58th World Congress of Chess Composition
The Awards of Fairy Composing Tournaments
See also the whole Bulletin of the Congress! (PDF, 118 pages)
The Awards of Fairy Composing Tournaments
See also the whole Bulletin of the Congress! (PDF, 118 pages)
58th World Congress of Chess Composition
Judge: Julia Vysotska
First of all I would like to thank all the participants of this competition! I am pleasantly surprised to have received so many interesting works of very high quality, and I am honored to be a judge of this tournament! → See the Award
Theme: H#2, Face-to-Face and/or Back-to-Back,
with neutral pieces.
Judges: Tadashi Wakashima, Toshiki Kobayashi, Masato Yoshii
Closing Date: 5th of August (Wednesday), 10 p.m.
E-mail entries should be sent to Tadashi Wakashima (tadashi@hcn.zaq.ne.jp) before 30th of July (Thursday).
Details & example problems: in PDF document
Dear Friends, I have a pleasure to announce
The Award of Julia’sFairies-2013/III
by Eric Huber
I am very grateful to Eric Huber and impressed by his Award – with its notes, links to original publications, examples in the appendix and most of all by his analysis of the problems.
I’m happy to see the many different names in the Award. I heartily congratulate all of you, my dear authors, for your achievements!
And, of course, I appreciate very much the contributions of ALL who send compositions and post comments to JF! Thank you!!
The Award is provisional and will become final after one month. – Julia
Julia’s Fairies
Informal Tournament Retros and Proof Games 2013/2014
Award by Hans Gruber (Regensburg, Germany), International Judge of the FIDE
“In recent years, many parts of the retro genre have been strongly developing, including fairy retros and fairy proof games. As the specific characteristics of retros are quite distinct from those of other genres, it is advisable to judge them in separate tournaments. Julia’s Fairies has proven to clearly attract retro composers so that a satisfying number of originals (26 in total) competed in its first retros and proof games tournament.” ?See full Award in PDF!
With a gratitude to Hans Gruber for the willingness to judge this competition and for so fast, precise and competent work! My congratulations to the active authors and especially authors of awarded problems in this complicated genre! – Julia
Theme: Helpselfmates with pin mates.
Judges: Vlaicu Crisan & Eric Huber
Deadline: Submit your entries (diagram + full solution)
Details & example problems: in PDF document
Results of Fairies
“Seven Chess Notes” magazine
Periods: 2014
(RUS, PDF, 1 page)
Dear Friends,
The first informal tourney for fairy problems published on Julia’s Fairies website in 2015, January-June – JF-2015/I – is ended on June, 30th. The judge of this period – Kostas Prentos – will have a huge work, judging about 170 problems! I hope, it will be not only complicated, but also pleasant task, as there’re many very good works. And I’m sure, that all authors will be patient to wait for the Award as long time as it is needed.
Some short info about current issues:
I hope for your understanding. And I wish good luck to all of you in WCCC’s competitions! – Julia
Julia’s Fairies is pleased to announce its composing tournament within the
58th World Congress of Chess Composition
Judge: Julia Vysotska
Theme: Help-play with Half-neutral pieces. Thematic play of half-neutral pieces in H#/=/==, HS#/=/== problems in 2-5 moves; Ser-H#/=/==, Ser-HS#/=/== problems up to 10 moves. Other fairy pieces (also standard neutral pieces) are allowed. Fairy conditions are NOT allowed.
Computer tested problems only! Half-neutral pieces are fully implemented in the last version of Popeye and also most of problems can be tested by WinChloe, except half-neutral King (and Royal piece).
Please send entries to Julia Vysotska by e-mail at julia@juliasfairies.com until July, 31st, 2015
or during the Congress, for participants only, until 17:00 of August, 3rd, 2015.
Prizes are bottles of RIGA BLACK BALSAM Currant.
The tourney is open worldwide, however the prizes are for congress participants only.
See Examples with animated solutions in the detailed announcement or use PDF file to print out.
Welcome to participate! – Julia
See the RESULTS of the 36th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) which took place from May 22, 2015 to May 25, 2015 at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or (instead of the traditional location at Messigny).
“La 36° R.I.F.A.C.E. (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne), qui habituellement avait lieu à Messigny, s’est tenue cette année à St-Germain au Mont d’or (près de Lyon), du 22 au 25 mai 2015.
Participants : Jérôme AUCLAIR, André BANTEGNIE, Christine BAYS, Lionel BELIN, Marco BONAVOGLIA, Michel CAILLAUD, Mathias CARNO, Yves CHEYLAN, Alexandros DIMITRIADIS, Axel GILBERT, Maryan KERHUEL, Jörg KUHLMANN, Bernard MONTANGERAND, Laurent RIGUET, Philippe ROBERT, Philippe ROUZAUD, Pierre TRITTEN, Pascal WASSONG, Garen YACOUBIAN.”