Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Originals 28-311219


Original Problems


28-31st of December, 2019

My dear fiends, authors, visitors, commentators… Happy to have all of you visiting JF and sending your contributions! Happy New Year 2020 to all of you! 

I’m glad to present you some statistics by Shankar Ram: 

Your new works are very welcome in 2020!

With the best wishes – Julia.

  • (31.12) No.1471 (ser-!xz20) – Themis Argirakopoulos20 pieces forming number 20, solution in 20 moves.
  • (30.12) No.1470 (h#3 ; Anti-Circe) – János MikitovicsPublished with the gratitude for Happy New Year wishes.
  • (29.12) No.1469 (h#2.5 ; Neutral pawns ; Partial Paralysis, Leffie) – Eric HuberI believe I’m not the only one who enjoys authors’ explanations and comments to the problems. Thanks to Eric!
  • (29.12) No.1468 (h#2.5 ; Provocation Chess) – Luis Miguel MartínWelcome back! After a long break from April, 2014…
  • (28.12) No.1467 (h#16.5 ; Grasshopper ; Functionary Chess) – Daniel NovomeskyAfter Udo Degener, No. 1418.
  • (28.12) No.1465 & 1466 (phser-=11 ; Circe Power Transfer & ahser-s#7 ; Circe Power Transfer Rex Inclusive) – Cornel Pacurar. Two originals employing a new fairy condition – Circe Power Transfer – one Parry series and one AntiParry series

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Originals 11-191219


Original Problems


11-19th of December, 2019

  • (19.12) No.1464 (hs#4.5 ; Lion, Rook-Lion, Bishop-Lion, Neutral piece) – Ofer Comay, S.K.Balasubramanian & Vlaicu Crișan. Enjoy the Lions’ family in action!
  • (17.12) In the email with Seasonal greetings Juraj Lörinc has written: “Most Conflictio issues can be found at JF website, down on page https://juliasfairies.com/articles/.
    Why Most? 🙂 So, I’ve found 2 recent issues where missing: Conflictio No.19  (03.11.2019) & Conflictio No.20 (01.12.2019)  are just added. Now, not Most but All of them available!
  • (15.12) No.1463 (h#2.5 ; Total Invisibles) – Eric Huber. Total Invisibles might be either fully or partly uncovered: their type, color, position…
  • (15.12) No.1462 a & b (hs#3.5) – Vitaly MedintsevAuthor is kindly asking the judge to select a better version from the two published.
  • (11.12) No.1461 (#2 ; Zebra-Rider, Equihopper at 90º) – James Quah“Task: Royal battery is fired 8 times.” (Author). With some thoughts about testing Equihopper-90 (English) and economy in usage of fairy pieces…

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Sergey Smotrov 50JT

Jubilee tourney “Sergey Smotrov – 50”

Stipulation: s#12-N
Theme: logical selfmate in 12 or more moves.
Both orthodox selfmates and selfmates with any quantity of fairy pieces and/or conditions are allowed. Depending on quantity and quality of sent problems, the judge can divided an award into several subsections or, vice versa, can combine several sections into the one.
Judge: Sergey Smotrov | Send entries to the judge sergsmotrov@yandex.ru | Closing date: February 4th, 2020
Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru

Quartz 48 is online

Quartz 48, November 2019, is online at:


By Paul Rãican:
The contest has one section: 1. Proof games with #color condition.
It is admitted, but not necessary, to add at most one other condition (but not fairy pieces). The tourney is informal. Send problems to the judge, until the 1st February 2020. Judge: P. Rãican.

#color (or simply #c) was introduced by Andrey Frolkin and Chris Tylor in feenschach 212/2015.
Definition: After a checkmate, the colour of the mating piece(s) is changed and the game resumes, if a legal position results. In a first phase, the authors introduced this condition in helpmates, but then, they also used it in proof games.

See, e.g., the problem No.1374 from Julias fairies. The genre may be tested by Jacobi, with condition #c.

Originals 23;271119


Original Problems


23rd,28th of November, 2019

  • (27.11) No.1460 (h#2.5 ; Circe) – Manfred Rittirsch. “In memoriam Dieter Müller
  • (23.11) No.1458 (ser-h#16 ; Berolina Pawn ; Circe Equipollents) & No.1459 (ser-h#26; Skylla, Charybdis ; Circe Equipollents) – Chris Feather. “Both are serieshelpmates using Equipollent Circe; under this condition there is nothing odd about two bishops on squares of the same colour, as in the first diagram. Like the first problem, the second shows a round trip by the black king, but otherwise it is quite different.” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Originals 171119


Original Problems


17th of November, 2019

  • (17.11) No.1457 – Vladislav Nefyodov (ser-h#5 ; Circe Parrain). Any improvements are welcome! (Author)
  • (17.11) No.1456 – Ladislav Salai jr. & Michal Dragoun (h#2 ; Lion, Rook-Lion, Bishop-Lion). Glad to see the name of so very fast judge of JF-2019/I in this joint work!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

JF 2019/I — Award


Julia’s Fairies • Tournament JF 2019/I • Award

Michal Dragoun, Prague, October 2019

In Julia’s Fairies 2019/I tourney took part 43 problems. It is slightly less than in previous tournaments on Julia’s website and in my opinion, the quality of published problems was lower too. Not in general – I considered relatively high number of problems for low distinction – but I missed problems impressive at the first look.

to the Award…

Published with a gratitude to the judge, Michal Dragoun, for so exceptionally fast results! /Julia/