Proca-hoeg in one problem by Andreas Thoma

proca-articla-thoma-exProca und Høeg-Forderung in einem Problem mit der Bedingung Anticirce
von Andreas Thoma (Groß Rönnau)

Angeregt durch das Erstlingsproblem von Günther Weeth (Schwalbe 274 August 2015 Nr. 16427), das leider nebenlösig ist, entstanden die folgenden Probleme.

Fur Unterstützung bedanke ich mich bei Klaus Wenda und Olaf Jenkner herzlich.

Zunächst aber zur Erinnerung die Proca-und Høeg Definitionen im Verteidigungsruckzüger:
→ see the whole article (in German)

Originals 24-300915


24-30th of September, 2015

  • (30.09) No.910Mario Parrinello (hs#3; Kangaroo-Lion-3; PAO). The theme of Tzuica-2015 with 4 pinned pieces!
  • (30.09) No.909Stephen Emmerson (PG4.5; Back-to-Back; Plus Chess). Nice similar solutions in PG with a change of fairy condition in the twin!
    A new look of animated solutions uses functions written by Stephen Emmerson. I invite those who loves PG problems to comment if such presentation is convenient. Some old publications are also visible in this new look. Please let me know if you see any mistakes happened! I’m very grateful to Stephen!
  • (28.09) No.908Krassimir Gandev (h#2; Circe; Ibis; Berolina-Pawn; Rose). Roses in a Circe-problem!
  • (28.09) No.906, 907Kenneth Solja. Long hs# with exotic fairy pieces: No.906 (hs#16; KoeKo; Maximummer; Bison); No.907 (hs#13; KoeKo; Maximummer; Okapi).
  • (27.09) No.905Geoff Foster (h#2.5; Anti-Take&Make; Symmetry Anti-Circe; Relaxed Symmetry Anti-Circe). A very interesting difference in promotions in a strict and Relaxed Symmetry Anti-Circe!
  • (27.09) No.904Kostěj Šoulivý (h#2; Super-Circe; Eagle; Empress; Dabbabba). Super-Circe in a four-men problem.
  • (25.09) No.902, 903Erich Bartel. The important role of promotions in two different problems: No.902 (3->ser-=4; Chameleon Chess; Alphabetic Chess; Disparate PY); No.903 (h==5.5; PWC; Madrasi RI; Alphabetic Chess; Lion; Okapi; Zebra; Gnu; Bucephale).
  • (25.09) No.901Stephen Emmerson (PG4.5; Anti-Circe Equipollents). Impossible position in orthodox. PG in two phases with a seldom-used fairy condition Anti-Circe Equipollents.
  • (24.09) No.900Petko A. Petkov (hs#2; Sentinels; RAO; LEO; Rose-Kangaroo). Five times Sentinels-duel between White and Black; task. The problem composed in the memory of C. K. Ananthanarayanan, the inventor of Sentinels.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.


…and now goes the last Award of the informal tournaments on JF in 2014!

I should tell I’ve received it yet in July, but as two others came almost the same time, I’ve decided to keep the natural order and to start from JF-2014/I and JF-2014/II. Also, I wanted so much to keep more or less regular publications on JF that hadn’t enough time to prepare all awards faster. Today I was really very happy to write to the judge, Kjell Widlert, that the Award is going to be announced this evening; and here it is for you, dear authors and readers:

Preliminary Award JF-2014/III

This 3rd competition of 2014 had the most of published problems. And the Award looks really as a monumental work with so many wonderful problems and so many detailed comments! To tell you how strong was this tournament, I want to quote Kjell’s words from the Award: “I don’t think I have ever felt the need to give 8 prizes in a tourney before!“.

I’m very grateful to Kjell for his work!  And, one more time this month, I wish to tell to all the winners how great you are, and to all participants how much I appreciate your activity here!

The Award uses animated diagrams. Only one of them couldn’t be animated (Invisibles), and several problems have some parts of the solutions impossible to animate as well. I’m sorry about it! I’ve tried to check all diagrams several times, but they are many, 33(!), and I apologize for any mistakes I might have made. I appreciate your corrections, if needed!

The Award is provisional and will become final after one month. Also, previous cialis black no prescription years I’ve made diplomas for all JF’s competitions. So I’ll do this year! Just have to ask you for some more patience again.. – Julia.

Originals 19-200915


19-20th of September, 2015

  • (20.09) No.899Stephen Emmerson (h#3.5; Relegation Chess). Relegation Chess in a play of two Knights!
  • (19.09) No.898Geoff Foster (h#2; Anti-Take&Make; Relaxed Symmetry Anti-Circe). Nice and light demonstration of Relaxed Symmetry Anti-Circe condition in a play to all four corners!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 17-190915


17-19th of September, 2015

  • (19.09) No.495.1 & No.619.1Klaus Wenda (Proca Retractor; Anti-Circe). Two new versions to previously published problems (were cooked and had been disqualified in the Retro-Award 2013-14). The problems will participate in the current competition Retro and PG problems 2015-2016.
  • (17.09) No.897Kjell Widlert & Thomas Maeder (hs#3.5; Half-neutrals). A new interesting interpretation of the previously published problem by Kjell Widlert, Sp.Prize, 1st Riga Black Balsam TT-2015. Authors comment: “Compared to the Riga Balsam problem, we now have one extra change of phase – which must be chosen very carefully – in each solution.”

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 160915


16th of September, 2015

  • (16.09) No.896Stephen Emmerson (h#4; Hurdle color changing hoppers: Grasshopper, Sparrow, Moose, Eagle). Non-standard problem, 2 in 1, with paradoxical content and exotic pieces! I sincerely thank Stephen for the dedication!

At the very beginning of this day, I’m so grateful to Peter and Petko for the dedications! Thank you very much for the warm feelings and a very nice problems!

  • (16.09) No.895Petko Petkov (hs#3; Sentinels; Anti-Andernach; NAO; RAO; PAO). A very nice threefold cyclic play of Chinese pieces PAO, NAO, RAO!
  • (16.09) No.894Peter Harris (h#2; Transmuted Kings; Anti-Circe; Isardam). Surprising complex of exotic tactical motives in four solutions!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 13-140915


13-14th of September, 2015

  • (14.09) No.893Vitaly Medintsev (hs#2.5). Battery creation in HS#.
  • (13.09) No.890, 891, 892Peter Harris – A very pleasant series of dedications to JF judges of 2014:
    • No.890 (hs#2.5; Sentinels Pion Advers; Anti-Circe; Anti-Andernach; UltraPatrol) to Vlaicu Crisan;
    • No.891 (h=3/hs#3; Anti-Circe; Isardam; Royal pieces) to Dmitri Turevski;
    • No.892 (hs#8; Black Maximummer Ultra; White Maximummer; Sentinels; Chameleon Chess) to Kjell Widlert!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.


Preliminary Award JF-2014/II

Dear Friends, I’m happy to announce one more Award of JF-2014 –

The Award of Julia’sFairies-2014/II
by Dmitri Turevski

My gratitude to Dmitri for this big and complicated work! Also, I’d like to use this chance to thank Dmitri one more time for the animation program, Py2Web, I use for a year on JF. The program was implemented exactly during period 2014/II, so half of the problems were animated already, but in the Award I’ve made all problems animated. Enjoy!

My congratulations to all the winners and participants of this competition!

The Award is provisional and will become final after one month. The Award for 2014/III is coming soon. – Julia