4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013
(30.07.2013) Here is the announcement of the 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney – WCCC Batumi 2013.
Theme: direct #, H#, S#, HS# problems in 2 to 3 moves with the combination of fairy conditions Take & Make and Anti Take & Make. Neutral pieces are allowed, but other type fairy pieces or fairy conditions are not allowed.
The problems should be computer checked by WinChloe or Popeye (please write the used program).
Prizes: Bottles of Bulgarian wine, Bulgarian souvenirs.
Closing date: 25th September 2013, 23:00h local time
Judge: Diyan Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
The tourney is open to everybody, but only congress participants can receive bottlesand souvenirs.
E-mail entries should be sent to Diyan Kostadinov by September 25th (dkostadinov@abv.bg).
See the whole announcement at KoBulChess.com website!