JF changes to English version

Some important information: This month I’m going to transform JF from bilingual to only English version.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience it might create! But have to tell it was always double work for me making each page twice, although many things remained not translated on Russian pages; plus some functions don’t work well on bilingual sites.  → read more..

Two issues of Conflictio by Juraj Lörinc
are added to the Articles page:

  • Conflictio No.23 (03.03.2020): “The 2nd TT Conflictio for new-strategical fairy twomovers (changes of play and move functions) is announced, it will be judged by Juraj Brabec.”
  • Conflictio No.24 (28.03.2020): “It contains the second part of the Shankar Ram’s research into the Jacobs theme. Additionally, the 3rd TT Conflictio for fairy problems showing Jacobs is announced, it will be judged by Narayan Shankar Ram.”

16th TT by Phénix: Conditionsfromply / Conditionsuntilply (C 1.07.2019)


The editorial board of Phénix are annoncing their 16th Thematic Tourney. It is asked to compose problems with these options of WinChloe : Conditionsfromply=n and / or Conditionsuntilply=n     

⇒ See an article by IGM Petko Petkov “THE WONDERFUL FAIRY OPTIONS OF WinChloe”
dedicated to Christian Poisson

There are four sections in the tournament:

  • Section A – direct mates (#2-n, s#2-n, r#2-n) with stalemate (=) and double-stalemate (= =) accepted
  • Section B – helpmates (h#2-n) with stalemate (=) et double-stalemate (= =) accepted
  • Section C – series (sd#2-n, sh#2-n, ss#2-n, sr#2-n), with stalemate (=) et double-stalemate (= =) accepted
  • Section D – hs# 2-n coups (with stalemate (=) et double-stalemate (= =) accepted)

Any number of problems by each author in each section. All problems must be tested by WinChloe (C+). In case of a small number of participants, sections might be reduced to only one award.

Limit date for sending : July 1st 2019, to the Tourney’s director : Laurent Riguet, 1 rue Jules Verne, F-60560 Orry la Ville or to the internet adress : travailphenix@gmail.com | The judge is Petko Petkov

Jacobi equipped with constraints… (Michel Caillaud, Nicolas Dupont, François Labelle)

Jacobi: constraints

An article by Michel Caillaud, Nicolas Dupont, François Labelle explains and illustrates a new tool to solve some complicated fairy PGs offered by the solving program Jacobi – the possibility to add some constraints in the input.
(with gratitude to the authors for offering this article to JF)

…Jacobi constraints let the user specify some or all of a piece’s generic viagra forum moves. One design goal was to be able to represent the “strategy” notation displayed by Natch and Euclide when solving a proof game, so the notation is somewhat similar. This common notation includes the “-” and “x” symbols, and a minimum number n of moves played by a piece is marked “(n)”…

Black Retro „Duals“ by Günther Weeth

Black Retro „Duals“
by Günther Weeth, Stuttgart

Even after more than a century of the composition of retro problems we are confronted with a certain problem, strange as it might appear to most of us. It shows off when it comes to the evaluation of defensive retractors.

Some retro experts strictly representing no other style than the classical orthodox one, thus being exclusively committed with the aesthetic demands of help retro play sometimes seem to be mistaken when it comes to evaluate defensive retractors. Every now and then you may come across their verdict on black retro moves obviously being ambiguous… → see the whole article

gw-JF885-retractor-articleHow to solve defensive retractors under the condition of AntiCirce

by Günther Weeth, Stuttgart

Shortly after the fabulous start of that successful story of the Proca retractor under the condition of AntiCirce Wolfgang Dittmann dealt with the question of how to approach that new type as a solver. He laid down a summary of methods that might pave the way to the solution of problems of that kind in two articles: Die Schwalbe, vol. 204, December 2003, “Lösungsstrategien im Verteidigungsrückzüger mit Anticirce-Bedingung”) and – as a supplement – in Die Schwalbe, vol. 207, June 2004 where he provides valuable information concerning the testing program “Pacemaker” established by Thomas Kolkmeyer. Since then the fairy condition of “AntiCirce” has not only stood its ground in the field of the Proca retractor but also in a wider range of retro problems. The new type has been welcomed by a small number of highly motivated solvers, even so by such solvers being somewhat reluctant to tackle it in the first two or three years of its existence. →The Article (PDF, 8 pages)

Proca-hoeg in one problem by Andreas Thoma

proca-articla-thoma-exProca und Høeg-Forderung in einem Problem mit der Bedingung Anticirce
von Andreas Thoma (Groß Rönnau)

Angeregt durch das Erstlingsproblem von Günther Weeth (Schwalbe 274 August 2015 Nr. 16427), das leider nebenlösig ist, entstanden die folgenden Probleme.

Fur Unterstützung bedanke ich mich bei Klaus Wenda und Olaf Jenkner herzlich.

Zunächst aber zur Erinnerung die Proca-und Høeg Definitionen im Verteidigungsruckzüger:
→ see the whole article (in German)

KLAN-Defensive Retractor – Klaus Wenda and Andreas Thoma

KLAN-Defensive Retractor, K.Wenda & A.Thoma

An article dealing with “Klan defensive retractors”, a new retro-kind (= a mixture of type Proca & Hoeg) invented by Klaus Wenda and Andreas Thoma is available for download! (PDF, 347K):

KLAN-Defensive Retractor
with special reference to the AntiCirce condition
by Klaus Wenda (Vienna) and Andreas Thoma (Groß Rönnau)
in memoriam Wolfgang Dittmann (+ 5th February 2014)


The article in German is available on Tomas Brand‘s retro-blog – http://www.thbrand.de/2015/03/26/vrz-klan/

Imitator – exploring the features…

jv-scrIt is happened that after publishing No.638 I’ve started to discover IMITATOR for myself. I haven’t used it before, and to my surprise I’ve found it very interesting and really enjoy learning about it – from the definitions and inventor till the features and implementations. 

I’ve decided to write about it in the Forum as it is a separated theme, related mostly to the Imitator in general, but not to the published original. Also, what I’ve discovered is not an article yet, but just some thoughts and ideas. I’d like to find even more with your help! 

Today I’ve made an accent to the ?astling and en passant with Imitator in my post. But I have some other topics I’d like to show where I need some more help from you.

As I said, I think it’s good to use Forum for such thematic postings, but if anybody feels uncomfortable about registration for using Forum, you are welcome to leave your comments levitra generic europe here, to this posting! Thank you! – Julia.

Disparate – a unique fairy condition! (IGM Petko A. Petkov)

Dear Friends, I’m happy to present you the first part of the article “Disparate – a unique fairy condition!” by IGM Petko A. Petkov, which is a renewed version of Petko’s article “Les Echecs Disparates: une condition feerique globale!”, published in “Phenix” (No. 191-192, January-February 2010, pages 8086 – 8116), and is dedicated to Romeo Bedoni! Two more parts of the article will be published this year as well. My gratitude to Petko Petkov for his tremendous work and to Geoff Foster for language correction!
