JF 1st TT Award

Dear Friends,

I’m so much happy to tell you that the Award of Julia’sFairies 1st T.T HSP-2012 is ready!!! Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks a lot to all participants! See the Award by IGM Petko A. Petkov and enjoy a very nice problems!

Use PDF-version of the Award for download or print!

These are preliminary results. A term of 7 days is given for possible remarks or objections, and after this term the results will be announced as final results.

My gratitudes to the judge, Petko A. Petkov, for this great work and to Geoff Foster for English correction!

What can I say more? This is my first tournament, and of course I worried about everything happening.. I’m very thankful to all of you for so active participation, for so beautiful problems! I believe I’m more happy, then the winners! I’ll be drinking champagne for all of you this evening!


To celebrate his birthday and his fairy invention Superguards,
K.Seetharaman, (India) announces
a Theme Tourney for problems featuring Superguards,

the new Fairy Condition.

Definition of Superguards:

Any piece (including Kings and pawns), which is observed by another piece of the same color cannot be captured. Pinned pieces also observe.

The tourney will have two sections:

Section A is for Directmates in Two or Three moves.

Section B is for Helpplay problems of up to three moves, of the following types:

Helpmates, Helpselfmates, Help-stalemates and Help-selfstalemates.

Twins allowed in Section A. Twins and multisolutions (but no Zero positions) allowed in Section B. No other fairy conditions or fairy pieces are allowed.

Judge: K.Seetharaman

Computer-tested problems may be sent to the Tourney Director Mr.C.G.S.Narayanan (India) by email. <cgsnarayanan@hotmail.com> At present Superguards problems can be checked in WinChloe. (version 3.20).

Book prizes will be awarded.

All participants will receive the award by email.

Closing date of the Tourney March 18, 2013.  

→See the the full announcement with examples of Superguards problems HERE!

Welcome to participate!!

Variantim to tourneys

Dear Friends,

The announcement of V A R I A N T I M is added to the Tourneys section!

Сompetitions at V A R I A N T I M

Bulletin of

The Israel Chess Composition Society



Judge  2012: Petko A. Petkov

Judge  2013:  Christopher Feather    

send  to: 

Michael Grushko, BOX  363  Kiryat Bialik  27019 bargrushko@bezeqint.net

→See the whole announcement

Reminder-JULIA’S FAIRIES – HSP – 2012

Dear Friends,

Let me remind you that just 20 days left till the closing date of  
the 1st thematic tourney by Julia’sFairies – 


RULES: Help-self problems (HSP) of any possible types: Help-self mates (HS#), HS=, HS==, HR#, HR=, etc. in any number of moves.

THEME: Battery-play with fairy elements

JUDGE: IGM Petko A. Petkov – International Judge of FIDE

→Read full announcement…

You are very welcome to send your entries!   And thanks a lot to the active participants!

WCCC2012 – The Awards

My dear Friends,
Welcome home to those who were going to Japan!
I believe you all had a great time there!

The 55th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC)
and 36th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)
in Kobe, Japan,

took place from September 15th to September 22th, 2012.

The Awards from Composing tourneys I have for now:

Congratulations to the winners!!!

I’d appreciate if you send me to julia@juliasfairies.com more Awards for the site to add!


My dear Friends,  
One of the most significant chess-events of the year is coming –  just one month left till

The 55th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC)
and 36th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)
in Kobe, Japan!

The Congress takes place from September 15th to September 22th, 2012.
(WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 18th and 19th.)

Attention: Composing tourneys are starting to appear there!

I like how the WCCC2012 site is decorated with the sakura-like flowers and colors.


I’m happy to announce an Informal Tourney
for Fairy Problems published in Julia’s Fairies
web-site in 2012!

Problems of any fairy type are allowed! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

The judge for 2012: N.Shankar Ram – International Master of FIDE, famous Indian composer with more than 40 problems in FIDE Albums, twice placed First in the WCCT Fairy section – the 3rd and 4th WCCT.

Some more information I’ve got from Shankar: 51 years old, born and lives in Bangalore (India), qualified as mechanical engineer, works in I.T. and automation area of a manufacturing company, married for 15 years, has a son of 12. Other interests: computers, music (old indian film songs, western classical, computer generated), interactive fiction, science fiction, rubik’s cube, psychology, philosophy and general reading.

Please send your entries to Julia’s Fairies editor, Julia Vysotska, e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com same as you’ve sent before for publishing in the site. Already published problems will participate in the tourney as well as the new entries.

The Award will be published in Julia’s Fairies in 2013.

You’re very welcome to participate!

Sincerely, Julia

Julia’s Fairies – HSP – 2012

The site Julia’s Fairies

announces its 1st  Thematic Tourney


RULES: Help-self problems (HSP) of any possible types: Help-self mates (HS#), HS=, HS==, HR#, HR=, etc. in any number of moves.

THEME: Battery-play with fairy elements

  • All pieces (white, black, neutral, half-neutral, etc) and conditions are allowed!
  • The thematic “Fairy element” (pieces, conditions) should be demonstrated in play at least in one battery or (plus) anti-battery of any type.
  • The problems should be computer-tested.

 JUDGE: IGM Petko A. Petkov – International Judge of FIDE


Please send your originals until the 15th of October, 2012 to the Tournament director and editor of Julia’s Fairies site – Julia Vysotska, e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com

The Award will be published at the site in December, 2012.

Special Present  from Julia’s Fairies 

to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes: Selection of Latvian sweets!


N 1.Petko A. PETKOV

The Macedonian Problemist 2003
2nd Honorable Mention 
HS#3      2 solutions      (7+10)
Grasshoppers – b8, d8, g8 

N 1:

1.Rxg5 f2 2.Ra5 Bxb7 3.Re4+ Rd5#;

1.Qxf3 g4 2.Qa8 Rxb5 3.Re5+ Bd5#

Fairy elements: white direct battery created by Re6 (forward piece) and Gg8 (rear fairy-piece); black anti-batteries – Bd5/Gd8 and Rd5/Gd8. Any anti-battery is always thematic as “fairy element”. 

N 2. Wilfried SEEHOFER

feenschach 2008

HS#4                          (2+2)

N 2:

1.e8=R Rc8 2.Re1 Re8 3.Kd6 Kc6 4.Rb1+ Re1#

Fairy element – creation and play of two Anti-Circe genre specific batteries (some authors call them Ecto-batteries) – white battery Re1/Kd6 and black battery Re8/Kc6. After play of Rooks (as forward pieces) two Kings are activated and give check (mate). A good example of fairy-battery which is created by orthodox pieces only, but which demonstrates fairy-element according to the rules of condition Anti-Circe!   

Good luck to everybody!