I’m happy to announce the judge of informal tournament JF-2015/II – Ofer Comay – a problem composer of all genres, and a former world champion in chess solving. Ofer is also known for his theoretical contribution in end-game study theory and he is the author of one of the first chess problem solving program (CS) in the early 80’s.
(A little secret by Ofer: “In 1989 computers were very slow. The program CS was the first program which could solve long helpmates by building the possible mating positions and using retro analysis to find the solutions. Two of my first prizes in long helpmates in 1990-91 were created using this program (The problemist and IRT). However, I could not tell the judges that they were computer tested because I was not sure that there are no bugs in my program…“)
In the last years Ofer is focused on fairies and helpmates. He is also involved in other projects – a co-founder of a software company and the author of the popular science book “Science or Fiction?” which, in short, tries to show to every science amateur that a central part of the standard model of particle physics is a bluff… Ofer has three children and two cute grandsons.
Warm welcome to Ofer!

You’re welcome to participate in the second informal tournament of this year – JF-2015/II, July-December!
Any fairy problem can participate, and I’m here for you to publish it faster. – Julia