Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Fairy Terms – a new look!

fairy-piecesFairy Terms – a new look!

Dear Friends, I’d like to present you a new look of Fairy Terms section! I know, I know, there’re really too few definitions yet, but I’ll try to improve the situation. What I’ve done these days is a new way of presentation, where the database is used for the definitions and a query form is added for you to make the search. For now I don’t plan to have as many definitions as possible, but at least the information about Fairy pieces and Fairy conditions presented in the Original Problems section of the site (in the both – English and Russian). 

In the new presentation by default you see the definitions of all pieces and conditions I have. Maybe in the future the default view should be changed. Next, you can either choose some concrete fairy piece or condition from drop-down menu, or to use “enter pattern” field to enter any part of the name (like submitting “locust” you will get “Locust”, “Rook-Locust”, “Bishop-Locust”). I’m thinking either alphabetical order for the results would be better?.. For now the order is more or less by the groups of related pieces. As always, I appreciate your comments and suggestions here! And please report if you’ll get any bugs!


Site Updates 09-101113

Updates as of the 09-10th of November, 2013:

  • (10.11) No.413.1 – Linden Lyons – An improvement to No.413 with author’s gratitude to Seetharaman K.!
  • (10.11) No.418 – Eugene Rosner – Аn interesting problem with not yet programmed paradoxical fairy condition Alsatian Circe! Warm welcome to Eugene‘s first publication in Original Problems section of Julia’s Fairies!
  • (09.11) No.416, 417 – Peter Harris – The both problems are Aristocrats and have a Patrol Chess condition, but in the first one it is combined with Anti-Circe and in the second – with Sentinels Pion Advers. The second one has also interesting twin which changes the stipulation.

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Karol Mlynka 70 JT

of Karol Mlynka 70 Jubilee Tourney C 11.08.2014

Theme: Cyclic change of defense motifs or harmful effects.
Section A – orthodox, section B – fairy. Any stipulations, conditions and fairy pieces are allowed.
Closing date: August 11th 2014.
The judge will be the jubilant.
Entries should be sent preferably via email: karol.mlynka@pobox.sk with the remark KM70JT or snail mail to:
Karol Mlynka, Wolkrova 3, 85101 Bratislava 5, Slovakia.
Prizes, Honourable Mentions and Commendations.                                                           → See full announcement with examples!

Site Updates 02-071113

Updates as of the 02nd-07th of November, 2013:

  • (07.11) No.415 – Pierre Tritten – Excellent activity of the white King and Queen! It’s is NOT Take&Make this time, but a new condition that the last time has attracted the author – Anti-Circe Clone!
  • (07.11) No.414 – Peter Harris – A difficult play in Rex solus position!
  • (04.11) No.413 – Linden Lyons – Four variants with a single black Grasshopper! Nice to see Linden here again!
  • (04.11) No.412 – Peter Harris –  Interesting  change of promotions by the both white Pawns!
  • (03.11) A new issue of FairingsFairings 34, Nov/2013 – by Chris Feather is added to the Article‘s page! Thanks to Stephen Emmerson for the distribution!
  • (02.11) No.411 – Peter Harris –  Another problem with uncommon stipulation h##3. See some comments about it also to Peter’s No.410. Gratitude to Eric Huber for his explanation!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 29-311013


Updates as of the 29-31st of October, 2013:

  • (31.10) No.410 – Peter Harris – This problem has an uncommon stipulation h##3 and unusual twin the stipulation is changed to h#3.
  • (30.10) No.408, 409 – two problems by Peter Harris408 – the combination of Andernach and Anti-Andernach named also as Super-Andernach together with Chameleon Chess; 409 – a King, a Queen, and three little Orphans! 
  • (29.10) No.407 – Valerio Agostini – A nice orthogonal-diagonal play!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Zabunov-85MT 2013 – reminder!


Dear Friends,
Don’t miss the tournament Zabunov-85MT 2013 organized by KoBulChess.com website! It’s a memorial tourney on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the famous Bulgarian chess composer of the recent past FM Vladimir Zabunov (1928-1997).

The judge of the tourney is GM Petko A. Petkov (Bulgaria).
Send problems to Diyan Kostadinov by email: dkostadinov@abv.bg

Deadline: 15.11.2013.            → See the whole announcement at KoBulChess.com website!


Site Updates 19-281013


Updates as of the 19-28th of October, 2013:

  • (28.10) No.405,406 – Peter Harris – Two complicated problems as always, but I want to quote some author’s words here: 405 – “The problem I am sending now could not be  made without  using the 3 conditions I have used.” ; 406 – “Is there a curious soul who, midst all the conditions, will enjoy finding the serial moves? But the most important question of all is: Is there a real Fairy Land somewhere?”
  • (27.10) No.404 – Peter Harris – A cheery ensemble of figures on the big diagonal!
  • (27.10) No.403 – Stephan Dietrich – A nice “Marine Aristocrat”!
  • (27.10) No.402 – Semion Shifrin – Rich and interesting strategical play!
  • (26.10) No.401 – Franz Pachl – Very interesting and difficult strategy in 3 phases! 
  • (26.10) No.400 – Julia Vysotska – 2 half-batteries, 2 batteries, 2 pairs of pieces reciprocally change their functions! I congratulate all of us with the 400th original problem published in Original Problems section of Julia’s Fairies!
  • (26.10) No.398, 399 – Peter Harris – Two more problems by Peter creates a series of 6 problems composed during this week ! One Aristocrat problem and one in the opposite – of 9 pieces where 8 of them are pawns!
  • (25.10) No.397 – Peter Harris – Three-man with a bit of surprise ! 
  • (23.10) No.396 – Peter Harris – Very interesting roles of the pawns Pg7/Pg2 !  
  • (23.10) A hint! The idea offered by Peter Harris is to add a “Hint” option for the solution. The hint is given by the author for solvers. I can add it to any publication by your request. The example is a Hint for No.395.
  • (22.10) No.377.1 – Igor Kochulov – An improved version to No.377.
  • (22.10) No.393.1 – Gani Ganapathi & Seetharaman K. – A joint problem, version to No.393.
  • (21.10) No.395 – Peter Harris – An excellent demonstration of many fairy effects in the both solutions! Meredith. 
  • (19.10) No.394 – Peter Harris – Two neutral pieces, two fairy conditions and two solutions! Non-standard problem as always from Peter!
  • (19.10) No.393 – Gani Ganapathi – Model mates, miniature, Lion as blocking piece! 
  • (19.10) No.392, 392.1 – S. K. Balasubramanian – Surprising mates after “flights” of the white King! Take & Make, Locust‘s play.
  • (19.10) No.391 – Pierre Tritten – Very nice light Meredith where the black Queen visits all corners of the board, Take & Make !

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates 07-091013


Updates as of the 7-10th of October, 2013:

  • (09.10) No.390 – Mario Parrinello – A very unique Miniature with exotic construction and play!
  • (07.10) Forum: Petko A. Petkov – In Memory of my mother! PAP-DP
  • (07.10) No.389 – Karol Mlynka – Mlynka’s theme with 7 Grasshoppers!
  • (07.10) No.387, 388 – Michael Grushko – Two miniatures seem almost identical, but still have quite different solutions!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III) under Original Problems menu on the top.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber