5 months!

Julia’sFairies is 5 months old!!!

I’m happy to congratulate all of us with a result of our common effort: in 5 months 126 original problems by 41 authors from 21 countries are published!

A nice problem No.126 is just added and I’m happy to welcome world-know German author Hubert Gockel !

From 10-Apr till 09-Septhe site was visited about 11,875 times! 

Total number of unique visits is 2,185 and the statistics of counts of visits shows that 2,645 visits are made by those, who has came more than 201 times! Thank you!!

I guess that most of you are busy composing for WCCC tourneys. Good luck there!!
And welcome, welcome, welcome to Julia’sFairies after WCCC2012 !
Sincerely, Julia 

Update to My Problems 080912

Update to My Problems (3)!

(08.09) Have added 4 more problems to the list in My Problems section – problem No.14problem No.15problem No.16problem No.17. Now I have all problems composed in 2011 in this list.

Few words about the format:

  • the list of problems is shown as a table, where you see problem No. in the first column and a small diagram to get an idea if you wish to look at that problem or not at all! 🙂  The both – problem No. and diagram – are the links to the problem, so you can click on them to see the page with it. 
  • on each page with published problem you can see the second number in a format /99NNN/ – this is a number in ankona database, you can click on it to see how the problem looks there. My published problems in ankona are marked as “public” – so everyone can view them, but [EDIT] option is shown and allowed to the author only.

Update to My Problems

Update to My Problems !

(01.09) 1 more problem is added to My Problems section. You can see it by direct link also – my problem No.9.

(31.08)Have added 3 more problems to my list in My Problems section. I hope, I haven’t done any mistakes when trying to do everything faster. Please let me know if any link doesn’t work. Thanks!!

(30.08) When created a site, I’ve planned to add my published problems here. But with all other activities never had time. Now I’ve decided at least to start!

For now the very first 5 my published problems (4 of them are orthodox helpmates) are added in My Problems section. Hopefully, I will add all the problems in 2-3 weeks. Most likely, I’m the most interested person in this section. It is my memory.. and seems like several first problems for me are the most meaningful. I have written some comments to them. And could write much more! 🙂 The fact is that I remember the time of composing them much better, than for some recent problems I have. I believe, it is the same for many of you.. Or?

4 months!

My site is 4 months old today!!!

For these 4 months the site was visited by 1695 different people from 69 countries and 78 original problems are published! Thanks a lot to the authors and commentators! You make this site!!

JuliasFaries Announcement-020812

02 Aug, 2012

Original Problems @ Julia’sFairies

  • Dear friends, let me present to you a new form of the main page of Original Problems section. If you click on the [Original Problems] tab on the upper menu – you will get a list of all problems published at Julia’sFairies site. The numbers of the problems work as links to them. Click on the number to see the problem on the page where it is published.
  • I’d like to tell a special THANKS! to PETER HARRIS – who has given me an idea of creating this table, suggested the structure of it and helped me with filling in the whole content.
  • I’ve added to the list of the original problems also the originals from the articles written for Julia’sFairies. Like, you will see now the numbers starting from letters “NB” for the problems inside the articles Block of Neutral Battery Piece I,II.
  • I’m sorry if I have made any mistakes in the table or links! I have mistakes from time to time, as I want to do everything as fast as possible. Also, this is my first experience in running the web-site. So, please let me know if you see anything working wrong, or if you have any other suggestions regarding the structure of the site or about the realization! 

Thank you for coming!

Sincerely, Julia

JuliasFaries Announcement-260712


26 Jul, 2012

Chris Feather: Black to Play

  • I’d like to announce that an excellent book, that might be called h#-Bible,  BLACK TO PLAY (originally published in 1994 by Friedrich Chlubna, correction of 2012) by the world known expert of this genre Chris Feather  is available from now at Julia’sFairies. Click on the image below to see the whole book (85 pages available for online reading or download): 

3 months!

My site is 3 months old today!!!

For these 3 months the site is visited by 1238 people from 65 countries. Thank for for coming! Thanks to those, who comes again! I’ll try to do my best to make this site useful and interesting to all of you! And, please, leave your comments for me to know what might be useful to add!

JuliasFaries Announcement-120612


12 Jun, 2012

Several announcements of the site:

  • The last release of WinChloe is available: version 3.19, Jun-2012 – 

Improvement in intelligent mode, about 5 times faster than in version 3.18.
The intelligent mode is used in help problems, but also in Selfmates when Black has only the King and 1 Pawn, 1 Knight or 1 Bishop.

  • The last update (as of 12-Jun-2012) of WinChloe Echecs database is also available today for those, who uses it. The number of problems has increased till 431669!
  • Julia’s Fairies site is added to the tourney’s section in WinChloe and 20 of original problems published here are already in WinChloe database – see the list of them I’ve exported from WinChloe!
  • Read more about WinChloe at my site in the section Software/WinChloe or at WinChloe’s Home.