Merry Christmas – 2013!


Dear Friends,

I wish a Merry Christmas to all of you and to your families! Have a nice celebration tonight, and feel your Christmas Angel flying somewhere close to you, ready to support you and to make you happy!


While my Angels have decorated a Christmas Tree at home, I’ve decided to decorate the site with something from myself, and have chosen this little thingy recently composed. See No.463 – my lovely Locust piece in the first stalemate I’ve composed, with a Merry Christmas wishes to all of you!!

– Julia



Site Updates 22-241213


Updates as of the 22nd-24th of December, 2013:

  • (24.12) No.461, 462 – Peter Harris – An elegant Chameleon Four-men & An Aristocratic Miniature with difficult solution!
  • (23.12) No.460 – Georgy Evseev – A non-standard Chinese strategy!
  • (23.12) No.459 – Stephan Dietrich – One more interesting “Vielväterproblem”!
  • (22.12) No.458 – Ján Golha – An elegant problem without white pieces! Nice combination of conditions Take & Make and Anti-Take & Make.

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 211213


Updates as of the 21st of December, 2013:

  • (21.12) No.457 – Stephan Dietrich – Probably, a new invention in this well known matrix?! Marine pieces and Latvian chocolate – just before the publication of the Award of Marine TT!
  • (21.12) No.456.1 – János Mikitovics – An improvement to No.456 !
  • (21.12) No.447.1 – Pierre Tritten – Improvement to No.447 – by author’s words: “The economy is improved, thanks to hints given by Nikola Predrag!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 04-191213

Updates as of the 4-19th of December, 2013:

  • (19.12) No.456 – János Mikitovics – Long play with an interesting final! And the first congratulation with Winter Holidays!
  • (14.12) No.455 – Nikola Predrag – This beautiful miniature by Nikola, who’s also so good commentator on the site, was sent to the tournament Marine TT 2013, but unfortunately couldn’t participate as it has 6 moves… “…Impressive is the beautiful, multiple realization of Umnov’s theme in the play of SKe7/Sc8. The finale is a surprising ideal mate!”(PAP)
  • (10.12) No.454 – Adrian Storisteanu & Cornel Pacurar – A very dynamic and surprising play in Miniature! Warm welcome to Adrian and Cornel! – It’s very nice to see Canadian authors in Original Problems section!
  • (09.12) No.453 – Peter Harris – A dance of 8 pieces around the both Kings finishes with 2 different selfmates! A problem is C+ by the old Popeye version, but…
  • (08.12) No.452 – Peter Harris – A paradoxical white Rex-solus problem without any white pieces on the board in the twin!
  • (08.12) No.451 – Karol Mlynka – A paradoxical two-men selfmate! 
  • (07.12) No.450 – János Mikitovics – A Miniature with a rich content! 
  • (07.12) No.449 – Peter Harris – A  dynamic and interesting long play with only 5 pieces (Aristocrat-Miniature).
  • (06.12) No.448 – János Mikitovics – A difficult for solving Meredith!
  • (06.12) No.447 – Pierre Tritten – Interesting Annihilation captures demonstrated by the black Queen!
  • (05.12) No.446 – Vito Rallo – А light h#3 with Grasshoppers. 
  • (04.12) No.445 – Vlaicu Crișan – A very complicated and interesting strategy in Take & Make problem!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates-011213

Updates as of the 1st of December, 2013:

  • (01.12) No.444 – Michael Grushko & Semion Shifrin – A very nice “Tanagra” problem in aristocratic form!
  • (01.12) No.443 – N.Shankar Ram – A nonstandard Reflex-mate conception! Warm welcome to the judge of JF-2012 in Original Problems section! Use the opportunity to comment!!
  • (01.12) No.442 – Juraj Lörinc –  Three very nice mates by the black King! 

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 25-291113


Updates as of the 25-29th of November, 2013:

  • (29.11) No.441 – Seetharaman K. – Interesting manoeuvres between the white Rook and promoted white piece! 
  • (28.11) No.440 – Gani Ganapathi – The black Wazirs conduct the white Pawns!
  • (28.11) No.439 – Karol Mlynka – Interesting “Rex solus” play!
  • (28.11) No.438 – Boris Shorokhov –  A very fresh idea of Chameleon Rundlauf, through in a bit heavy form. I’m happy to welcome Boris in Original Problems section of Julia’s Fairies!
  • (27.11) No.437 – Paul Rãican –  Another interesting and difficult PG-play with Sentinels.
  • (27.11) No.436 – Paul Rãican –  Exotic positions of the white and black Pawns! PG problem with Sentinels.
  • (26.11) No.435 – János Mikitovics – A surprising final in Ultraschachzwang problem!
  • (25.11) No.434 – Seetharaman K. – Promotions of three nP in a miniature!
  • (25.11) No.433 – Gani Ganapathi – A nice Four-men (Tanagra) with neutral promotions in three files!
  • (25.11) No.432 – Diyan Kostadinov – This fresh problem shows a non-programmed yet fairy condition SneK Chess invented by Diyan and named in honor of his wife, SnejinaDiyan also dedicates his composition to Snejina in the day of her birthday, 25th of November! Congratulations and wishes to have a nice celebration! 

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 23-241113


Updates as of the 23rd-24th of November, 2013:

  • (24.11) No.430, 431 – Peter Harris – Two difficult for solving problems with elegant constructions!
  • (23.11) No.429 – Petko A. Petkov – A paradoxical combination between Disparate and Anti-Andernach! Thank you, Petko, for the dedication!
  • (23.11) No.369.1 – Juraj Lörinc & János Mikitovics –  ?n excellent improvement to No.369 !
  • (23.11) No.428 – János Mikitovics – A miniature, anti-batteries with a nice combination of Take&Make and Anti-Take&Make. Thank you, János, for the dedication!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 16-201113


Updates as of the 16-20th of November, 2013:

  • (20.11) No.427 – János Mikitovics – A  four men with non-standard play!
  • (19.11) No.425, 426 – Vito Rallo – Two miniatures nicely demonstrating Einstein condition!
  • (19.11) No.424 – János Mikitovics – An Aristocrat with interesting combination of fairy conditions!
  • (16.11) No.423 – János Mikitovics – Nice Ideal mates in Miniature!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 12-151113


Updates as of the 12-15th of November, 2013:

  • (15.11) No.422 – S. K. Balasubramanian – A nice demonstration of seldom condition Anti-Circe Clone!
  • (15.11) No.421 – Georgy Evseev – Very interesting Circe-play! There’s also a hint for the solvers! Enjoy!
  • (13.11) No.420 – Peter Harris – This nice Miniature with a combination of Isardam and Chameleon Chess has opened up some questions. And finally I’ve decided to present it to you with some comments about the interpretation of Chameleon Chess condition in WinChloe and in Popeye, as well as comments about possible bugs in Popeye on the example of this problem.
  • (12.11) No.419 – Peter Harris – Interesting maneuvers of all 3 white pieces!
  • (12.11) No.418.1 Eugene Rosner – A revised version of problem No.418, with the author’s foreword: What’s nice is that there is now a dual-avoidance in the first variation that takes advantage of the removed knight. A bP is retreated one square and the move PxS is not allowed by the Alsatian stipulation. It is actually a thematic element of the problem. This setting looks optimal“.

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 09-101113

Updates as of the 09-10th of November, 2013:

  • (10.11) No.413.1 – Linden Lyons – An improvement to No.413 with author’s gratitude to Seetharaman K.!
  • (10.11) No.418 – Eugene Rosner – Аn interesting problem with not yet programmed paradoxical fairy condition Alsatian Circe! Warm welcome to Eugene‘s first publication in Original Problems section of Julia’s Fairies!
  • (09.11) No.416, 417 – Peter Harris – The both problems are Aristocrats and have a Patrol Chess condition, but in the first one it is combined with Anti-Circe and in the second – with Sentinels Pion Advers. The second one has also interesting twin which changes the stipulation.

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber