Vlaicu Crișan – the judge of PG/Retros 2019-20

Dear composers, I’m very glad to announce the judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan!

5 years ago Vlaicu was the judge of fairy problems on JF, JF-2014(I) ( problems | award ). And now I’m grateful to Vlaicu for his enthusiasm in acceptance of judging PG/Retros on JF!

Vlaicu is an International master of the FIDE for chess composition (since 2016), and international solving master (since 2007). His interest to retro compositions started from solving originals published in the retro column of French magazine Phénix. After being a regular solver for many years, Vlaicu was invited to judge the retros informal tournament for 2004 and that was his first award in retro sections. A couple of years later, Vlaicu was invited to judge the section of retros from StrateGems 2016 informal tournament. The third experience will be this year, with PG section of the Quartz TT 13 (Leffie).

While I’m very glad about JF’s PG/Retros becoming the 4th experience, Vlaicu comments: “I am quite grateful to accept another experience with Julia’s Fairies informal tournament 2019-2020, as the fourth name in the already impressive list of the previously appointed judges: Hans Gruber, Thomas Brand and Dirk Borst. Well, I can only hope the composers will indulge me and your fairy retro column with many outstanding compositions!”

Award Retro&PG 2017-18

I believe, even those who don’t have any close relations with Retro/PG problems will enjoy the introduction to this award! But what to say about the lovers of this genre?.. I think it’s so wonderful gift to all of you! Very much grateful to Dirk for so fast and interesting judgement (I have to tell that the first draft version of the award was sent to me 2 months ago, and I’m the only reason of the delayed publication)!

Congratulations to the winners and to all participants of this 2-years long competition! 

“It’s time for neutral pieces” – Quick TT-222 by SuperProblem


Quick Composing TT-222 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “It’s time for neutral pieces
Stipulation: hs#3.5-N
Theme: In a diagram position of one- or multi-phases-problem hs#3.5-N, there are at least four neutral pieces. Every neutral piece should not be artificial, meaning that if any neutral piece is translated to black or white then the solution will no longer be valid, or it will have cooks, in one phase or more. Neutral King is allowed. Twins and zero-positions are allowed. Fairy pieces are allowed. Fairy conditions are not allowed. Only problems tested by the program can be accepted for the tourney. Each participant should indicate by what program his problem was tested.
Judge: Ofer Comay | Closing date: May 23, 2019 | Download the announcement in English
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail:
alexeioganesyan@gmail.com. All received problems will be presented to the judge in anonymous form. Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru.

BIT 2019, Group C (fairy!)


Belgrade Internet Tourneys, Group C – Protean Chess HS#3

The Serbian Problem Chess Society invites composers around the world to take part in the Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2019 in the frames of the 14th Belgrade Problem Chess Festival – 24-26. May 2019.

As in the previous years, there will be three groups: BIT A (#2), BITB (h#2), BIT C (Protean Chess, HS#3) with the same closing date: Tuesday, 30. April 2019

Group C will be dedicated to the memory of IGM Nenad Petrović (7.9.1907-9.11.1989), who passed away 30 years ago:
HS#3, 2 solutions, Protean Chess. No other fairy conditions or fairy pieces are allowed, except royal pieces (only one for each side!): Royal Queen (rQ), Royal Rook (rR), Royal Bishop (rB), Royal Knight (rS) and Royal Pawn (rP). These royal pieces may be present in the initial position (example 2) or may appear during the play. Royal Pawn promotions are allowed. “Supernumerary” pieces in initial position (e.g. 2 white Queens, 3 white Bishops, 3bR, 4 bS, etc…) are permitted if this form is thematically necessary for the problem.
Judge: IGM Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)

See detailed announcement (PDF) with examples, definitions of fairy terms and also competitions Group A&B.

VITO RALLO – 80 JT (C 03.08.2019)

VITO RALLO – 80 Jubilee
Thematic Tournament

We are pleased to announce the 80° anniversary of Vito RALLO.
The tournament required H#3 Circe Parrain, where “the piece captured in the last move gives mate thanks to a specifics rebirth”.
There are two sections, one with fairy pieces, one without.
Please send original to vitorallo@virgilio.it
All problems received will be published on BEST PROBLEMS Italian Magazine.
Merit Diploma to the winners.
Last available day for sent: August 3, 2019. | 
Judge: Vlaicu CRISAN.

The judge of JF-2019/I : Michal Dragoun

Our judge for fairy tournament JF-2019/I (February-June’ 2019) will be Michal Dragoun (01-03-1974) from Czechia, a double Grandmaster of Problem chess (in both composing and solving), and International Judge for helpmates and fairies. Michal mostly composes helpmates, helpselfmates and other fairies. He was World champion in composing both helpmates (2010-12) and fairies (2004-06). We all wish him to enjoy your good compositions!

The judge for the new PG/Retro competition is not appointed yet.

Award of JF, October 2017 to March 2018

Award JF-10/2017-03/2018

With a gratitude to Shankar Ram, who for the 2nd time kindly accepted judging of JF original fairy problems and has made his Award so fast! Enjoy the selection of the problems, the statistical summary of 19 kinds (!) provided by the judge, and the Award JF-10/2017-03/2018 itself fully designed by Shankar Ram!  Thanks a lot to all participants and congratulations to the winners!

16th TT by Phénix: Conditionsfromply / Conditionsuntilply (C 1.07.2019)


The editorial board of Phénix are annoncing their 16th Thematic Tourney. It is asked to compose problems with these options of WinChloe : Conditionsfromply=n and / or Conditionsuntilply=n     

⇒ See an article by IGM Petko Petkov “THE WONDERFUL FAIRY OPTIONS OF WinChloe”
dedicated to Christian Poisson

There are four sections in the tournament:

  • Section A – direct mates (#2-n, s#2-n, r#2-n) with stalemate (=) and double-stalemate (= =) accepted
  • Section B – helpmates (h#2-n) with stalemate (=) et double-stalemate (= =) accepted
  • Section C – series (sd#2-n, sh#2-n, ss#2-n, sr#2-n), with stalemate (=) et double-stalemate (= =) accepted
  • Section D – hs# 2-n coups (with stalemate (=) et double-stalemate (= =) accepted)

Any number of problems by each author in each section. All problems must be tested by WinChloe (C+). In case of a small number of participants, sections might be reduced to only one award.

Limit date for sending : July 1st 2019, to the Tourney’s director : Laurent Riguet, 1 rue Jules Verne, F-60560 Orry la Ville or to the internet adress : travailphenix@gmail.com | The judge is Petko Petkov