Originals 06-100915


06-10th of September, 2015

  • (10.09) No.887.2 – Anatoly Stepochkin & Georgy Evseev (h#2; Lion). One more improvement to so actively commented problem No.887!
  • (08.09) No.887.1 – Anatoly Stepochkin & Georgy Evseev (h#2; Lion; Rook-Lion; Bishop-Lion). Nice improved version to No.887.
  • (07.09) No.889 – Hubert Gockel (#2; Functionary Chess). Interesting tries in Functionary Chess.
  • (06.09) No.888 – Kenneth Solja (hs#5; KoeKo; Maximummer; Amazon; Okapi). Four men with two exotic neutrals!
  • (06.09) No.887 – Anatoly Stepochkin (h#2; Zebra; Giraffe; Lion; Rook-Lion; Bishop-Lion). Anti-batteries, promotions and captures of white rear battery pieces!
  • (06.09) No.886 – Eugene Rosner (#2; Circe Equipollents). Circe Equipollents with interesting additional motives.
  • (06.09) No.885 – Günther Weeth (-8 & #1; Hoeg retractor Anti-Circe). A demonstration of Hoeg Retractor – one of the different kinds of Defensive retractor. Warm welcome to Günther in Original Problems section of JF!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems ambien no prescription 2015-2016Thomas Brand.


Preliminary Award JF-2014/I

Dear Friends, I have a pleasure to announce

The Award of Julia’sFairies-2014/I
by Vlaicu Cri?an

As always, I am very grateful to the judge for so big, so complicated work of analyzing many different kinds of fairy problems! I’m sure, that readers will enjoy the problems themselves and also detailed comments and pleasant writing style of Vlaicu!

I heartily congratulate all the winners and participants of this strong competition! Thank you for all kinds of contributions to JF – compositions, articles, comments..!

The Award is provisional and will become final after one month. The Awards for 2014/II and 2014/III are coming xanax soon. – Julia

Quick Composing TT-150: Proca Retractor

superproblem-ruQuick Composing TT-150 by SuperProblem
Tourney name: “Forward Defense”

Stipulation: Proca Retractor
Theme: Proca Retractor with white try refuted by a Forward Defense (see below). Fairy pieces are not allowed. Fairy conditions are allowed. Proca Retractor is a defensive Retractor. Black is defending by trying to retract the moves that will forbid (or delay) the achievement of White’s goal. Examples of orthodox or fairy Proca Retractors is here
Judge: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber. Closing date: October 4, 2015
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail: alexeioganesyan@gmail.com
Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru.  Download the announcement in English [pdf, 180 KB]

Originals 02-040915


02-04th of September, 2015

  • (04.09) No.884 – N.Shankar Ram (#2; PAO; VAO). Dombrovskis theme in four variations with active use of Сhinese pieces!
  • (03.09) No.883 – Gani Ganapathi (hs#2; Disparate PY). Tanagra with Disparate PY condition (can be tested either with Disparate in Popeye, or with Disparate PY in WinChloe).
  • (03.09) No.881, 882 – Erich Bartel. Interesting promotions in a play controlled by Madrasi RI & Alphabetic Chess: No.881 (h==6; PWC; Madrasi RI; Alphabetical Chess; Gnu); No.882 (ser-==14; Madrasi RI; Alphabetical Chess; Lion; Antelope; Root-50-leaper).
  • (02.09) No.880 – Borislav Gadjanski (hs#3). A wonderful cyclic play! Theme of Tzuica 2015.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

WCCI 2013-2015: Announcement

wfcc-logo-transparentThe WFCC is inviting composers of all countries to participate in the 2013-15 WCCI. The tourney director is Dmitry Turevsky (email: dmitri.turevski@gmail.com). Participants may submit their entries by January 20, 2016. Details can be found in the announcement. Deadline for the submission of entries to the director: January 20th 2016.

Judges for Fairies&Retros: 

G) Fairies: Juraj Brabec (SVK), Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR), Georgy Evseev (RUS), Petko Petkov (BUL)*, Kjell Widlert (SWE)
*the change as of 08.09.2015: Yury Gordian (UKR) → Petko Petkov (BUL)

H) Retros: Dmitry Baibikov (ISR), Nicolas Dupont (FRA), Andrey Frolkin (UKR), Bernd Graefrath (GER), Kostas Prentos (GRE)

Frank Richter + Sven Trommler = 100 JT

FrankRichter-smallSvenTrommler-smallJubilee tournament “Frank Richter + Sven Trommler = 100”

In March resp. April 2016 the problemists Frank Richter and Sven Trommler celebrate their 50th birthdays. On this occasion a jubilee tourney is announced in two sections:

A: Orthodox selfmates in 2-15 moves, free theme

B: Logical direct-play fairies (#n, s#n, r#n, etc.) in 4-15 moves.

Authors are kindly requested to indicate the software used in testing and to which extend the test was partial or full. Both sections will be judged jointly by Frank and Sven. The prize fund of 300€ will be divided among the sections according to the quality of the entries. These should be sent to the tourney director Arnold Beine, Grund 15, 65366 Geisenheim, Germany; arnold.beine@web.de, by 28 March 2016.

Jubilee tourney Oliver Ralík 70 C 19.12.2015

oliver-ralik-70jn-exJubilee tourney Oliver Ralík 70 C 19.12.2015

Theme: Composition with any stipulation, in which the same piece makes at least two distinctive patterns during solution. Authors are recommended to point the pattern in the comment to composition to ensure the intention is not missed.

Sections: a) Only orthodox pieces; b) Fairy pieces allowed.
In both sections fairy conditions are allowed. See detailed announcement with examples!

Judge: Juraj Lörinc

Deadline 19.12.2015, submissions to the director – jubilee Oliver Ralík, either by e-mail to oliver.ralik@gmail.com or by letter to Oliver Ralík, Javorová 9, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia.

APwin v2015 + Popeye

Apwin2015APwin is a Windows-front for Alybadix/Fairybadix and Popeye. 

After a tremendous work Paul H. Wiereyn (NL) has completed APwin v2015, which supports also the popular free chess problem solving program Popeye!

It is very easy to install when the instructions a/c are strictly followed and it includes a collection of 670,113 chess-problems! New (or old) problems can typed in very fast with a new option in the Popeye-part (fast input). Info about all pieces and conditions can be obtained with one click and each blue field gives info after one click. It also works together with Arena for solving Endgame studies (also in the collection) and a link to the internet is possible for solving 6 men problems. Duplicates can be found very fast etc.” (Paul H. Wiereyn, comment on JF)

The judge of JF-2015-II

OferComayI’m happy to announce the judge of informal tournament JF-2015/II – Ofer Comay – a problem composer of all genres, and a former world champion in chess solving. Ofer is also known for his theoretical contribution in end-game study theory and he is the author of one of the first chess problem solving program (CS) in the early 80’s.

In the last years Ofer is focused on fairies and helpmates. He is also involved in other projects – a co-founder of a software company and the author of the popular science book “Science or Fiction?” which, in short, tries to show to every science amateur that a central part of the standard model of particle physics is a bluff… Ofer has three children and two cute grandsons.

 Warm welcome to Ofer!


You’re welcome to participate in the second informal tournament of this year – JF-2015/II, July-December!
Any fairy problem can participate, and I’m here for you to publish it faster. – Julia