“Seven Chess Notes” magazine – results and announcement

7sn-annResults of Fairies
“Seven Chess Notes” magazine

Periods: 2007-2013
(RUS, PDF, 16 pages)

Announcement of Jubilee Tourney
10 years to the magazine of 7 note

Year 2015 | All section miniatures | fairy judge: Michael Grushko

Required are fairy-miniatures with free theme.

All originals should be computer tested with any of the following programs (mentioning the program used): Popeye, WinChloe, Alybadix. Send to: Valeri Ivanov, Karelia, Povenez, PO box 4, 186326, Russia • IVA.53@mail.ru
Closing date for year 2015: 1.11.2015

FIDE ALBUM 2010-2012 – Results in section G-Fairies

fide-album-photoThe results of the 2010-12 Album Fairies section are published yesterday, April 8, 2015, on wfcc.ch website. The section has got a record number of entries – 1524 ! 275 problems from 74 authors are selected. Congratulations and warm thanks to the director (Petko Petkov) and judges (Václav Kotěšovec, Manfred Rittirsch, Tadashi Wakashima) of this section for their huge work! Congratulations to the authors of selected problems!

Israeli Chess Composition Society: Theodor Tauber MT C31.12.2015 & Alex Ettinger 90MT Award


Theodor Tauber Memorial Tourney

The Israeli Chess Composition Society is announcing a chess problem composition tourney dedicated to the memory of Theodor Tauber (18.08.1950 – 3.09.2013).
Theme: At least one twin which changes the condition of the problem from orthodox to a fairy condition or from one fairy condition to another. Any type of problem is allowed with or without fairy pieces.
Judge: Hans Gruber. Closing date: December 31, 2015.
Send originals to Michael Grushko, Box 363 Kiriat-Bialik ,Israel ,27000 | or by email to: bargrushko@bezeqint.net

Alex Ettinger 90 Memorial Tourney Award
Judge: Michael Grushko

A total of 88 problems competed in the tourney, submitted by 31 authors from 17 countries. There were 34 miniatures and 54 Tanagras (up to 5 pieces) and, being the admirer of low-figured tasks I allocated them into separate sections.

Quick Composing TT-134 by SuperProblem


Quick Composing TT-134 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “White sacrifice
Stipulation: hs#2-4
Theme: Required helpselfmates in 2-4 moves with pure white sacrifice: white moves a piece/pawn during the solution, and black capture this piece/pawn (at once or after one or two moves). The white move cannot capture. The black capture move is not the mating move. It is possible to use any kind of twins, multiple solutions, zero position, promoted pieces and fairy pieces, but not fairy conditions. It is possible that black would have several choices in the mating move. If there will be many problems, the judge may decide to divide the award to “non-fairy section” and “fairy section”. 
Judge: Ofer Comay | Closing date: March 17, 2015 | Download the announcement in English [pdf, 108 KB]
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail:
All received problems will be presented to the judge in anonymous form. 
Award will be published on the website

Quick Composing TT-131 by SuperProblem


Quick Composing TT-131 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “Cyclic shift of guards
Stipulation: any
Theme: In the final position of one phase of a multi-phase problem (try & solution, multisolution, twin,…) at least three pieces observe a set of squares attacking the opponent’s King and/or guarding King flights. In the final position of another phase of the same problem, the same set of squares is observed by the same set of pieces, but with a cyclic shift of observed squares. The thematic set of squares may or may not include the square occupied by the King (= attack case). Thematic pieces may also observe additional non-thematic squares. The number of phases may exceed 2. All stipulations, fairy pieces and fairy conditions are allowed. Depending on the number and variety of received problems the award may be split into several sections at the judge’s discretion.
Judge: Manfred Rittirsch | Closing date: February 13, 2015 | Download the announcement in English [pdf, 42 KB]
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail:
All received problems will be presented to the judge in anonymous form. 
Award will be published on the website

Tourneys by Israeli Chess Composition Society, C31.05.2015

israeli-ccsСomposing tourneys organized by the Israeli Chess problem Composition Society

Uri Avner Memorial Tourney
(3rd Israel Open Chess Problem Composition Tourney)

The Israeli Chess Composition Society is announcing a chess problem composition tourney dedicated to the memory of Uri Avner. The tourney will be in two sections as follows:

Section 1: Helpmates in 2.5 or 3 moves. Judge: Francesco Simoni. Theme: “Pin-correction” – a black piece is unpinned (directly or indirectly) by white. Later in the solution the same piece becomes pinned on a different square. Fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed.

Section 2: Selfmates in 2 to 6 moves. Judge: Petko Petkov. Theme: Play of at least one white battery and one black battery. Use of other strategic motives is very desirable. Fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed.

Entries to the tourney director, Omer Friedland, by email to: omrfree@gmail.com. Deadline: May 31, 2015.

Yosi Retter 80 Jubilee Tourney

The Israel Chess Composition Society is announcing a chess problem composition tourney to mark the upcoming 80th birthday of our dedicated member Yosi Retter.

Theme: The tourney is for selfmates in 2 or 3 moves showing the Feldman-I theme. This theme involves reciprocal continuations after random and correction moves of two black units. No fairy pieces or conditions are allowed. Schematically the theme can be depicted as follows:
1…Random move by piece X 2.A …#; 1…correction by piece X 2.B …#
1…Random move by piece Y 2.B …#; 1…correction by piece Y 2.A …#
Note that in S#3 problems the thematic moves A & B must be on white’s 2nd move. The theme is further clarified in the examples. Cyclical presentations, involving three (or more) thematic black pieces are allowed. 

Judge: Yosi Retter. Closing date: May 31, 2015. Please send problems to Raffi Ruppin: ruppinr@013net.net.  
Prizes: 1 st Prize – $300, 2nd Prize – $200, 3rd Prize – $100.

The intention is to have a prize giving ceremony during the 58th World Congress of Chess Composition, 1-8 August 2015, Ostróda, Poland.

P. Gvozdják 50 JT C 16.11.2015


Peter Gvozdják announces jubilee tourney
on occasion of his 50th birthday.

The thematic composing tourney announced for any kind of chess problems showing Rice cycle.

See details on the web or in the pdf file: pg50 vypisanie 20141115

Prizes: books | Deadline: November 16, 2015 | Judge: jubilee
Entries to: peter.gvozdjak@gmail.com

The award will appear by the end of 2015.

2nd KoBulChess TT – Christmas Tourney 2014


2nd KoBulChess TT – Christmas Tourney 2014

Here is the announcement of the second thematic tourney of the website KoBulChess which is a Christmas Tourney 2014.
Theme: All type problems (#/=, H#/H=, S#/S=, HS#/HS= etc.) in 2-4 moves with the fairy condition Circle SneK. Other fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed. Royal pieces can be used of course.

Michael Grushko 60 JT

Bulletin of The Israel Chess Composition Society
Michael Grushko 60 Jubilee Tourney – Announcement

Required are fairy-miniatures with free theme. All types of problems are accepted but with at least one fairy condition. All originals should be computer tested with any of the following programs: Popeye, WinChloe, Alybadix.
Judge: Michael GrushkoPlease send entries to the director, Paz Einat (paz@pazeinat.com; 45a Moshe Levi St. Nes Ziona, 74207, Israel) with the remark MG-60 JT. Closing date: 31.05.2015   → See the whole announcement!