Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Originals 091119


Original Problems


9th of November, 2019

  • (09.11) No.1455 – Yevhen Trakhtman (ser-h#12). I’d like to mention that Yevhen (born 1997) took part in two recent YCCC tournaments, winning the 3rd place in Section #2 of the 4th YCCC. Let’s welcome Yevhen in fairy chess too! And I’m specially glad to do it in  Original problems of JF! 

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Originals 20;30-311019


Original Problems

20th; 30-31st of October, 2019

  • (31.10) No.1449.1 – Igor Kochulov (hs#2.5 ; Neutral King ; AntiCirce). An improvement to No.1449 with gratitude from author to Nikola Predrag for the advises given in the comments. 
  • (30.10) No.1454 – Geoff Foster (h#2.5 ; Point Reflection). Point Reflection condition was first announced for the 19th Japanese Sake Tourney.  Nice to see it continues to get composers’ attention!
  • (20.10) No.1453 – Hubert Gockel (#2vv ; Breton Adverse). Cyclic Pseudo-le Grand. (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

WinChloe: cook in 1HM No.550.1

Reported by Michel Caillaud:

Christian Poisson just released a new version of Winchloe with improved solving for proofgames.
On his site can be found a booklet with 562 (!!) original homebase PGs and some explanations:  http://christian.poisson.free.fr/problemesis/problemesis.php 

From Readme of v.3.46 (oct.2019)
Solving of proof games (‘partie justificative’) is a little more “intelligent”. A new option in “Solving options” allows you to choose whether short solutions are sought. In this case, a solution in p moves will not be sought if there is a solution in p-n moves (n integer).
I composed some simple proof games to check the programming with several fairy conditions. They are gathered in a pdf available on Problemesis.

Winchloe is (sometimes much) slower than Jacobi, but it is interesting for conditions not implemented in Jacobi, as it is sometimes much quicker than Popeye.
Such the case is for Take&Make, and in solving the 8,0 first moves of 550(1), Winchloé finds the cook :
1.d4 Sç6 2.Bh6 g×h6(ç1=S) 3.Sd2 S×é2(Sé4) 4.Ba6 S×d2(Sb3) 5.a×b3(d2) b×a6(f1=B) 6.R×a7(Ra5) Sé5 7.Qf3 S×f3(Sb7) 8.Sé2 Bg7…

It’s already too late to change the Award by Hans Gruber

Lennart Werner 50 JT

Jubilee Tourney Lennart Werner 50 years

To celebrate the 50th birthday of FIDE Master Lennart Werner on July 16, 2019, the Swedish Chess Problem Club and the magazine Springaren announce a jubilee tourney.

Theme: h#3–n Circe with 2 or more phases (solutions, twins, set-play) (no fairy pieces or other fairy conditions)

Closing date: May 1, 2020 | Judge: Lennart Werner | Prize fund: € 100 | Examples in PDF

Address: Rolf Uppström, rolf.uppstrom@springaren.se  | Godhemsgatan 24c, SE-41468 Göteborg, Sweden

Originals 061019


Original Problems

6th of October, 2019

Would like to let you know that I’ve got an Award JF-2019/I from Michal Dragoun! Hope to present it the next weekend! – Julia

  • (06.10) No.1451.1 – Michael McDowell (h#2.5 ; Empress, Princess). An improvement to No.1451: “… much superior setting, with a free white pawn, ideal mates, avoids twinning, the K moves are nicely separated” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Originals 19;22;28-300919


Original Problems

19th;22nd;28-30th of September, 2019

  • (30.09) No.1452 – Gennady Chumakov (hs#4). Warm welcome to Gennady and to his first ever fairy problem  in Original Problems of JF!
  • (29.09) No.1451 – Michael McDowell (h#2 ; Empress, Princess). Reciprocal sacrifices and promotions of two “royals”.
  • (28.09) No.1450 – Semion Shifrin (h#3 ; Neutral pieces ; PhantomChess). Just 3 pieces, all neutral, with dual avoidance in 2 phases.
  • (28.09) No.1449 – Igor Kochulov (hs#2.5 ; Neutral King ; AntiCirce). Neutral King & 2 solutions with dual avoidances. 
  • (28.09) No.1448 – Daniel Novomesky (h#4.5 ; MAO ; Maximummer, Koeko). 4 pieces play in 6 twins. 
  • (28.09) No.1437.1 – Anatoly Stepochkin & Daniel Papack (hs#3.5). Version to Anatoly’s problem No.1437.
  • (22.09) No.1447 – N.Shankar Ram (#3 ; MAO, MOA). “The serendipitous try gives interesting byplay!” (Author).
    With gratitude to the author for the problem nicely prepared for animation and for updating the index page JF-2019/II
  • (22.09) No.1446 – Jean-Marie Chorein (ser-h=31). “With only knights and bishops at the four corners of the square c3-c8-h3-h8.” (Author)
  • (22.09) No.1445 – Neal Turner (s#2 ; Royal Grasshopper ; SAT). “In fact this is the first real problem I’ve made this year” (Author). “Glad to get it for JF!” (JV)
  • (19.09) No.1444 – Juraj Lörinc (=2 ; Grasshopper). After Linden Lyons No.1438.
  • (19.09) No.1443 – Georgy Evseev & Valery Gurov (ser-h#5). Light fairy for the early morning… 

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

5th Retroblog TT on Fuddled Men proofgames

5th Retroblog TT on Fuddled Men proofgames

With “Fuddled Men”, no unit can make two moves in succession. This restriction also holds for the effect on the opponent’s king.

In an article Bernd Gräfrath demonstrates this fairy condition with six original proof games, and in order to encourage the further exploration of this thematic field, the Retroblog announces a thematic tourney for proof games with Fuddled Men. Both article and announcement of the thematic tourney you will find at

Please send you entries until March 31, 2020 to me; Bernd will judge the tourney. Much fun and good luck! – Thomas Brand

“…and now it’s time for half-neutrals!” – Quick TT-232 by SuperProblem


Quick Composing TT-232 by SuperProblem

Tourney name: “…and now it’s time for half-neutrals!
Stipulation: #2 (fairy)
Theme: In the initial position or after the key move of #2, there is at least one orthodox half-neutral piece in neutral phase.
The thematic half-neutral piece should play at least 4 times, in the following way:
1) it should be played by White to give at least two mates on different squares.
2) it should be played by Black to at least two different squares, leading to different mates by White.
The thematic variations can be split between phases (set play, tries, actual play, twins) but zero-positions are not allowed.
It is also allowed to use the thematic piece as front piece of a battery.
No other fairy pieces and conditions are allowed, except orthodox half-neutral pieces.
Judges: Vlaicu Crişan, Julia Vysotska, Marjan Kovačević. | Closing date: October 24, 2019 | Download the announcement in English
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail:
alexeioganesyan@gmail.com. All received problems will be presented to the judge in anonymous form. Award will be published on the website http://superproblem.ru.

Originals 13-150919


Original Problems

13-15th of September, 2019

  • (15.09) No.1442 – Joost de Heer (SPG 6.5 ; Assassin Chess).
  • (14.09) No.1441 – Daniel Papack (#2 ; Immun Chess RexInclusiv). “Inspired by H. Gockel” (Author)
  • (13.09) No.1440 – Günther Weeth & Klaus Wenda (-14 & #1 ; Proca Retractor Anti-Circe Cheylan). Dedicated to Andreas Thoma, inspired by his article „Chasing the black King
  • (13.09) No.1439 – Andreas Thoma (-5 & s=1 ; Proca Retractor Anti-Circe Cheylan). Klaus Wenda zum 78. Geburtstag gewidmet / Dedicated to Klaus Wenda’s 78th birthday

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Cri?an

feenschach-70 Jubilee Tourney – C29.02.2020

feenschachlogo feenschach-70 Jubilee Tourney

feenschach turns 70 this year, and so feenschach editorial team announced a Jubilee Tourney dealing with the new fairy condition make&take invented at Andernach 2019.

Stipulated are problems with the condition “make&take”. Additional fairy pieces and/or conditions will be accepted.

Closing date: February 29, 2020. | Judges: Thomas Brand, bernd ellinghoven, Hans Gruber.
Controller: Ulrich Ring – please send your contributions via email to feenschach-70@rxng.de
“Internal duals” (ambiguous paths to the capture target) should be avoided. The extent to which they reduce the value is decided by the judges on a case-by-case basis.
Prizes: feenschach subscriptions or FEE=NIX books (if still available) | Announcement in PDF in German / English.