Originals 28-300815


28-30th of August, 2015

  • (30.08) No.879 – Karol Mlynka (+2; Ultra Schach Zwang; White Super-Transmuting King; PAO; Lion; Grasshopper). Lacny cycle 3×3 on the same square “h4″.
  • (30.08) No.869.1 – Kenneth Solja (h#2; Back-to-Back; Moose; Sparrow). This problem replaces No.869 and shows Back-to-Back alone with the same fairy neutral pieces.
  • (28.08) No.878Torsten Linß (s#7; Princess; Empress; Diagonal Helix Knight). Interesting twins with a change of exotic fairy pieces.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – not appointed yetThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

WinChloe update – 08/2015

WinChloe-iconA new version of WinChloe, 3.32, released in August, 2015! See the readme with new conditions and themes programmed. Among new conditions there’s Disparate PY (white&black) discussed on JF.

The Echecs database is updated as of 12-Aug-2015; with number of problems 583365, among them 591 problems from Julia’sFairies. 

Thanks a lot to Christian Poisson and to those who fills in the database!

Originals 24-260815


24-26th of August, 2015

  • (26.08) – The current list of problems for JF-2015-II is finally published thanks to Shankar Ram! I’m very grateful to Shankar for his work and also for the offer to update the problems database weekly! (I always had not time to update it regularly)
  • (25.08) No.825.1N.Shankar Ram (r#2). A revised version to No.825 – “position is now legal (and one piece lighter)” (Author). I hope, the judge, Kostas Prentos, will accept this version for JF-2015-I.
  • (25.08) No.876, 877Valerio Agostini. Two different problems: No.876 (h#2; Annan Chess) – a nice Annan four-man; No.877 (hs#3) – orthodox pieces in hs# of ANI-type.
  • (25.08) No.874, 875Peter HarrisOrphan‘s festival in two nice miniatures! No.874 (h#2.5; Sentinels; Andernach; Anti-Andernach; Orphan);
    No.875 (h#1.5; Super Circe; Andernach; Anti-Andernach; Royal Orphan).
  • (24.08) No.872, 873Vladimir Kozhakin (h#2; Einstein Chess). Two light Einstein-Merediths.
  • (24.08) No.871Rainer Kuhn & Franz Pachl (hs#3; Half-neutral Nightrider). Rich strategy with final moves by half-neutral piece, previously shown by Franz Pachl in the problems for the 1st Riga Black Balsam TT.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – not appointed yetThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Popeye 4.73 on GitHub!

popeye-githubPopeye team has announced Popeye 4.73, available on https://github.com/thomas-maeder/popeye/releases/tag/v4.73

Also, in August,2015 Popeye is moved from sourceforge.net to github! For now three releases of Popeye (4.69-4.73) are available at Releases menu.

One more comment by Thomas Maeder on MatPlus: “Please use the issues section (symbol “!” on the right) for your new bug reports and issue requests – most of the old ones have been migrated to the new site, as well as release 4.69 – more releases may follow.”

Thanks a lot to Popeye team for their work!

Originals 13-220815


13-22nd of August, 2015

  • (22.08) No.870Georgy Evseev (hs#3; Anti-Circe; Royal neutral pawn). Specific pins in Anti-Circe play with Orthodox Queen.
  • (22.08) Fairings No.44 – Chris Feather, distributed by Stephen Emmerson, is added to the Articles section!
  • (18.08) No.869Kenneth Solja (h#2; Back-to-Back; Face-to-Face; Moose; Sparrow). A combination of Back-to-Back and Face-to-Face conditions in a play of fairy neutral pieces!
  • (17.08) No.868Ladislav Salai jr. & Michal Dragoun (h#2; Grasshopper; Rookhopper). Zilahi in four solutions with active use of Hoppers.

Dear Friends, I’m happy to let you know that I have got 3(!) Awards to publish – all three informal tournaments of JF-2014: by Vlaicu Crişan, Dmitri Turevski and Kjell Widelrt. I’ll try to publish about 5 more problems I have in the waiting list, and than will need some time to prepare for publication the Awards.

  • (16.08) No.867Michael Grushko & Semion Shifrin (pser-hs#6; Half-neutral pieces). Half-neutral pieces in Pser problem.
  • (13.08) No.866Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber (ser-s#6; Half-neutral pieces). Reciprocal battery creation in an excellent Meredith position (Black Rex solus in the beginning)!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – not appointed yetThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.







ist der dreizehnte Band der EDITIONS FEE=NIX (begründet im Jahre 1992

von Denis Blondel † & bernd ellinghoven) herausgegeben im August 2015

im feenschach-Verlag von bernd ellinghoven, Königstr.3, D-52064 Aachen

Auflage: 300 Exem­plare

davon 32 numerierte & vom Autor signierte Sonderausgaben im Leder-Einband

–> read more

WCCC2015: After Congress…

DSCN9368My first Congress is over several days ago, but half of my soul is still there, in Ostróda

My first intention was to write about the facts and things happened, but in reality during the Congress I had no time for posting anything, and now all facts are already known. I’ll share just a little of emotions here. 

It was amazing to meet so many famous people face to face, in so short time! I was a bit confused as I couldn’t remember everybody from the first meeting as I wished.. Name badges weren’t used for this Congress, so all I could do was asking Latvian delegate, Ilja Ketris, who is who. 🙂 Of course, it was great pleasure for me to see that most of people know me, and to hear so many warm and kind words! –> read more


Ostróda, 07.08.2015

58th World Congress of Chess Composition



Judge: Julia Vysotska

First of all I would like to thank all the participants of this competition! I am pleasantly surprised to have received so many interesting works of very high quality, and I am honored to be a judge of this tournament!                      → See the Award
