Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Composing Tournament of the 43rd World Chess Olympiad 2018

The Chess Composing Tournament in the frame of the 43rd World Chess Olympiad 2018 (Batumi, Georgia) includes also fairy section: H. The Fairy– Judge: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)

In each section only three compositions by each author are accepted and joint compositions are not allowed. The closing date is September 20th, 2018. The compositions must be sent via email to the director’s address: admin@chessstar.com, Ferad Kakabadze (Ferhat Karmil) (Batumi). Three medals and certificates are awarded to the winners of each section.

Originals 300418


Original Problems


30th of April, 2018

  • (30.04) No.1298.A-E – Andreas Thoma – an article “Chasing the black king”, presenting 5 original problems (-N/#1 ; Proca Retractor ; Anticirce Cheylan). The article can be also found from the Articles page.
  • (30.04) No.1296.1 – Thomas Thannheiser after Bernd Gräfrath (PG 9; Losing Chess). Warm welcome to Thomas in Original problems of JF!
  • (30.04) No.1275.1 – K.Seetharaman & Jacques Rotenberg (h#2; Take&Make). The new version of original problem No.1275 (18.02.2018) is accepted by the judge, Shankar Ram, for the competition JF-10/2017-03/2018.
  • (30.04) Conflictio No.4 by Juraj Lörinc is added to the Articles page.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The next fairy tournament starts after a break, on the 1st of July (the judge: Kjell Widlert). The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

BIT 2018, Group C (fairy!)

BIT 2018

Belgrade Internet Tourneys, Group C – Fairy h#2

This tourney is devoted to the 50th birthday of the judge, Dinu-Ioan Nicula, and marked by Latin „L“ (for number 50). Thematic condition: „L-problem“ symbolized by Lortap and Locust. Helpmate in 2 using Lortap condition, and Locust(s) fairy piece. Other fairy elements are not allowed.

Entries (not more than 3 per composer – single or joint) should be sent directly to the judge Dinu-Ioan Nicula: nicudin004@yahoo.com by 19. May 2018.

Selected problems from BIT 2018 Group C will be subject of the Composing-Solving contest on Friday, 25. May 2018.

See detailed announcement (PDF) with examples and competitions Group A&B.

Originals 15-180418


Original Problems


15-18th of April, 2018

  • (18.04) No.1237.1 – Paul Rãican (PG 6.5 ; Masked Units; Volage Chess). The new version of problem No.1237.
  • (18.04) No.1287.2 – Jacques Rotenberg, Sébastien Luce & Andrew Buchanan (h#2; Take&Make). The new version of original problem No.1287 (11.03.2018) is accepted by the judge, Shankar Ram, for the competition JF-10/2017-03/2018.
  • (18.04) Conflictio No.3 by Juraj Lörinc is added to the Articles page. “Any comments, brief notes or longer articles are welcome, especially if they relate to antagonistic problems.” (J.L.)
  • (15.04) No.1297 – Sergey Shumeiko (PG 7).
  • (15.04) No.1296 – Bernd Gräfrath (PG 11; Losing Chess).
  • (15.04) No.1295 – Peter Fayers (PG 5.5; Back-to-Back).
    Warm welcome to Peter in the Original problems of JF!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The next fairy tournament starts after a break, on the 1st of July (the judge: Kjell Widlert). The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

FIDE-logo6th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2018 – Fairies

I hope, it will be a nice surprise for many of you tonight, the preliminary results of section G-Fairies of the 6th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2018 by Vlaicu Crişan! The winners of the competition are: Gold medal – Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia), Silver medal –  Petko Petkov (Bulgaria), Bronze medal – Boris Shorokhov (Russia). 

My sincere congratulations to the authors of rewarded problems!

Originals 090418


Original Problems


9th of April, 2018

Some retro problems will be published by the end of this week, I apologize to the authors for the delay in publication.

  • (09.04) No.1294.1 – Dmitri Turevski & René J. Millour (#21; Black Maximummer, White Maximummer). A new version of problem No.1294 offered in the comments. The judge of JF-10/2017-3/2018, Shankar Ram, has accepted this version for his competition.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The next fairy tournament starts after a break, on the 1st of July (the judge: Kjell Widlert). The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

JF-10/2017-03/2018: statistics by NSR


Original Problems


1st of April, 2018

Dear authors, readers, one more fairy tournament, JF-10/2017-3/2018, has just ended on the 31st of March. Some statistics already provided by the judge, N.Shankar Ram:

Problems (including 3 revisions): 53 | Composers: 42 | Countries: 19

Help Play: 41 | Antagonistic Play: 12 ?

With Fairy Pieces: 35 | Without Fairy Pieces: 18

With Fairy Conditions: 27 | Without Fairy Conditions: 26
(This justifies the recent WFCC plan to split the Album judging on the above basis!)

Tanagra (<=5 pieces): 17 | Miniature (>5, <=7): 7 | Meredith (>7, <=12): 10 | Other (>12): 19

The next fairy tournament starts after a break, on the 1st of July (the judge: Kjell Widlert). Some more retro problems will be published during this break same as information about other fairy events and competitions – Julia.

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Original Problems


24-30th of March, 2018

Dear authors, would like to remind that current fairy tournament, JF-10/2017-3/2018, ends on the 31st of March. The next one starts after a break, on the 1st of July, the judge: Kjell Widlert (introduced on JF  for JF-2014/III) – Julia

  • (30.03) No.1294 – Dmitri Turevski  (#21; Black Maximummer, White Maximummer).
  • (30.03) No.1293 – Hubert Gockel  (#2; AMU).
  • (30.03) No.1292 – Karol Mlynka  (h#3; Senora). Senora is Argentinian Queen, the opposite to Chinese Leo.
  • (24.03) No.1291 – Anatoly Stepochkin  (s#7; Cardinal; Maximummer, KoeKo). 4 twins with 5 pieces on the board.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-10/2017-3/2018: Shankar Ram. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst

by Juraj Lörinc

Opening Words from the Editor:

It is no secret among chess composers that already for some time I am trying to advocate compositions where White and Black are really fighting one another, just like in the most common direct mates. Obviously, fight of two sides is not limited to direct mates, it can be found in selfmates, reflex mates, their cousins with different aims (stalemate, check, etc.), then in fairy problems introducing fairy pieces or fairy conditions with the same stipulations, various kinds of retractors, and obviously in endgame studies too. -> more

Your comments, e-mails and even contributions are welcome – however the final decision about content published in Conflictio is mine. I hope you will like the new e-zine. – Juraj Lörinc

Two first issues of the Conflictio are added to the Articles section of JF: Conflictio No.1 (04.03.2018) | Conflictio No.2 (18.03.2018)

Originals 180318


Original Problems


18th of March, 2018

  • (18.03) No.1290 – Juraj Lörinc  (r#8; Royal piece, Rookhopper, LEO). Only LEO and 4 Rookhoppers on the board.
  • (18.03) No.1289 – Francesco Simoni  (h#3; Bishop-Lion, Rook-Lion). All in one: anti-batteries, critical moves, unpins, sacrifices… 
  • (18.03) No.1287.1 – Jacques Rotenberg & Sébastien Luce (h#2; Take&Make). A new joint version of Jacques’s problem No.1287 to be considered for the tournament.
  • (18.03) The problems No.1201,1201.1 – Andrew Buchanan  (h=3) – are moved from fairy tournament JF-2017/I to PG&Retro 2017-18 by request of the author “the problems are retro under Art 15 of the Codex“. Approved by the both judges, Tadashi Wakashima and Dirk Borst.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-10/2017-3/2018: Shankar Ram. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst