition announces the “Krassimir Gandev – 70” JT 2016.

Theme: Fairy problems type #, H#, S#, HS#, =, H=, S=, HS=, ==, H=, S=, HS== in 2-4 moves and Series or Parry Series in 2-8 moves with Hurdle Colour Changing pieces. Other fairy pieces or conditions are not allowed.

Please send your entries by email: |  Deadline: 21.03.2016 | Judge: Krassimir Gandev 

The Award will be published on till 31.03.2016 |  Announcement with examples, PDF

Contacting Peter Harris?

894-phDear Friends, Editors, I need your help, please! You all might know how many problems by Peter Harris I’ve published on JF. It’s about 125, since July, 2012 (no.39) when I started to publish original problems on JF. The last mail I’ve got from Peter was on the 13th of September, 2015 with 4 problems, asking to publish the three of them dedicated to the judges first (no.890,891,892 for Vlaicu Crisan, Dmitri TurevskiKjell Widlert) and the one for me, on my birthday, a few days later  (no.894). During these three years Peter had some periods of active composing and some pauses too, but not for 4 months.. Anyway, even without a new compositions, Peter would answer my mails with Diplomas for the recently rewarded problems if he would be well, I believe. The last weeks I’ve sent some more mails to Peter and also to his email provider, Vodamail (no answer); sms-es to his phone, and tried to call him too, but there’s answering machine only. I don’t have any contacts of Peter’s friends or relatives to ask about him. Maybe anybody has? Maybe anybody has heard anything from Peter after September, 2015? I believe, we must find out what we can about Peter. Thank you! – Julia

WCCI 2013-2015: 2 days left

wfcc-logo-transparentJust 2 days left to submit your entries to  the 2013-15 WCCI. The tourney director is Dmitry Turevsky (email: Participants may submit their entries by January 20, 2016. See the list of Received entries at website.

Judges for Fairies & Retros: 

G) Fairies: Juraj Brabec (SVK), Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR), Georgy Evseev (RUS), Petko Petkov (BUL), Kjell Widlert (SWE)

H) Retros: Dmitry Baibikov (ISR), Nicolas Dupont (FRA), Andrey Frolkin (UKR), Bernd Graefrath is generic cialis just as good (GER), Kostas Prentos (GRE)

gw-JF885-retractor-articleHow to solve defensive retractors under the condition of AntiCirce

by Günther Weeth, Stuttgart

Shortly after the fabulous start of that successful story of the Proca retractor under the condition of AntiCirce Wolfgang Dittmann dealt with the question of how to approach that new type as a solver. He laid down a summary of methods that might pave the way to the solution of problems of that kind in two articles: Die Schwalbe, vol. 204, December 2003, “Lösungsstrategien im Verteidigungsrückzüger mit Anticirce-Bedingung”) and – as a supplement – in Die Schwalbe, vol. 207, June 2004 where he provides valuable information concerning the testing program “Pacemaker” established by Thomas Kolkmeyer. Since then the fairy condition of “AntiCirce” has not only stood its ground in the field of the Proca retractor but also in a wider range of retro problems. The new type has been welcomed by a small number of highly motivated solvers, even so by such solvers being somewhat reluctant to tackle it in the first two or three years of its existence. →The Article (PDF, 8 pages)

KoBulChess Informal Tourneys 2016


The website KoBulChess announces Informal Tourneys 2016 for the sections:

Twomovers (#2), the judge: Eugene Rosner (USA)

Threemovers (#3), the judge: Evgeni Bourd (Israel)

Helpmates (H#2), the judge: Shankar Ram (India)

Helpmates (H#n), the judge: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)

Selfmates (S#), the judge: Ivan Soroka (Ukraine)

Fairies, the judge: Kjell Widlert (Sweden)

The arrows of St Sebastian TT

StSebastienThe arrows of St Sebastian

The theme required : a problem with 7 pieces minimum (black, white or neutral) on the same file or diagonal, the total of pieces is free. Two pieces maximum can “touch” the shape of the arrow. All fairy piece(s), fairy condition(s) and stipulations are allowed. → See announcement with examples (PDF)

Ultimate date : 10 of February 2016 to send to Sebastien Luce (judge), by mail :

The most beautiful arrows will receive some delicious chocolates of Clichy (France) !