Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Murfatlar Tourney for fairy PGs (WCCC2018)

Murfatlar Tourney for fairy proof games

Theme: Proof games with Berolina Pawns are required. The genre can be combined with another genre, but fairy pieces are not accepted.
Prizes: bottles of Murfatlar, an appreciated Romanian wine | Details: In PDF document
Send entries by email until September 3rd to Paul Rãican, at quarpaz1@yahoo.fr (or to him personally during Congress).

Originals 05-110818



Original Problems

5-11th of August, 2018

  • (11.08) No.1321 – Karol Mlynka (h#2 ; White Supertransmuting King). Author also gives “the newest definition of Pressburger King.”
  • (11.08) No.1320 – Stephen Emmerson (#3 ; Locust). After Salai jr., Klemanič, Packa & Dragoun (No.1319).
  • (11.08) No.1319 – Ladislav Salai jr., Emil Klemanič, Ladislav Packa, Michal Dragoun (#3 ; Locust).
  • (10.08) No.1318 – Alberto Armeni (h#2 ; Anti-Circe).
  • (09.08) No.1317 – Anatoly Stepochkin (s#4 ; Maximummer).
  • (08.08) No.1316 – Gani Ganapathi & Nicolas Dupont  (PG 11.5 ; Immun Chess).
  • (08.08) No.1315 – K. Roméo Bedoni & Sébastien Luce (ser-h#21 ; Grasshopper; Alphabetic Chess). “First achievement of eight promotions in Grasshopper in series movers.” (Authors).
    Warm welcome to Roméo in Original problems section of JF!
  • (07.08) No.1314 – K. Seetharaman & S. K. Balasubramanian (h#2.5 ; Grasshopper; Take & Make).
  • (07.08) No.1313 – Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (hs#2 ; Circe, AntiCirce). “We would like to dedicate our work in memory of Grigorij Golin. Our chess friend was born in Riga (1921) and lived in Berlin for many years…” (Authors).
    Warm welcome to Armin & Daniel in Original problems section of JF!

  • (05.08) No.1312 – Daniel Novomesky (h#4 ; Lion). Let it be the day of nicely prepared problems and cute finals as well! 
  • (05.08) No.1311 – Václav Kotěšovec (ser-h#20 ; Kangaroo). You have to see the finals made by the 6 Kangaroos… but myself, on the first place, I always feel grateful to Václav for his care about the editor when sending problems: diagram & solutions, WinChloe db, Popeye notation and already prepared animation – as the selection of desserts for any taste! Thank you!
  • Conflictio No.7 by Juraj Lörinc is added to the Articles page.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The  judge of JF-2018/II: Kjell Widlert. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

16th Romanian Tzuica Tourney (WCCC2018)

16th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

Theme: hs#n/hs=n, at least 3 (stale)mates on the same square
Scope: Any fairy piece and/or condition are allowed
Judges: Vlaicu Crisan & Eric Huber | Prizes: Bottles of Tzuica | Details: In PDF document
Audience: The tourney is open to everyone, but only congress participants can receive bottles.
Deadline: September 5th around 8 p.m. to Dinu-Ioan Nicula, or by email until September 2nd to Eric Huber hubereric@yahoo.fr

Originals 07-090718



Original Problems


7-9th of July, 2018

  • (09.07) No.1310 – Ya’aqov Mintz (PG 10).
  • (08.07) No.1309 – Paul Rãican (-17 & =1 Proca; Circe Assassin). First Assassin Proca Retractor ever composed with stalemate in the forward play! (Author)
  • (07.07) No.1308 – Theodoros Giakatis & Kostas Prentos (h#2; Take&Make). An improved version, without fairy pieces, of No.44 from SuperProblem TT-206. See the last diagram of the award. (Authors). Warm welcome to Theodoros in Original problems section of JF!
  • (07.07) No.1307 – Anatoly Stepochkin (hs#5; GridChess, KoeKo; Nightrider). The moves in two long solutions are determined by 16 big squares splitting the board.
  • (07.07) No.1306 – Ľuboš Kekely (h=2.5; ChecklessChess). Cute final positions.
  • (07.07) No.1305 – S. K. Balasubramanian (h#2; Superguards). Only three pieces!
  • (07.07) No.1304 – Aleksander Sygurov (ser-h#4). Warm welcome to Aleksander in Original problems section of JF!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The  judge of JF-2018/II: Kjell Widlert. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.


The Preliminary Award of the Jubilee Tourney
Dinu-Ioan Nicula – 50

The tourney held in the frames of XIII Belgrade Problem Chess Festival 2018, as a part of Belgrade Internet Tourney 2018: Group C – fairy h#2, Lortap chess with fairy piece Locust.

…There were 36 entries, of 24 authors/pairs of authors, from 14 countries. Being very satisfied of the problems’ level, but also keeping into regard that it is a special occasion, I have decided to give awards to half of them! (Dinu-Ioan Nicula)

Prize winners:
1st and 2nd Prize – Petko Petkov, 3rd Prize – Juraj Lörinc, 4th Prize – S.K. Balasubramanian & Vlaicu Crisan, 5th Prize – Hubert Gockel.

Originals 010718



Original Problems


1st of July, 2018

Dear authors, readers, I’m very glad to announce that the next fairy tournament on JF, July-December’2018 starts today! Please, welcome our judge, Kjell Widlert, and enjoy the competition!

  • (01.07) No.1303 – Daniel Novomesky (hs#2; Maximummer). 3 solutions!
  • (01.07) No.1302 – Hans Uitenbroek (h#3; Superguards; Nightrider).
    Warm welcome to Hans in Original problems section of JF!
  • (01.07) No.1301 – Michael McDowell & Brian Stephenson (h#4; Bishophopper, Rookhopper). Would the final position be considered an ideal mate? .. Is it enough for a piece to function solely as a hurdle? (Authors).
    Warm welcome to the both authors in Original problems section of JF!
  • (01.07) No.1300 – Julia Vysotska & Marjan Kovačević (hs#3). This problem was composed for Latvian Solving Championship in April, 2018 (WSC, 2017-2018). Hope, solvers might enjoy it! (Authors)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The  judge of JF-2018/II: Kjell Widlert. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Different from June,2018



June, 2018

While waiting for the new fairy tournament starting July,1st….

  • The Results of composing tournaments from RIFACE 2018.
  • Conflictio No.5 & Conflictio No.6 by Juraj Lörinc are added to the Articles page.
  • The words from Chris Feather about Fairings:
    “Dear Fairings reader,
    It seems that Fairings has reached its end: I have composed nothing this year and have no ideas for any further compositions. I hope to produce one more issue, towards the end of 2018, with versions, corrections and anything else needed to round off this project which started nine years ago. As you may readily understand, I am especially grateful to Stephen for his vital part in it.
    Many thanks for your interest and support; my best viagra 100mg without prescription wishes to you.”

Originals 21-220518


Original Problems


21st-22nd of May, 2018

  • (22.05) No.1299 – Aleksey Oganesjan (#1). Author believes that this “retro-mini-problem” can be related to Retro section.
  • (21.05) No.1261.3 – Günther Weeth (-18 & #1 Proca Retractor ; Anti-Circe Calvet). On the occasion of the fairy chess friends’ meeting at Andernach (10.- 13.05.2018) both Kjell Widlert and Dirk Borst told me about the dual in JF 1261.2 (17.Ke4-f5, Sd7-f6+ 18.Bc5 and Bf6-d4 etc.). So another attempt at saving the problem turned out to be necessary. I do hope that now the job has successfully been done, after all that confusion on my side. Let me again apologize for causing so much trouble and let me warmly thank you for all your attention and patience. (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The next fairy tournament starts after a break, on the 1st of July, the judge: Kjell Widlert. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Composing Tournaments of the RIFACE 2018, C20.05.2018

The 39th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place at Ecully, May 18-20, 2018.

Themes of composing tournaments:

RIFACE 2018 – Thème aidés.pdfThème féerique.pdfThème rétro.pdf

Address to send the entries : RIFACE.2018@gmail.com  for helpmates and fairies ; abrobecker@yahoo.com for retro problems
Time limit to send the entries : Sunday 20th May
 at 15:00