Section : Mate in #n
Participants of Marine TT 2013
Participants of Julia’s Faries MARINE TT 2013
Dear Friends,
Thank you very much for so active participation in Marine TT 2013 ! I’ve got 70 problems by 26 authors from 12 countries. All problems are thematic and C+! The Award is planned to be in the beginning of December, and here’s a list of problems submitted to the judge, IGM Petko A. Petkov:
Good luck to everybody! – Julia
Tournaments & Awards
Mémorial Denis Blondel
In order to honour the memory of Denis Blondel, deceased on 21th June 2012, Phénix organizes a composing tourney in two sections :
Section A) : all types of problems with only one type of fairy piece, which will be either the Rose or Locust.
Section B) : all types of problems with one or two types of fairy pieces, which will be the Rose and Locust.
See full announcement in English and in French!
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Orbit announces 2014 informal tourney for Unorthodox help-play original problems. |
Online, 2012’s judgements are (will be) at :
Juges/Judges : 2013
#3, #n : Antonio Garofalo (ITA) ♦ h#2, h#n : Thomas Maeder (CHE) ♦ s#, Féériques : Diyan Kostadinov (BGR)
Please send your originals to Alain Biénabe : admin (AT)
See HERE (in English and Russian) the information about
Regular tournaments by Variantim and also
Alex Ettinger 90 Memorial Tourney
The Israel Chess Composition Society is announcing a composition tourney to commemorate the 90’s birthday of Alex Ettinger (1923-2005). Alex, born in Frankfurt, Germany, immigrated to Israel in 1933 and was a dedicated member of our society. Required are fairy-miniatures with free theme. All types of problems are accepted but with at least one fairy condition and one fairy piece. Judge: Michael Grushko. Please send entries to the director, Paz Einat (; 45a Moshe Levi St. Nes Ziona, 74207, Israel). Closing date: 30.11.2013
56th WCCC & 37th WCSC in Batumi!
The 56th WCCC & 37th WCSC in Batumi
22nd-28th of September, 2013!
(29.09) Two new Awards available: Award 1° Azemmour and 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013 ! Congratulations to the winners and participants!
(28.09) I don’t see any official announcement yet, but have heard that the next Congress will take place in BERN, Switzerland, in the end of August 2014.
(27.09) Composing tourneys – almost nothing is published… I have only 11th Tzuika Award and VODKA TOURNEY – 2013 is published on A.Selivanov’s website.
(27.09) Problems & Solutions are added for Open Solving. WCSC results are published at WFCC website! Congratulations to the World Champion – Piotr Murdzia! To the team’s Champion – Poland! And to all other medal winners and participants!!
(25.09) For now I know just two things about the Congress: it was raining in Batumi the first days; and the results of Open Solving Tournament Batumi, 23rd September 2013, are just published at WFCC website! Congratulations to the winners – Ofer Comay and Arno Zude! And congratulations to all participants!
I wish to all participants of the meeting to have a great time in Georgia! Quick composing competition is waiting for you already tonight, and an Open solving competition the next morning will continue to keep you up! I wish a good luck to composers and solvers in these first competitions, I admire the ability of solvers to go through a very hard two days of WCSC on 24th-25th of September, I wish to all of us to be successful in the composing competitions announced for the 56th WCCC!
I’d like to invite the participants of the Congress to send your comments and maybe some photos of the events – I’d be happy to publish them here!
Reminder – JF Marine TT
Let me remind you that just two weeks are left to submit your problems to Julia’s Fairies Marine TT !
For more information about Marine pieces read also the articles by IGM Petko A. Petkov “Do you know the Marine Pieces?” – Part I, Part II, Part III.
Judge: IGM Petko A. Petkov – International Judge of FIDE.
Please send your problems till 24:00 September, 30th, 2013 by e-mail only to Julia,
The Award will be published on Julia’s Fairies website before the end of 2013. And I’ll try to send Prizes to the Prize Winners and Diplomas to the authors of awarded problems before Christmas! Good luck to everybody!
WCCI 2010-2012: Results become final!
Today, on September 15th, 2013,
The Results of WCCI 2010-2012 announced as final!
Congratulations to our champions, other medal winners and all participants!!!
Results of the 9th WCCT
The Results of the 9th WCCT
are published on the WFCC website!
In total 37 countries participated in the tournament with 553 compositions by 257 composers in seven sections. The winner of the 9th WCCT is Russia, ahead of Ukraine and Israel. Sincere congratulations to the winners and to all participants!!!
API 4th Mini-TOUR 2014
The Italian Problemist Association (API) organizes
The 4th Mini-Tour called NEUTRAL PIECES
Will be admitted any type of problems from 2 to 6 moves. Every problems must to have one or more neutral piece(s) in initial position. (See original announcement in Italian/English in PDF here!)
More solutions and twins are allowed, but not zero-position and duplex. It’s allowed also only one fairy condition. Problems must be C+, please point out the software used. Sent to this address:
Sinfonie Scacchistiche with the problems (and award) published will be sent to all participants. Deadline: August 31, 2014.
Photo gallery – Diplomas JF-2013/I
Dear authors of the awarded problems JF-2013/I !
I hope all of you have got your diplomas by postal mail! I’ve added some pictures of them to the Gallery of Prizes, and also have made Gallery page visible under the Tourneys menu.
With all changes I make from time to time some links can be broken. Please let me know if something doesn’t work! Thank you! –Julia
This tournament was announced by the “Union of problematicists Argentina Chess (UAPA). Had three sections: 1º – H # 2 – 2º – H # 2.5-3 – 3º – H # n
There were 83 problems: H # 2 (41), H#2,5-3 (27) and H#n (15) , 46 composers of 17 countries. → Read full Award!