The memories of Belgrade…
…The end of the Congress and the end of the season in many ways. For many of us WCCC & WCSC is something to plan and to prepare for a long time before. And each of us has different reasons, wishes, demands, ambitions… something to wait for, something to hope for.
And after months of waiting the week of a Congress comes and suddenly days start to run several times faster, and it turns out there’s not so much time for everything planned… and let it be, let’s save it for the next time! → more…
My 2nd Congress. Well, easier than for the first time, at least some faces are already known 🙂 and it’s so nice to see them again, and to meet those I haven’t met previous time, and to see all the same as a year ago, but still so much not the same… And my ambitions were different this time too.
This year Latvia was preparing a proposal to hold the 13th European Chess Solving Championship (ECSC) in Riga. So, instead of more composing we were preparing the booklet being in Riga, and gave more attention to the organizational things and to the solving competitions held being in Belgrade. Now, very happy to meet you in Riga, 12-14th of May, 2017, in Radisson Blue Daugava hotel! Most of the details will come later, but for now I’d like to mention that we plan also to have a composing tournament within the event.
Have spent a lot of time with website, making photos and videos, trying to be faster in publications and to give some more impression of the Congress to those who didn’t come.
This year I gave up thematic competition as it would take most of my time. But still couldn’t give up Tzuika composing tournament with my beloved help-selfmate. The idea required some more technical pieces but I didn’t mind them much this time because of the heart shape the problem has:
Julia Vysotska
14th Romanian Tzuica Tourney, Fairy Section
2nd Commendation
White Ka5 Be1 Pb6 Pe6 Pa4
Black Kf3 Qb7 Bd6 Bd3 Pf6 Pg5 Pc7 Pb3 Pc3 Pe7 Pe2 Pg4
White Chameleon Rd5 Sc6
hs#3 b) cSc6->e4 (7+12)
Chameleon Rd5, Sc6
1.cSc6-a7=cB=b {} cBa7-b8=cR=w {} 2.cRb8-e8=cQ=b {} Qb7-c6=w {} 3.cRd5*g5=cQ + {} cQe8*c6=cS #
b) wcSc6-->e4
1.cRd5-d4=cQ=b {} cQd4-e3=cS=w {} 2.cSe3-c4=cB=b {} Qb7-d5=w {} 3.cSe4*g5=cB + {} cBc4*d5=cR #
Rundlauf of two Chameleons (S, R) in two different phases.
Grateful to the organizers for their huge work and warm attention. Liking Serbian people a lot. Keeping in my heart the images of the warm twilight on the Danube, slowly turning into the night’s brilliance of the moon and lights of the castle, the city line and the numerous bridges we were passing…