A N D A Editor: Petko A. Petkov Language Correction, Typesetting and Design: Geoff Foster
Originals July 2020
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July, 2020 The judge of JF-2020/II: Hans Gruber.
All previously published problems & competitions you can find on the page JF Tournaments or using search options in Original Problems. Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson |
JF changes to English version
Some important information: This month I’m going to transform JF from bilingual to only English version.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience it might create! But have to tell it was always double work for me making each page twice, although many things remained not translated on Russian pages; plus some functions don’t work well on bilingual sites. → read more..
Welcome to JF-2020/II !
Welcome to JF-2020/II !
Dear composers, thank you for your patience in waiting for me to get ready for the next step after the weeks I devoted to adjusting JF website to the upgrades made by the hoster.
Now I’m glad to welcome your works for the next fairy tournament, JF-2020/II (July – December,2020)!
Let’s welcome our judge, who will be judging JF’s competition already for the 2nd time, previously it was Retro and PG problems 2013-2014:
The judge: Hans Gruber – German composer, solver, judge and organizer, specialized in fairy chess and retro problems, long lasting collaborator of the fairy chess magazine feenschach, and the president of Die Schwalbe, the German association of problemists. Hans has been doing a great service to chess composition, as an International Judge (since 1985) in not less than seven genres: moremovers, endgames, selfmates, helpmates, fairies, retro and mathematical problems!
I’m deeply grateful to Hans for accepting my invitation!
Composing Tournaments of the RIFACE 2020, C13.07.2020
The 41st RIFACE 2020 (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place at Dardilly (Lyon), July 11-14, 2020.
Themes of composing tournaments:
Thème aidés.pdf | Thème féerique.pdf | Thème rétro.pdf
Address to send the entries : RIFACE.2020@gmail.com for Helpmates and Fairies problems ; abrobecker@yahoo.com for retro problems
Time limit to send the entries : Monday 13th July at 15:00
Updated in Original Problems
Dear visitors/composers,
The serious update to Original Problems section has been done during the last few days. The change of code with some better ideas/implementation for keeping and presenting the tournaments with the lists of related problems. But the changes in implementation (good ones!) created some changes in the hierarchies and design and referencing links too. Applying too many changes in a short time period I’m not sure that haven’t missed something, more like sure I have! So, please, I’d be very much grateful to all of you for checking at list your own problems – if they are included in related tournaments, if the links to them work from posts and tables or published problems.
Where to look for the news? Two top menus updated:
- Original Problems – has some general information on the main page, and two submenus for the search options. The search is also an easiest way to find your own problem by the number, to to see some selections of the problems by the given criteria. I’ll try to add some more search possibilities later.
- Tournaments – presents current list of all informal tournaments on JF, Fairy and PG/Retro. Selecting the tournament from the list you can see the problems participating in the tournament.
Critical / important thing to check: The links to all original problems (starting No.214, Y2013) are updated the way that their URLs contain one hierarchy level less, and will always look like https://juliasfairies.com/problems/no-NNNN/ (where NNNN – the number of your problem) – this is how you can always find your problem if even some direct links are broken. I hope I’ve done most of the updates on JF’s pages. PDF files (like, links in PDF awards) will be updated too. Please, please, report to me whatever bugs you see! I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but after 8 years of work, starting from zero knowledge and getting some more in a process, and also because of the necessity of update pushed by the upgrade of the environment, I had no other choice!
Please, don’t worry! Your problems are all on the place, nothing disappeared!
Whatever doesn’t work now – will be fixed!
– Julia, your editor
Fairy Terms page updated!
Fairy Terms –
updated with some new code, new look, new possibilities
By default just some most known fairy elements are shown on the page. You can use the dropdown menus to select all or some concrete Fairy piece / Fairy condition , or you can use the empty field to enter the name / part of the name / keyword from the definition to find the selection of pieces/conditions meeting your search key. Use [RUS] checkbox to see also the definitions in Russian.
You’re welcome to enter the missing definitions to the database yourself, using the links INSERT fairy piece | INSERT fairy condition!
Well, it is just made and some more testing is needed for sure! Please, be careful with entering new fairy elements if you do so and report to me if anything goes wrong. Will see if the spammers might attack it too…
JF-2020/I complete!
JF-2020/I complete!
Dear Friends,
So time goes fast and one more informal tournament on JF is over. And as any finished project it brings some thoughts and some emotions too… Half of this period was hard for all of us, but the summer coming with its light, and warmth and hopes for the best!
There’re general things we can think about and there’re also relatively little things, but those which can make our days. So, before thanking all of you who participated in JF-2020/I, who were patient and supportive, who were writing nice and instructive comments… I’d like to say a special THANKS to Shankar Ram! And not only for one more index page of the tournament, or for his statistics you can see on the top, but for bringing me smile every time when I read his mails!
Dear Eric, now the competition is in your hands! I hope you’ll enjoy the work!
Dear composers, please check one more time if your problems are included in the list of Fairy problems JF-2020/I.
What to say more? Talking about the rational things, I have to mention that I still don’t have a judge for the next fairy competition, and that I still need to make some technical work for JF to keep it working in the future… so, I’d like to ask you to be patient and wait for me for several weeks. And if about irrational things.. I have to say at this period of isolation, of some unclearness in the air, I’m also moody, maybe more emotional about the both, positive and negative things, maybe less creative, but the same time more hardworking… Wishing to all of us to survive this emotional pressure and to support each other with our smiles! – Julia, your editor
DANKA PETKOVA – 100 MT 2020 (C15.11.2020)
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Danka Petkova (1920-1993), mother and first chess teacher of the Bulgarian composer Petko Petkov, the grandmaster organises an International thematic tournament “Danka Petkova 100 M.T. 2020”.
The tournament will be held in three sections:
a) Direct mates in 2-4 moves.
b) Helpmates (stalemates, double ==) in 2-4 moves with at least two phases
(2 or more solutions, set play and solution, twins but no zeropositions.).
c) HS# (=, ==) in 2-4 moves with at least two phases.
The theme in each section is free , but with the obligatory use of at least one of the new Bul (Bulgarian) fairy pieces invented by Petko Petkov: Bul Grasshopper, Bul Lion, Bul PAO, Bul VAO. The colour of these 4 pieces can be white, black, neutral or semi-neutral. Also allowed are Royal pieces of Bul type. The usual kinds of G,LI, PAO and VAO are not allowed. No other fairy pieces or fairy conditions are allowed.
Originals must be sent to the organiser GM Petko Petkov: ppetkov2702@gmail.com no later than November 15th, 2020
The results will be published by the end of 2020 | Prizes: books by Petko Petkov | Examples and details in PDF announcement.
ChessProblems.ca Bulletin – issue 18, June 2020
Issue 18, June 2020, of the ChessProblems.ca Bulletin is available online at http://Bulletin.ChessProblems.ca. Includes Original problems, ChessProblems.ca TT8 Award, and the Articles: Vaclav Kotesovec: Records in ser-#= PWC problems with one white piece p.876 | Jeff Coakley & Andrey Frolkin: The Continuity of Ambiguity p.885 | Arno Tungler: Series-mover Artists: Michel Caillaud p.894 | Arno Tungler: Record Breakers IX p.897
The bulletin is published by Cornel Pacurar since March 2014 and is mainly dedicated to Fairies, Series-Movers in particular.