Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Originals 05-100919


Original Problems

05-10th of September, 2019

Problems by János Mikitovics, Andreas Thoma, Günther Weeth & Klaus Wenda, Joost de Heer coming soon!

  • (10.09) No.1438 – Linden Lyons (=2 ; Grasshopper). Setplay, tries and variations.
  • (08.09) No.1437 – Anatoly Stepochkin (hs#3.5). Without fairy elements for relaxing Sunday’s night!
  • (08.09) No.1436 – Chris Feather (ser-h#23 ; Circe Equipollents). “I think it should be enjoyable for solvers – at least, I hope so!” (Author)
  • (07.09) No.1435 – Michael Barth & Franz Pachl (h#2 ; Senora, Faro, Loco, Saltador). 13 Argentinian pieces on the board!
  • (07.09) No.1434 – Bernd Gräfrath (PG 13 ; Duellist Chess). “NOT SENT to the Murfatlar tourney at the WCCC 2019 in Vilnius!” (Author)
  • (06.09) No.1433 – Jean-Marie Chorein (ser-h=43). Warm welcome to Jean-Marie in Original Problems of JF!
  • (06.09) Conflictio No.18 (31.08.2019) by Juraj Lörinc is added to the Articles page. “It contains the article by Narayan Shankar Ram on Jacobs theme, enjoy. And please, let me know what you think about such long articles – is the size of the file acceptable (about 1 MB) or should I divide it into more issues next time?” (J.Lorinc). Replaced with the new version on 07.09: “Various kinds of improvements were possible thanks to feedback of some of you. The most important change is correct diagram No 342 that was plainly wrong in the first version and I would also like to point swap of diagrams 242 and 306.” (J.Lorinc)
  • (05.09) No.1432 – Václav Kotěšovec (h#9 ; Eagle ; White Maximummer). 4-fold exact echo in four corners. (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

62.WCCC in Vilnius

I believe many people share the same feeling, that the 62.WCCC was absolutely wonderfully organized in Vilnius! Thanks a lot to Lithuanian team and especially to Vilimantas and Vidmantas Satkus!

There’re some post on the official website, I tried to make during the congress. The final page for the 43.WCSC is just finished. The 4.YCCC was a great work to boast: Results (PDF) | Photo gallery

You’re free to use any of my photos from Vilnius 2019 album (with some accent on Latvian solvers, of course 😉 )

After finishing most of works related to the Congress coming back to publications on JF. Thank you for your patience! – Julia

The 19th Japanese Sake Tourney Award

Theme: H#2 Point Reflection. Fairy pieces and/or other fairy conditions are not allowed.


The 19th Japanese Sake Tourney


We received 65 problems, a new record for our Sake tourney. The level was very good overall, in spite of the lack of outstanding problems. We decided to give 4 Prizes, 3 Honorable Mentions and 14 Commendations (without order). The new condition Point Reflection, which was invented by a young Japanese composer Hiryu Todoroki, got praises from many composers as “great,” “inspiring,” “very interesting and promising.”

Tadashi Wakashima, Toshiki Kobayashi and Hitoshi Yanami


Theme: Helpself compositions (hs#n/hs=n) with at least three (stale)mates by the same piece on different squares.


Tzuica Tourney 2019


69 problems by 35 composers from 14 countries have taken part in this tourney. We initially thought that the theme was rather difficult, but the number of entries seems to have proven that we were wrong. As usual we awarded problems that showed the theme intensively and we praised rich strategy as well as a good and pleasant construction, with all white or black officers used in the solutions. Interplay must also play a role in the solution. Some entries with small constructional blemishes, such as unused white / black figures in at least one phase have been sadly left out of the present award. We hope, however, their authors will be able to find out improved settings and even win prizes in other tournaments.

Eric Huber & Vlaicu Crisan

Originals 03-060819


Original Problems

03rd-06th of August, 2019

  • (06.08) No.1431 – Manfred Rittirsch (h#2.5** ; Double Grashopper ; Circe Parrain). “The move count of the attached problem did not match the Rallo-80 JT requirements… Dedicated to Vito Rallo for his 80th Birthday” (Author)
  • (04.08) No.1430 – Chris Feather (ser-h#25 ; PWC, AntiCirce Diagram). The new effect?
  • (04.08) No.1429 – Dmitri Turevski (h#2 ; Nightrider, Zebrarider ; Andernach, Take&Make). Logical; tries.
  • (03.08) No.1428 – N.Shankar Ram (#3 ; Nightrider, Zebra). “Only 2 “classical” fairy pieces used…” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

17th TT by Phénix (C 1.04.2020)


The team of Phénix announces its 17th Thematic Tourney. Compositions of problems are requested with the Breton condition (or one of its three variations).

Breton : When a piece is captured, one piece of same nature and the same capturing camp must also disappear (if there is one). The choice of the eliminated piece is made by the captured camp. | Adverse Breton : When a piece is captured, another piece (of same nature) of the captured camp must also disappear (if there is one). | Chromatic Breton : When a piece is captured, a piece of same nature and of the capturing camp (if there is one) must change color. | Adverse Chromatic Breton : When a piece is captured, another piece of same nature and of the captured camp (if there is one) must change color.

  • Section A – directs mates. Judges : Maryan Kerhuel and Laurent Riguet
  • Section B – fairy stipulations, conditions of any kind are accepted. Judges : Éric Huber and Vlaicu Crişan

Limitation of 5 problems per author in each section. | Final date of entries is April 1st 2020 | Announcement in English | Announcement in French | The problems must be sent to the tourney Director : Laurent Riguet, travailphenix@gmail.com

Originals 28-310719


Original Problems

28th-31st of July, 2019

  • (31.07) No.1427 – Chris Feather (h#2.5 ; Messigny Chess). Please, who are in contact with Chris, send my greetings to him! This problem (and one more to appear soon) has arrived to me by postal mail. (JV)
  • (31.07) No.1425,1426 – Sergey Shumeiko: author mentions that the problems of his Diptych,  No.1425 (s!=6* ; Haaner Chess) and No.1426 (ser-hza1 6 / ser-hzh8 6 ; Bichrome Chess, Messigny Chess) can be viewed together having the same position and the same theme.
  • (30.07) No.1397.3 – Paul Rãican (PG 25 ; Berolina Pawns ; Duelist). One more version to No.1397 (also shown in the comments to No.1397).
  • (30.07) Conflictio No.17 (28.07.2019) by Juraj Lörinc is added to the Articles page.
  • (28.07) No.1424 – Aleksandr Tyunin (h#2 ; Grasshopper ; LEO). “Чередование ходов белых фигур.” (Author)
  • (28.07) No.1423 – Václav Kotěšovec (hs#8 ; Grasshopper ; Maximummer). “4-fold echo. “ (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

The 19th Japanese Sake Tourney


The 19th Japanese Sake Tourney


  • Theme: H#2 Point Reflection. Fairy pieces and/or other fairy conditions are not allowed.
  • Definition: Point Reflection: When two pieces of any color stand on the squares which are symmetric with respect to the central point of the chessboard (eg. a1-h8, b3-g6), they exchange their roles (i.e. powers of movement). A Pawn on the first rank and its corresponding piece on the eighth rank cannot move by themselves. Only non-reflected K and R can castle, and only non-reflected Ps can make en passant. Implemented in Popeye 4.83 to be released soon.
  • Judges:  Tadashi Wakashima, Toshiki Kobayashi and Hitoshi Yanami.
  • Prizes: Bottles of Sake
  • Audience: The tourney is open to everyone, but only congress participants can receive bottles.
  • Deadline: Thursday, 22 August 2019 | Send to: tadashi@hcn.zaq.ne.jp
  • Details: In the attached PDF document