June, 2018 While waiting for the new fairy tournament starting July,1st….
Composing Tournaments of the RIFACE 2018, C20.05.2018
The 39th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place at Ecully, May 18-20, 2018.
Themes of composing tournaments:
RIFACE 2018 – Thème aidés.pdf | Thème féerique.pdf | Thème rétro.pdf
Address to send the entries : RIFACE.2018@gmail.com for helpmates and fairies ; abrobecker@yahoo.com for retro problems
Time limit to send the entries : Sunday 20th May at 15:00
Composing Tournament of the 43rd World Chess Olympiad 2018
The Chess Composing Tournament in the frame of the 43rd World Chess Olympiad 2018 (Batumi, Georgia) includes also fairy section: H. The Fairy– Judge: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)
In each section only three compositions by each author are accepted and joint compositions are not allowed. The closing date is September 20th, 2018. The compositions must be sent via email to the director’s address: admin@chessstar.com, Ferad Kakabadze (Ferhat Karmil) (Batumi). Three medals and certificates are awarded to the winners of each section.
BIT 2018, Group C (fairy!)

Belgrade Internet Tourneys, Group C – Fairy h#2
This tourney is devoted to the 50th birthday of the judge, Dinu-Ioan Nicula, and marked by Latin „L“ (for number 50). Thematic condition: „L-problem“ symbolized by Lortap and Locust. Helpmate in 2 using Lortap condition, and Locust(s) fairy piece. Other fairy elements are not allowed.
Entries (not more than 3 per composer – single or joint) should be sent directly to the judge Dinu-Ioan Nicula: nicudin004@yahoo.com by 19. May 2018.
Selected problems from BIT 2018 Group C will be subject of the Composing-Solving contest on Friday, 25. May 2018.
See detailed announcement (PDF) with examples and competitions Group A&B.
6th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2018 – Fairies
I hope, it will be a nice surprise for many of you tonight, the preliminary results of section G-Fairies of the 6th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2018 by Vlaicu Crişan! The winners of the competition are: Gold medal – Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia), Silver medal – Petko Petkov (Bulgaria), Bronze medal – Boris Shorokhov (Russia).
My sincere congratulations to the authors of rewarded problems!
JURAJ BRABEC 80 JT C 31.12.2018
JURAJ BRABEC 80 JT C 31.12.2018
The tourney is announced for twomovers with changes (new-strategical twomovers) employing at least one „oblique grasshopper“ (the name “krivý cvrček” was invented by Juraj Lörinc). „Oblique grasshoppers“ differ from the ordinary grasshoppers by the fact that they turn direction of their move in the following way: moose (los) by 45°, eagle (orol) by 90°, sparrow (vrabec) by 135° and hamster (škrečok) by 180°. Utilization of other fairy elements is allowed; the tourney will be judged by jubilee Juraj Brabec. The entries should be sent by e-mail to the address of tourney director Juraj Lörinc juraj.lorinc@gmail.com until 31.12.2018. | See detailed announcement as web page and in PDF.
Quartz 44 is online & Quartz TT11
Quartz 44, December 2017, is online at:
Don’t miss Quartz TT11:
Since 1996, Glasgow Chess was very poorly represented and our belief is that this genre has a lot of potential. So, we are launching a thematic tournament, Quartz TT11, for problems with Glasgow Chess rules.
The tourney has two sections: a) fairy problems; b) retro problems.
In both sections, combinations with other genres, fairy units, are allowed, but Vielväterstellung problems are not allowed.
Send problems in an unlimited number to our Director, Dinu-Ioan Nicula, e-mail: nicudin004@yahoo.com, up to July 1, 2018
JF Retro 2015-2016 — Award
Julia’s Fairies • Retro 2015-2016 • Award
by Thomas Brand, D-Bornheim
I’m very grateful to Julia for her invitation to judge this interesting fairy retro tourney: I’m convinced that carefully selected fairy conditions (more than fairy pieces) will extend the options for interesting retrograde analysis in the future. The most popular current example is AntiCirce with defensive retractors, but the general idea goes back to Thomas R. Dawson (whom else?), and gets more and more popular. → to the Award…
Published with a gratitude to the judge, Thomas Brand /Julia/
The judge of JF-10/2017-03/2018
The Judge of JF fairy tournament 10/2017-03/2018
After a long time… the one who was the first judge ever of JF’s fairy tournament, had to analyze about 200 fairy problems and finished the Award in a year after competition, is kindly accepting this job again! I’m very glad to announce the judge of current fairy tournament, JF-10/2017-03/2018 – famous Indian composer, International Master of FIDE – Shankar Ram! To the words I’ve written about Shankar in 2012, he’s added the following:
- From 2012, Got back to composing, judging, article writing, getting in touch with chess problem friends
- Current interest: Acquiring new gadgets and porting Popeye to them!
Wishing a pleasant work for the judge, and creative provigil ideas to the authors! – Julia
The judges of the future fairy tournaments:
JF-2018/II, 01.07-31.12.2018: Kjell Widlert | JF-2019/I, 01.01-30.06.2019: Michal Dragoun
Czechoslovak Republic 100 JT
announce on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic
International anonymous chess composing jubilee tournament
Czechoslovakia 100
Sections: a) Mate in 2 moves b) Helpmate in 2 moves c) Symbolic composition without any limitation of stipulation and conditions, which in any way evokes the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic → see PDF announcement
Closing date: 30.06.2018 | Announcement of results: 28. 10. 2018 – 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia