Variantim to tourneys

Dear Friends,

The announcement of V A R I A N T I M is added to the Tourneys section!

Сompetitions at V A R I A N T I M

Bulletin of

The Israel Chess Composition Society


Judge  2012: Petko A. Petkov

Judge  2013:  Christopher Feather    

send  to: 

Michael Grushko, BOX  363  Kiryat Bialik  27019

→See the whole announcement

Site Updates-290912

Updates as of 26-29.Sep, 2012:

  • (29.09) And one more problem by Ioannis Garoufalidis! – see KoBul Kings in  No.139 !
  • (28.09) Welcome to a new author from Greece, Ioannis Garoufalidis! See s#10 problem – No.138.
  • (28.09) Please see my own new problem – No.137, Julia Vysotska. I’ve said many times that I don’t like twins much, but the last time seems like I can’t compose without them! Still, I like this problem myself 🙂
  • (27.09) See a new interesting problem by Michael Grushko – No.136 ! Thanks a lot to the author!
  • (27.09) Happy to get one more problem from “the neighbor”! See No.135 by Mečislovas Rimkus (Lithuania) !
  • (26.09) Enjoy a nice problem by Mario Parrinello – No.134 – my lovely Chameleons, cyclic play, complicated solutions!  Warm welcome to the author!
    And one more thing: Mario Parrinello has just got a title of Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Compositions (see 
    55th Meeting of the World Federation for Chess Composition). Congratulation!!

I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

  • (27.09) Have added No.1-23 of Fairings by Chris Feather to the Articles page. Thanks to Eric Huber, who kindly has sent me these issues! So, now I have all Fairings as of Sep-2012 !

Reminder-JULIA’S FAIRIES – HSP – 2012

Dear Friends,

Let me remind you that just 20 days left till the closing date of  
the 1st thematic tourney by Julia’sFairies – 


RULES: Help-self problems (HSP) of any possible types: Help-self mates (HS#), HS=, HS==, HR#, HR=, etc. in any number of moves.

THEME: Battery-play with fairy elements

JUDGE: IGM Petko A. Petkov – International Judge of FIDE

→Read full announcement…

You are very welcome to send your entries!   And thanks a lot to the active participants!

Site Updates-240912

Updates as of 24.Sep, 2012:

24.09 – Today I’m happy to get 3 new original problems for the site and informal tourney! Thanks a lot to all authors!!

Also, I believe that most of you, who have been to Japan, are already back. So, welcome home and welcome to Julia’sFairies!

And now let me show you the problems:

  • No.131 – warm welcome to the new author, András Tóth (Australia) and thanks a lot to János Mikitovics for his activity and support!
  • No.132 – warm welcome to the new author, Kostas Prentos (USA)!
  • No.133 – gratitude to Franz Pachl (Germany) for the 2nd nice contribution to the site!


I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

WinChloe 3.20 & update of Echecs

WinChloe 3.20 & latest update of the WinChloe Echecs database!

    • New version of WinChloe program – WinChloe 3.20 is available starting the middle of September. The changes are: 
      A bug in Anti Take & Make with castles is fixed.
      New conditions programmed:
      Andernach neutre
      Circé couscous diagramme

      I’d like to specially mention the Superguards condition. The inventor of this condition is Seetharaman Kalyan, whom I consider more like a support of the site, than a visitor. I’d like to ask  Mr.Seetharaman to tell us something more about this condition! Please!

  • The latest update (as of 12-Sep-2012) of WinChloe Echecs database is available for those, who uses it. The number of problems has increased till 441047!
  • 65 of original problems published at are added to WinChloe Echecs database as of 12-Sep-2012.
  • I’d like to tell a few words about how the updates of Echecs database are made. This is a very impressive work of the whole command of people! I was interested about how it all works, so asked Christian Poisson and share here what I’ve found out! 🙂
    At you can see a list of those who help Mr.Poisson – the author of the program  – to record new problems into Echecs database. Let me quote Christian Poisson:
    Laurent Riguet records problems since the first version of WinChloe in 1995 (this first version was written in Visual Basic).
    Also, Harry Fougiaxis, Vaclav Kotesovec, Imanol Zurutuza, Henk Le Grand, Michel Caillaud, Pierre Tritten, José Coello Alonso, Abdelaziz Onkoud etc… send each month tables with new and/or updated problems. (Ch.P.)
    So, Mr.Poisson gets tables with a new problems or updates to the existing problems from the “support-command” (thanks a lot to all of you!!) and makes a copy from all these tables into Echecs table (the main database) – one by one, using “Copy in another table” option from File menu, adding a “Treatment of the duplicates” – ‘Verify each duplicate‘. 
    So, during the copy, if a duplicate is found (same position, same stipulation, same fairy conditions), and if there are differences between some fields, a new window appears indicating these differences.  I make the necessary modifications and when I close the window, the new informations are added in the record of the table Echecs (but note that this works with all tables, not only the table Echecs).  (Ch.P.)
Users always criticize programmers – this is something what always existed and will exist I think! 🙂  I’m sorry about it.. I do the same thing from time to time, but the same time I’m impressed about such a big permanent work and I’m saying “Thank you!” to Christian Poisson and to those who help him in this huge project! 

My Participation in WCCC2012 Tourneys

My Participation in WCCC2012 Tourneys

This year is the 2nd time when I participate in WCCC tourneys. I’ve choosen 3 of them:

Previous year have participated in 2 of them – Bulgarian Wine and Sabra, but this year believed that it would be good to do more in comparison with the previous year.

Tzuika was the most complicated for me, and this is actually my the 1st problem with 3 solutions.  

Nothing much to boast, twinning everywhere, but still all 3 problems are in the Awards. Happy about it! 🙂  

→ See the whole topic…

Site Updates-210912

Updates as of 18-21.Sep /2012:

  • (21.09) Very grateful to János Mikitovics for the gift I share with you! – see No.130.
  • (18.09) I’m happy to show you one more HS#-problem by GM Petko A. Petkov – see  No.129 – hs#3,5* with Andernach Chess condition.
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

WCCC2012 – The Awards

My dear Friends,
Welcome home to those who were going to Japan!
I believe you all had a great time there!

The 55th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC)
and 36th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)
in Kobe, Japan,

took place from September 15th to September 22th, 2012.

The Awards from Composing tourneys I have for now:

Congratulations to the winners!!!

I’d appreciate if you send me to more Awards for the site to add!