Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing 2013 – Fairies!


Almost all preliminary results of the 3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing for 2013 are ready! The PDFs of the awards can be found under the Announcement, on the 3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing 2013 page of WFCC website. Congratulations to the winners and all participants!

Today I’m happy to see the Award of Fairy Section! And using a chance, I congratulate fairy composers, winners and participants, and especially the Cup Winner – PROF. S. K. BALASUBRAMANIAN !!!


Site Updates-011213

Updates as of the 1st of December, 2013:

  • (01.12) No.444 – Michael Grushko & Semion Shifrin – A very nice “Tanagra” problem in aristocratic form!
  • (01.12) No.443 – N.Shankar Ram – A nonstandard Reflex-mate conception! Warm welcome to the judge of JF-2012 in Original Problems section! Use the opportunity to comment!!
  • (01.12) No.442 – Juraj Lörinc –  Three very nice mates by the black King! 

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Preliminary Award JF 2012

Preliminary Award JF-2012

Dear Friends,

I’m so happy to announce

The Preliminary Award of JULIA’S FAIRIES 2012!

You know, there were about 200 problems for period April – December’2012. So many very good problems, so many famous authors, so many interesting comments, versions!.. Judging of this tournament was a real challenge! And I’m very thankful to N.Shankar Ram for accepting my invitation and for his hard work! 

My sincere congratulations to all authors of awarded problems and to all participants! I really wish to see all your problems in the Award! This tournament is very special to me, as it was the first one.. Your contributions, your support have really created Julia’s Fairies! You helped me a lot and motivated me with your activity, and from my side I’d like to motivate you for a new achievements as well. Either you’re in the Award, or not, you’ve done a great job! You always have another chance to win! But I will always enjoy browsing a list of problems’2012 with all the memories, ideas and long comments…  / Julia

Please send your comments, correction and objections to the Award until 15th of December, 2013, when the Award becomes Final.
Final Award will have also PDF version to download/print.

Site Updates 25-291113


Updates as of the 25-29th of November, 2013:

  • (29.11) No.441 – Seetharaman K. – Interesting manoeuvres between the white Rook and promoted white piece! 
  • (28.11) No.440 – Gani Ganapathi – The black Wazirs conduct the white Pawns!
  • (28.11) No.439 – Karol Mlynka – Interesting “Rex solus” play!
  • (28.11) No.438 – Boris Shorokhov –  A very fresh idea of Chameleon Rundlauf, through in a bit heavy form. I’m happy to welcome Boris in Original Problems section of Julia’s Fairies!
  • (27.11) No.437 – Paul Rãican –  Another interesting and difficult PG-play with Sentinels.
  • (27.11) No.436 – Paul Rãican –  Exotic positions of the white and black Pawns! PG problem with Sentinels.
  • (26.11) No.435 – János Mikitovics – A surprising final in Ultraschachzwang problem!
  • (25.11) No.434 – Seetharaman K. – Promotions of three nP in a miniature!
  • (25.11) No.433 – Gani Ganapathi – A nice Four-men (Tanagra) with neutral promotions in three files!
  • (25.11) No.432 – Diyan Kostadinov – This fresh problem shows a non-programmed yet fairy condition SneK Chess invented by Diyan and named in honor of his wife, SnejinaDiyan also dedicates his composition to Snejina in the day of her birthday, 25th of November! Congratulations and wishes to have a nice celebration! 

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 23-241113


Updates as of the 23rd-24th of November, 2013:

  • (24.11) No.430, 431 – Peter Harris – Two difficult for solving problems with elegant constructions!
  • (23.11) No.429 – Petko A. Petkov – A paradoxical combination between Disparate and Anti-Andernach! Thank you, Petko, for the dedication!
  • (23.11) No.369.1 – Juraj Lörinc & János Mikitovics –  ?n excellent improvement to No.369 !
  • (23.11) No.428 – János Mikitovics – A miniature, anti-batteries with a nice combination of Take&Make and Anti-Take&Make. Thank you, János, for the dedication!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Tragedy in Riga, November,21st

tragedy-riga23.11, 9pm: 54 people had died after the roof of a supermarket “Maxima” collapsed in Latvian capital, Riga. The roof smashed down on customers during peak shopping hours around 6:00 pm on Thursday in the Riga suburb of Zolitude. Search teams have stopped working this evening, after the last remaining section of the roof caved in. No more hope for any alive people to be found.. The tragedy shocked the Baltic states. Latvian government has declared three days of mourning starting on Saturday and planning to hold a moment of silence on Monday.

Julia’sFairies website expresses its deepest condolences to the victims of the tragic accident, their families and friends.


Site Updates 16-201113


Updates as of the 16-20th of November, 2013:

  • (20.11) No.427 – János Mikitovics – A  four men with non-standard play!
  • (19.11) No.425, 426 – Vito Rallo – Two miniatures nicely demonstrating Einstein condition!
  • (19.11) No.424 – János Mikitovics – An Aristocrat with interesting combination of fairy conditions!
  • (16.11) No.423 – János Mikitovics – Nice Ideal mates in Miniature!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

René J. Millour 70 JT

promotions-rjm70jtRené J. Millour 70 Jubiläumsturnier
(71. feenschach-Thematurnier)

Announcement of the René J. Millour 70 JT:

Required are problems of any genre which show promotions.

Closing date is March 18th 2014.

Entries should be sent to the tournament director Hans Gruber, preferably via email hg.fee@t-online.de

The judge will be René J. Millour. Prices (money or books) are offered as a reward for the best entries.

Site Updates 12-151113


Updates as of the 12-15th of November, 2013:

  • (15.11) No.422 – S. K. Balasubramanian – A nice demonstration of seldom condition Anti-Circe Clone!
  • (15.11) No.421 – Georgy Evseev – Very interesting Circe-play! There’s also a hint for the solvers! Enjoy!
  • (13.11) No.420 – Peter Harris – This nice Miniature with a combination of Isardam and Chameleon Chess has opened up some questions. And finally I’ve decided to present it to you with some comments about the interpretation of Chameleon Chess condition in WinChloe and in Popeye, as well as comments about possible bugs in Popeye on the example of this problem.
  • (12.11) No.419 – Peter Harris – Interesting maneuvers of all 3 white pieces!
  • (12.11) No.418.1 Eugene Rosner – A revised version of problem No.418, with the author’s foreword: What’s nice is that there is now a dual-avoidance in the first variation that takes advantage of the removed knight. A bP is retreated one square and the move PxS is not allowed by the Alsatian stipulation. It is actually a thematic element of the problem. This setting looks optimal“.

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber