Originals 02-040114; Fairings No.35


2nd-4th of January, 2014:

  • (04.01) No.478, 479 – Václav Kotěšovec – Two groups of different hoppers in two wonderful serial problems in Vaclav‘s style!
  • (04.01) No.477 – Miodrag Mladenović – A modern Fairy #3 showing Zagoruiko theme! Warm welcome to Miodrag!
  • (04.01) Fairings No.35 – Chris Feather – One more issue of Fairings is added to the Articles page! Thanks to Stephen Emmerson for the distribution!
  • (03.01) No.476 – Nikola Predrag – This funny problem made me laugh! Locust in h#7 Miniature. No more comments to leave more fun to the solvers!
  • (02.01) No.475 – Valerio Agostini & Gabriele Brunori open a new season – JF-2014/I – with a nice Italian overture!

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(I)Vlaicu Crișan. 

Welcome at JF-2014!


Dear Friends,

The New Year 2014 is just started and first of all I’d like to wish you a happy and successful year! And, of course, you’re very welcome here, at Julia’s Fairies, today and during all the year! The year 2013 was great for me, for the site, for many of you I believe! Let’s keep going! This year I’ve decided keep the same system as in 2013, and to split the  informal tourneys for fairy problems published on Julia’s Fairies website into 3 periods and independent tourneys: 
I – January-April, II – May-August, III – September-December

You’re welcome to participate in the first informal tournament – JF-2014/I, January-April, 2014!
Any fairy problem can participate, and I’m here for you to publish it as soon as I can, usually in 1-2 days.

crisanI’m happy to introduce you the judge of this period – Vlaicu Crișan – a leading Romanian composer, the 1st Prize winner in many famous world championships, and also a judge of many strong competitions, including well-known Tzuika held within WCCC and also one of the most appreciated judges! Warm welcome to Vlaicu! 

The same time, I’d like to tell a few words about the last events of 2013: 

Three Awards of JF tournaments are published during 2013 – informal competitions JF-2013/I, JF-2012 and also thematic competition Marine TT 2013. I’m very happy about the results and grateful for your activity! The gifts to prize winners of Marine TT I’ve sent at the end of December, but this year I’ll send all other diplomas for Marine TT and also for JF-2012.

Yesterday was the last day of informal tournament JF-2013/III which will be judged by Eric Huber. This 3rd period has the biggest number of problems in 2013 – about 100! The list of participating problems I’ll show soon. I’m grateful to Eric for accepting this huge work!

Some plans for 2014? To keep the site interesting for you! Hopefully, to publish Awards of 2013/II and 2013/III. To have one thematic tournament. And to work a little on some sections of the site, which are still under construction. Plus, I’m listening to your opinions and will try to follow your wishes!

Good luck to all of us in 2014! Julia

Originals with New Year 2014 Greetings


Original problems with New Year Greetings
December, 30th-31st,2013:

  • (31.12) No.474 – Themis Argirakopoulos – A pair of problems to celebrate 2014! A problem is dedicated to all visitors of this website for New Year!
  • (31.12) No.473 – Julia Vysotska & Petko A. Petkov – This light Meredith is composed for you, dear readers, as a special New Year greetings and also as a plaything for solvers to show your mastery!
  • (31.12) No.472 – Petko A. Petkov – Another excellent Disparate problem from Petko with a New Year Greetingsto all of us!  Enjoy also detailed author’s comments! Thank you, Petko!
  • (31.12) No.471 – Kenneth Solja – Author says: “This is my greetings problem for all composers with which I like to wish everyone Peaceful and Happy New Year 2014!” Thank you, Kenneth!
  • (30.12) No.466, 467, 468, 469, 470 – Peter Harris wishes a Happy New Year to all of you! Enjoy 5 problems dedicated to: commentator Seetharaman, Tadashi Wakashima, Manfred Rittirsch, Vlaicu Crisan, and to your editor. Thank you, Peter!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 26-291213


Updates as of the 26-29th of December, 2013:

  • (29.12) No.465 – S. K. Balasubramanian & K. Seetharaman – Interesting play of pieces from three corners!
  • (26.12) No.456.2 – János Mikitovics – One more version-improvement to the problem No.456.
  • (26.12) No.464 – Stephan Dietrich – Another nice four-men with Poseidons from Stephan!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Merry Christmas – 2013!


Dear Friends,

I wish a Merry Christmas to all of you and to your families! Have a nice celebration tonight, and feel your Christmas Angel flying somewhere close to you, ready to support you and to make you happy!


While my Angels have decorated a Christmas Tree at home, I’ve decided to decorate the site with something from myself, and have chosen this little thingy recently composed. See No.463 – my lovely Locust piece in the first stalemate I’ve composed, with a Merry Christmas wishes to all of you!!

– Julia



Site Updates 22-241213


Updates as of the 22nd-24th of December, 2013:

  • (24.12) No.461, 462 – Peter Harris – An elegant Chameleon Four-men & An Aristocratic Miniature with difficult solution!
  • (23.12) No.460 – Georgy Evseev – A non-standard Chinese strategy!
  • (23.12) No.459 – Stephan Dietrich – One more interesting “Vielväterproblem”!
  • (22.12) No.458 – Ján Golha – An elegant problem without white pieces! Nice combination of conditions Take & Make and Anti-Take & Make.

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

The AWARD of Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013

Award JF Marine TT 2013

Dear Friends,

I’m so happy to tell you that The Award of Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 is ready! Enjoy the beauty of Marine problems presented!

The competition was very strong and the Award shows the very best problems, but not mentioned problems are also very good, have something unique and deserves the publication!

I’m grateful to all participants for the activity and creative work, to Petko Petkov for the fast judging, to Geoff Foster for corrections of the mistakes and language, to Thomas Maeder for implementation of some Marine pieces missed in Popeye, to all readers of this Award as your interest is always important and motivating!

DSCN7760My sincere congratulations to the winners
and to all participants!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Julia


Site Updates 211213


Updates as of the 21st of December, 2013:

  • (21.12) No.457 – Stephan Dietrich – Probably, a new invention in this well known matrix?! Marine pieces and Latvian chocolate – just before the publication of the Award of Marine TT!
  • (21.12) No.456.1 – János Mikitovics – An improvement to No.456 !
  • (21.12) No.447.1 – Pierre Tritten – Improvement to No.447 – by author’s words: “The economy is improved, thanks to hints given by Nikola Predrag!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

The 2nd Israel Open Chess Problem Composition Tourney

2ndIsraelOpenAnnThe 2nd Israel Open Chess Problem Composition Tourney

The Israel Chess Composition Society is announcing the second thematic composition tourney which is open for all composers in the world. Prizes will be given to award winners.
Section 1: Two-movers. Dedicated to Aaron Hirschenson on occasion of his 70’s birthday. 
Section 2: Help-mates in three moves. Dedicated to the memory of Baruch Lender on occasion of his 100’s birthday

Entries to: Omer Friedland, Harimon 8, Givat Shmuel 54403, Israel, omrfree@gmail.com
Deadline: August 31, 2014.

Site Updates 04-191213

Updates as of the 4-19th of December, 2013:

  • (19.12) No.456 – János Mikitovics – Long play with an interesting final! And the first congratulation with Winter Holidays!
  • (14.12) No.455 – Nikola Predrag – This beautiful miniature by Nikola, who’s also so good commentator on the site, was sent to the tournament Marine TT 2013, but unfortunately couldn’t participate as it has 6 moves… “…Impressive is the beautiful, multiple realization of Umnov’s theme in the play of SKe7/Sc8. The finale is a surprising ideal mate!”(PAP)
  • (10.12) No.454 – Adrian Storisteanu & Cornel Pacurar – A very dynamic and surprising play in Miniature! Warm welcome to Adrian and Cornel! – It’s very nice to see Canadian authors in Original Problems section!
  • (09.12) No.453 – Peter Harris – A dance of 8 pieces around the both Kings finishes with 2 different selfmates! A problem is C+ by the old Popeye version, but…
  • (08.12) No.452 – Peter Harris – A paradoxical white Rex-solus problem without any white pieces on the board in the twin!
  • (08.12) No.451 – Karol Mlynka – A paradoxical two-men selfmate! 
  • (07.12) No.450 – János Mikitovics – A Miniature with a rich content! 
  • (07.12) No.449 – Peter Harris – A  dynamic and interesting long play with only 5 pieces (Aristocrat-Miniature).
  • (06.12) No.448 – János Mikitovics – A difficult for solving Meredith!
  • (06.12) No.447 – Pierre Tritten – Interesting Annihilation captures demonstrated by the black Queen!
  • (05.12) No.446 – Vito Rallo – А light h#3 with Grasshoppers. 
  • (04.12) No.445 – Vlaicu Crișan – A very complicated and interesting strategy in Take & Make problem!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber