Welcome to the judge of JF-2017/I

I’m delighted to welcome the judge of informal tournament JF-2017/I (01.Jan.2017 – 30.Jun.2017) –Tadashi Wakashima – Several times the judge of the WCCI and FIDE Album in fairy section, an indefatigable promoter of chess composition in Japan, the delegate of Japan in WFCC and the chief editor of the Japanese magazine “Problem Paradise”. Many of you might remember Tadashi as the tireless organizer of the successful 55th WCCC in Kobe in September, 2012.


42 fairy problems are published in the tournament JF-2017/I, and by the end of June I’d gladly accept about 8-10 good fairy problems. Please, not more than one problem per sending! – Julia

Formal thematic tourney with Viceking by A.P.I. – C31.12.2017

The A.P.I. organizes a formal thematic tourney in 2-4 moves with the piece called Vicekingsee description in the announcement.
Originals can be of any type (direct, helpmate, selfmate, helpselfmate, series etc. Are not allowed other types of fairy conditions and pieces). No zeropositions.
Director of tourney: Valerio AGOSTINI [valerio.agostini@gmail.com] | Judge: Antonio GAROFALO | Deadline: 31.12.2017
Originals must be sent within deadline to Director only by e-mail. The problems awarded will be published on Sinfonie Scacchistiche, which will be sent to every participant.

Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2017, C23.05.2017

BIT2017-GroupCBelgrade Internet Tourneys 2017

Composing Tourneys announced for the 12th Belgrade Problem Chess Festival 26th-28th May 2017 are split into 3 groups, including fairy Group C (HS#2.5 Max) which will be judged by solvers and composers themselves, in a special Composing-Solving-Judging contest on May 26th 2017, the first day of the Festival.

Group C – HS# Max 2.5, 2 Solutions Thematic condition: Help-selfmate Max is a new condition, with the help-play before the last two half-moves, presenting S#1 Maximummer (Black has to play the geometrically longest move).

The BIT 2017 will use the method of entering originals for the tourney directly to the Mat Plus website. Composers unable to use it may send their entries by email to the Mat Plus administrator: borislav.gadjanski@gmail.com. Deadline: May 23rd 2017.

Petko A. Petkov 75JT Award


StrateGems-logoPetko A. Petkov 75th Jubilee Tourney Award
(by Petko A. Petkov)

StrateGems announces the Award of the jubilee tourney of its esteemed editor Petko A. Petkov (born February 27th, 1942 in Dobrich, Bulgaria). 

The director of the tournament, Chief Editor of StrateGems, Mike Prcic, thanks all participants and congratulates the winners.

“Forty-six composers, from sixteen countries participate in this tourney. I want to express my warm gratitude to the many of my friends-composers who sent exactly 100 memorable originals (for all three sections) for participation in my jubilee tourney. I also express my heartfelt thanks to the organizer of this remarkable event, StrateGems, as well to my dear friend Mike Prcic, who directed the tourney.” (Petko A. Petkov)

Munich Fairy Chess Tournament 2017

mpk-Blaetter-annAnnouncement Munich Fairy Chess Tournament 2017
Argentinian chess or Argentinian pieces

Required are helpmates h#n in 2 or more moves on a 8×8 board with the fairy condition Argentinian chess or the Argentinian pieces señora, faro, loco as well as saltador. The theme is free. Further fairy pieces and fairy conditions are not accepted. Problems in more than one phase are allowed, whether with set play, multiple solutions, twinnings or some combination of those methods. →Announcement (PDF)

Judge: Franz Pachl | Tournament director: Rolf Kohring | Closing date: December 31th, 2017
Submissions should be sent to mpk-blaetter@gmx.de or Rolf Kohring, Bolkamer Straße 5a, D-83104 Tuntenhausen, Germany.


Preliminary Award JF-2016/II

Dear Friends,
I believe I have a very nice surprise to you (same as it was for me), as who could expect to see the Award in a few months after the end of informal tournament? From 87 problems judged 34 problems rewarded, and the Award with diagrams is fully prepared for publication by the judge: 

The Award of Julia’sFairies-2016/II
by Franz Pachl

My sincerest gratitude to the judge, and congratulations to all authors of rewarded problems! As always, I’m inviting all readers to give a feedback to the authors of published problems, to tell what you like in the problems, remembering that not only the improvements or critics are of the main importance.

The Award is provisional and will become final after one month. – Julia

Retro and PG problems 2017 – 2018

JF-LOGO-1Retro and PG problems 2017 – 2018

Dear Retro & PG composers,

In April 2013 I’ve published the first PG problem on JF (No.299 by Nicolas Dupont, who convinced me to publish this genre 🙂 ), and since that have organized two competitions of two-years period in Retro&PG genres: Retro and PG 2013-2014 (judge:  Hans Gruber),  Retro and PG 2015-2016 (judge: Thomas Brand).

Dirk Borst 2016Today I’m very glad to announce a new Retro and PG tournament 2017-2018:

The judge: Dirk Borst – a talented Dutch composer, very experienced in fairy and retro problems, also in fairy proof games! Dirk is known not only as a composer, but also as a noted judge, and a fairy editor of Probleemblad magazine.  Warm welcome to Dirk and my gratitude for accepting the judge’s work! 

Quick Composing TT-184: Rebirth square paradox

superproblem-ruQuick Composing TT-184 by SuperProblem
Tourney name: “Rebirth square paradox”

Stipulation: fairies
Theme: When rebirth of pieces applies in fairy conditions, an empty rebirth square usually means an advantage for the transported piece’s party, as it preserves the piece’s power. This tournament, however, is looking for the exceptions. It requires chess problems of any kind applying any fairy condition involving rebirth of pieces, where the vacation of a rebirth square of a piece belonging to the party which is going to fulfill the problem’s aim (e.g. white in n#/h#n or black in s#n/hs#n) means a disadvantage and/or the obstruction of such a square means an advantage for that party because of the potential rebirth (not) taking place.
All stipulations, fairy pieces and additional fairy conditions are allowed.
Judge: Klaus Wenda. Closing date: February 16, 2017
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail: alexeioganesyan@gmail.com
Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru.  Download the announcement in English [pdf, 244 KB]

Michael Grushko 60 JT

The Award, 8 pages


“Soon after the closing date (May 31,2015), I received 100 submissions in anonymous from the director, Paz Einat, whom I’d like to thank. Overall, there were 34 authors from 13 countries and I would like to thank all of them. The problems included 48 miniatures and 51 Tanagras. Being the admirer of low-figured tasks, I allocated them in the separate sections.” (M.Grushko)

Award “Seven chess notes” – 2015 (RUS)

7chessnotes2015-annThe results of the annual competition 2015,
conducted by the magazine “Семь шахматных нот” (“Seven chess notes”)

“На конкурс поступило 59 задач-сказок от 21 автора из 10 стран: Болгария, Венгрия, Германия, Израиль, Италия, Россия, Сербия, Словакия, Франция, Чехия. В этом году уровень конкурса оказался немного ниже, чем в прошлые годы.” (the judge, Michael Grushko)