Creation of hs#s for WCCT in cooperation – Juraj Lörinc

JL-HS-for-WCCT-intro13th of February, 2014

I’ve a pleasure to publish an article by Juraj LörincCreation of hs#s for WCCT in cooperation“. Author shows two steps of creative work for thematic tournaments and also a series of interesting originals.

My gratitude to Juraj and his co-author in the problems, ?udovít Lehen, for sharing with us their creative process!

Originals 110214


11th of February, 2014:

  • (11.02) No.460.1 – Georgy Evseev – An improvement to No.460 shown in author’s comment (13.01.2014) and announced as a final version! In case of no objections, this problem will participate in the tournament JF-2013 instead of No.460.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(I)Vlaicu Crișan. The judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014Hans Gruber. 

New Forum Content – 11.02.2014

new-forum-content11021411th of February, 2014

While Forum is not active enough, I believe I should turn your attention to the New Forum contents added! New posts to the Forum you can see on the right panel under Recent posts to Forum section (for a while I’ve moved it before the Recent Comments section). Your posts to the Forum are very welcome, as this way you can open some new topics which are out of my publications, but might be interesting to the others. 

You have to be registered on the site to be able to write posts in Forum! Use Guest Login Panel at the bottom of the right menu to register.

Wolfgang Dittmann (14-06-1933 – 05-02-2014)

DittmannWolfgang Dittmann (14-06-1933 – 05-02-2014)

German composer and International Master, the grand old man of retro-composition, Wolfgang Dittmann, deceased on the 5th of February in Berlin suffering from pneumonia.

Wolfgang Dittmann had composed in his life direct mates and selfmates mainly in the style of the New-German school. In the period 1970 – 1990 he was one of the worldwide leading experts in the field of orthodox retro-problems. After a break of about 12 years (for family reasons) in 2002 he found his way back to chess composition. The Anticirce Proca Defensive Retractor became then Wolfgang’s speciality and he has enriched the problem world with many masterpieces of this kind. Wolfgang’s book “Der Blick zurück” (2006) is a reference work for retrograde analysis theory and practice.
WFCC  has acknowledged Wolfgang’s merits by granting the titles International Master and International Judge for Chess Composition.  (information from Klaus Wenda and

Thomas Brand, a close friend of Wolfgang, has written an obituary on his blog.candle

JF website expresses deep condolences to Wolfgang’s family, relatives, friends.


Originals 01-060214


1st-6th of February, 2014:

  • (06.02) No.498 – Geoff Foster – A very nice miniature composed with Marine pieces only! 
  • (04.02) No.497 – Newman Guttman – Echo play with a use of a non-standard fairy piece Equihopper at 90º.
  • (01.02) No.496 – Abdelaziz Onkoud – A nice Meredith with model mates! Warm welcome to Abdelaziz!

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(I)Vlaicu Crișan. The judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014Hans Gruber. 

Originals 20-310114


20th-31st of January, 2014:

  • (31.01) No.495 – Klaus Wenda – A very interesting and complicated Retro-problem! Warm welcome to Klaus Wenda – world famous Austrian GM for Chess composition, former president of the WFCC!
  • (31.01) No.494 – Thomas Pantalacci – A nice play with promotions in B and S!
  • (29.01) No.493 – Peter Harris – A Miniature with difficult solutions!
  • (28.01) No.492 – Pierre Tritten – А nice problem with thematic activity of all three white pieces and of the black Queen!
  • (23.01) No.491 – Peter Harris – Just an empty board and a fantasy with 7 fairy conditions!
  • (22.01) No.490 – János Mikitovics – A nice Chameleon-echo! 
  • (20.01) No.489 – Karol Mlynka – Four difficult solutions!

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(I)Vlaicu Crișan. The judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014Hans Gruber. 

Originals 15-180114


15-18th of January, 2014:

  • (18.01) No.488 – János Mikitovics – An elegant four-men with Take & Make!
  • (17.01) No.487 – S. K. Balasubramanian – An interesting Meredith with a rich strategy! 
  • (17.01) No.486 – Krassimir Gandev – Nice Miniature with 3 Chameleon-echo mates!
  • (15.01) No.485 – János Mikitovics – A miniature for solvers!

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(I)Vlaicu Crișan. The judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014Hans Gruber. 

Mémorial Denis Blondel – postponed till 30-Apr-2014

Phenix_logoMémorial Denis Blondel – postponed for 3 months (April 30, 2014)

In order to honour the memory of Denis Blondel, deceased on 21th June 2012, Phénix organizes a composing tourney in two sections :
Section A) : all types of problems with only one type of fairy piece, which will be either the Rose or Locust.

Section B) : all types of problems with one or two types of fairy pieces, which will be the Rose and Locust.

See full announcement in English and in French!