Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Longest Series Tournament


Here we are… 5 years later ! I hope all of you are doing fine… I am glad to be back after such a long time, to organize once more a series tournament that is so much fun for many of us. Thanks to Arno for the gentle push.

This time around it will be somewhat different… it will basically be a 4-in-1 tournament, presenting 4 completely different themes. Each one of those could be part of a tournament all by itself.” →See more…

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Original Problems


12th of August, 2016

So much delighted to welcome two new authors in JF’s Original problems section:
Marjan Kovačević and Valery Gurov! Thank you very much!

  • (12.08) No.1112 – Valery Gurov, Georgy Evseev, Dmitri Turevski, Boris Shorokhov (h#2; Take&Make).
  • (12.08) No.1111 – Julia Vysotska, Marjan Kovačević (#2; Chameleon).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2016(II) – Franz PachlThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

The memories of Belgrade…

jv-BelgradeThe memories of Belgrade…

wccc2016-logo…The end of the Congress and the end of the season in many ways. For many of us WCCC & WCSC is something to plan and to prepare for  a long time before. And each of us has different reasons, wishes, demands, ambitions… something to wait for, something to hope for. 

And after months of waiting the week of a Congress comes and suddenly days start to run several times faster, and it turns out there’s not so much time for everything planned… and let it be, let’s save it for the next time! → more…

Grateful to the organizers for their huge work and warm attention. Liking Serbian people a lot. Keeping in my heart the images of the warm twilight on the Danube, slowly turning into the night’s brilliance of the moon and lights of the castle, the city line and the numerous bridges we were passing…


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Original Problems


9-10th of August, 2016

  • (10.08) No.1110 – Jean-Marc Loustau (#2; Nightrider; NAO; PAO; VAO).
  • (10.08) No.1109 – S.N. Ravi Shankar (#9; All-in-Chess(C-); Growing Men).
  • (09.08) No.1107, 1108 – Vito Rallo. Two miniatures: No.1107 (h#2.5; Andernach Chess); No.1108 (h#3.5; KoeKo).
  • (09.08) No.1106 – Daniele Gatti (r#2). Reflexmate with tries.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2016(II) – Franz PachlThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

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Original Problems


19-25th of July, 2016

Waiting list of 2 problems… I apologize for slow publishing till August, 9th.

  • (25.07) No.1105 – Aleksey Oganesjan (hs#2.5). Aristocratic miniature.
  • (22.07) No.1102, 1103, 1104 – Karol Mlynka: No.1102 (h#2; White Super-Transmuting King; Magic King), No.1103 (pser-h#6; White Super-Transmuting King; Circe Parrain; Einstein Chess), No.1104 (h#2.5; Superpawn; White Super-Transmuting King (in check!); Circe PWC; Black Transmuted King).
  • (21.07) No.1100, 1101 – Erich Bartel: No.1100 (ser-s#27; Circe Equipollents; Alphabetic Chess; Double Grasshopper), No.1101 (ser-==8; Circe Equipollents; Madrasi; Giraffe; Gnu; Nightrider).
  • (20.07) No.1099 – Semion Shifrin (h#2; Take&Make). Dedicated to the all participants of 10th WCCT, section G.
  • (19.07) No.1098 – Ladislav Salai jr., Emil Klemanič, Michal Dragoun (h#2; Lion; Camel). Cycle of four squares.
  • (19.07) No.1097 – Peter Harris (h#1.5; Super-Circe; Super-Andernach; Isardam).
  • (19.07) No.1096 – Daniele Gatti (h=4).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2016(II) – Franz PachlThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

30-day tourney Marianka Festival Cup 2016MariankaLogo

Slovak organization of chess composition announces on the occasion of the 8th International Chess Composition Festival 30-day tourney Marianka Festival Cup 2016 C 17.8.2016.

Theme: Twomover in three phases with two variations each using any kind of fairy pieces, but no fairy conditions. Any combinations of mate changes and transferences are allowed, except change of two mates in three phases (Z-32-26). It is also allowed to extend the thematical content (number of phases, variations, move functions etc.). Anybody can take part in the tourney, including composers not present in Marianka. The closing date is the 17.8.2016, entries to the director and judge Juraj Brabec (only by e-mail) – to brabec@brabec.sk. The results will be announced at the end of the festival on Sunday 21.8.2015, the winner will get the Marianka 2016 Festival Cup. See examples in Marianka Cup 2016 announcement (PDF).

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Original Problems


7-9th of July, 2016

Dear friends, the week starting tomorrow, 10-17.07, I’m on family vacation and most probably won’t be able to publish anything. Also, I’ll be slow in publications the last weeks before WCCC (need some time for the own composing) and during it. For now I have a waiting list of 7 problems… Please, be patient! Thank you!!

  • (09.07) No.1095 – Hubert Gockel & Eugene Rosner (#2; Anti-Circe).
  • (09.07) No.1094 – Dieter Müller (#5; Grid Chess).
  • (07.07) No.1093 – Anatoly Stepochkin (h#3; Lion; KoKo).
  • (07.07) No.1092 – Krassimir Gandev (ser-s=17; Royal piece; Berolina Super Pawn; Super Pawn; Grasshopper; Circe).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2016(II) – Franz PachlThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

37th RIFACE, the results

st-germain-au-mont-d-orSee the RESULTS of the 37th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) which took place from Friday, May 13, 2016 to Monday, May 16, 2016 at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or.

The 1st HM in Retros has been cooked, after the final judgment, by François Labelle with : 1. d4 a5 2. Ff4 a4 3. h4 axh3 4. Fd6 hxg2 5. Ch3 g1=C 6. f4 Cf3+ 7. exf3 h5 8. Fe2 Th6 9. O-O c6 10. Rh2 Db6 11. Fc7 Td6 12. Tfg1 g6 13. Df1 Fe1 14. Tah1 Ch6 15. c4 O-O-O-O” (Jérôme Auclair).

The judge of JF-2016/II

pachl_franz_dorisI’m very glad to announce the judge of informal tournament JF-2016/II – Franz Pachl – an International Judge with 90 problem-tourneys judged, an International Grand Master with 140 album points. Franz has composed near 1.400 problems, of which 1.000 are honoured. His favorite genre is fairy-chess. 

Franz was born on 8.01.1951, married since 1972, has a son Markus (1975) and a grandson Neo (2011). (On the photo: Franz with his wife Doris).

 Warm welcome to Franz!


You’re welcome to participate in the second informal tournament of this year – JF-2016/II, July-December!
Any fairy problem can participate, and I’m here for you to publish it faster. – Julia