Originals 20-300715


20-30th of July, 2015

  • (30.07) No.864, 865Erich Bartel. No.864 (hs#3; Circe Equipollents; Kangaroo; Camel) – Valladao with interesting play of Kangaroo; No.865 (ser-==22; PWC; Madrasi RI; Alphabetic Chess) – Excelsior in a difficult serial play.
  • (27.07) No.863N.Shankar Ram (ser-=8; Take & Make). Surprising thematic captures of the black Pawns!
  • (22.07) No.861, 862Erich Bartel. Promotions in stalemates with interesting fairy effects! No.861 (h=4*; Disparate PY); No.862 (h==5*; Circe; PWC; Madrasi RI; Alphabetic Chess).
  • (21.07) No.860Peter Harris (hs#3; Sentinels; Circe; Anti-Circe; Royal Locust). A very nice Tanagra problem with Royal Locusts in a difficult three-phase play. 
  • (20.07) No.859Miodrag Mladenović (r#3vvv). One of author’s favorite themes “Reflex tries and defenses“.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – not appointed yetThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 14-150715


14-15th of July, 2015

  • (15.07) No.858Igor Kochulov (hs#2; Super Circe; duplex). An interesting Meredith showing Super Circe in Duplex form!
  • (15.07) No.856.1Karol Mlynka & Seetharaman K. (hs#2; Black Transmuted King; Royal Rook-Locust). An improved version of No.856.
  • (14.07) No.856, 857Karol Mlynka. Two different kinds of problems show specific effects of Super-Transmuting King. No.856 (hs#2; Super-Transmuting King; Royal Rook-Locust); No.857 (#3; Super-Transmuting King).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – not appointed yetThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.


Preliminary Award JF-2013/III

Dear Friends, I have a pleasure to announce

The Award of Julia’sFairies-2013/III
by Eric Huber

I am very grateful to Eric Huber and impressed by his Award – with its notes, links to original publications, examples in the appendix and most of all by his analysis of the problems.

I’m happy to see the many different names in the Award.  I heartily congratulate all of you, my dear authors, for your achievements!

And, of course, I appreciate very much the contributions of ALL who send compositions and post comments to JF! Thank you!!

The Award is provisional and will become final after one month. – Julia

Award JF Retros and Proof Games 2013/2014

JF-LOGO-1Julia’s Fairies
Informal Tournament Retros and Proof Games 2013/2014

Award by Hans Gruber (Regensburg, Germany), International Judge of the FIDE

In recent years, many parts of the retro genre have been strongly developing, including fairy retros and fairy proof games. As the specific characteristics of retros are quite distinct from those of other genres, it is advisable to judge them in separate tournaments. Julia’s Fairies has proven to clearly attract retro composers so that a satisfying number of originals (26 in total) competed in its first retros and proof games tournament.” ?See full Award in PDF!

With a gratitude to Hans Gruber for the willingness to judge this competition and for so fast, precise and competent work! My congratulations to the active authors and especially authors of awarded problems in this complicated genre! – Julia

Originals 06-070715


6-7th of July, 2015

  • (07.07) No.854, 855Erich Bartel. Two different stipulations with 8 white pawns in the initial position! No.854 (ser-==12; Madrasi RI; Alphabetic Chess; Equihopper); No.855 (ser-!=7; Chameleon Chess; Isardam; Alphabetic Chess).
  • (07.07) No.853Michael Grushko (ser-h#7; Parrain Circe; Einstein Chess; Phantom Chess). Serial Four-men in Michael‘s style!

(06.07) Dear Friends, I have to repeat that during July and the first part of August I won’t be able to publish so many problems as in previous months, as I need some time to analyze the problems coming for my 1st RBB TT, to compose myself for WCCC’s TTs and also to go to the Congress.. Plus, these days I’m preparing for publication the Award of JF-2013/III. One of the main things I always wanted to offer you on JF is fast publication. That’s why I regret a lot that I have to have a “waiting list” now. The priority in publication I’ll give to the problems easy to publish (with Popeye notation and solutions provided, and more common fairy elements), and also to either new authors or authors with less number of publications on JF. I’m very sorry for this; but I just physically can’t do more. Hope for your understanding! – Julia

  • (06.07) No.852Igor Kochulov (h#2; Back-to-Back; duplex). Neutral duplex, determined by Back-to-Back condition.
  • (06.07) No.851Oliver Sick (h#3; Take & Make). Meredith, white minimal with Take & Make.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – not appointed yetThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 02-040715


2-4th of July, 2015

  • (04.07) No.850Anatoly Stepochkin (s#5; Maximummer; Diagram Circe). В-star in a light position!
  • (03.07) No.849N.Shankar Ram (#4; Maximummer; Grasshopper). A seldom combination of #4 with Maximummer!
  • (03.07) No.848Peter Harris (h#1.5; Sentinels Pion Advers; Anti-Circe; Super-Circe; Andernach Chess; Anti-AndernachChess; Isardam). Complicated solutions, six fairy conditions, and a question about change of color with combination of Anti-Circe and Andernach.
  • (02.07) No.847János Mikitovics (hs#5/hs4; Anti-Circe; Circe-Clone). Four-men with non-standard twin.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – not appointed yetThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

End of JF-2015/I


Dear Friends,

The first informal tourney for fairy problems published on Julia’s Fairies website in 2015, January-June – JF-2015/I is ended on June, 30thThe judge of this period – Kostas Prentos – will have a huge work, judging about 170 problems! I hope, it will be not only complicated, but also pleasant task, as there’re many very good works. And I’m sure, that all authors will be patient to wait for the Award as long time as it is needed.

Some short info about current issues:

  • I’m sorry, I really had no time even to think about an appointing of the judge for JF-2015/II (July-December), will try to do it during July
  • I’ve a pleasure to tell you that yesterday I’ve got the Award JF-2013/III from Eric Huber and I’ll try to publish it as soon as possible, hopefully on the end of this week or the beginning of the next one
  • I should tell you that during July and the first part of August I won’t be able to publish so many problems as the last time, as I need some time to analyze the problems coming for my TT, the 1st RBB, to compose myself for WCCC’s TTs, and also to go there..

I hope for your understanding. And I wish good luck to all of you in WCCC’s competitions! – Julia