FIDE ALBUM 2010-2012 – Results in section G-Fairies

fide-album-photoThe results of the 2010-12 Album Fairies section are published yesterday, April 8, 2015, on website. The section has got a record number of entries – 1524 ! 275 problems from 74 authors are selected. Congratulations and warm thanks to the director (Petko Petkov) and judges (Václav Kotěšovec, Manfred Rittirsch, Tadashi Wakashima) of this section for their huge work! Congratulations to the authors of selected problems!

Originals 070415


7th of April, 2015

  • (07.04) No.772Ladislav Salai jr. & Michal Dragoun (h#2; Lion; Bishop-Lion; Rook-Lion). A super-active role of the wS among the family of Lions!

Dear Friends, I’m sorry, the last about 30 published problems are still not added to the list of problems JF-2015-I. Please, don’t worry, I will do it on the weekend. Just too overloaded the last weeks… – Julia

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(I) – Kostas Prentos. The judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 02-060415


2-6th of April, 2015

  • (06.04) No.771Michael Grushko (h#2.5; Circe; Phantom Chess). Neutral AUW with only 3 men!
  • (05.04) No.769, 770Sébastien Luce. Neutral Pawns in action with combination of two different rarely used fairy conditions: No.769 (ser-h#4; Norsk Chess); No.770 (h#3; The board turns 180° after each white move).
  • (04.04) No.768Krassimir Gandev (9->Ser-S=13; Circe; Berolina Super Pawn). A complicated two series of black and white, double AUW!
  • (03.04) No.766, 767Geoff Foster (h#2,5; Back-To-Back; Anti-Kings). Very strange and interesting combination of fairy elements!
  • (03.04) No.765Anatoly Stepochkin (s#5; KoKo; Maximummer; Grasshopper). Tanagra s# with two variations in every phase!
  • (02.04) No.764Vladislav Nefyodov (h#2; NAO). Cycle of white and black moves with a rich additional strategy!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(I) – Kostas Prentos. The judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Israeli Chess Composition Society: Theodor Tauber MT C31.12.2015 & Alex Ettinger 90MT Award


Theodor Tauber Memorial Tourney

The Israeli Chess Composition Society is announcing a chess problem composition tourney dedicated to the memory of Theodor Tauber (18.08.1950 – 3.09.2013).
Theme: At least one twin which changes the condition of the problem from orthodox to a fairy condition or from one fairy condition to another. Any type of problem is allowed with or without fairy pieces.
Judge: Hans Gruber. Closing date: December 31, 2015.
Send originals to Michael Grushko, Box 363 Kiriat-Bialik ,Israel ,27000 | or by email to:

Alex Ettinger 90 Memorial Tourney Award
Judge: Michael Grushko

A total of 88 problems competed in the tourney, submitted by 31 authors from 17 countries. There were 34 miniatures and 54 Tanagras (up to 5 pieces) and, being the admirer of low-figured tasks I allocated them into separate sections.

4th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2015 – Fairies

FIDE-logoThe preliminary results in section G-Fairies
of the 4th FIDE World Cup in Composing for 2015!

I’m very happy to show the results, G-Fairies (PDF, 155KB) by Tadashi Wakashima, available among the others on the bottom of the 4th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2015 page of website. Thanks a lot to the director of this competition, Aleksey Oganesjan, and to all judges! My sincere congratulations to the winners!

About my own problem: Starting the 14th Japanese Sake Tourney in August, 2014, I was exploring Back-To-Back condition being sure that there’re lots of possibility in it. Many of JF’s readers know that now I’ve came to combination of BTB with neutral pieces, but my problem for the 4th FIDE World Cup was composed in the autumn, 2014, and my intention that time was a strategic HS# problem  showing as much as possible different BTB effects. You’re very welcome to comment! – Julia.

Originals 27-310315


27-31st of March, 2015

  • (31.03) No.763.1Franz Pachl & Petko A. Petkov (h#3; Anti-Circe; Camel, Zebra). An improved version of No.763, published as a joint version by decision of the both authors.
  • (29.03) No.763Franz Pachl (h#3; Anti-Circe; Camel, Zebra). Specific Anti-Circe blocks of neutral mating pieces nZ and nCA!
  • (28.03) No.762Geoff Foster (h#2,5; Back-To-Back, Face-To-Face). Inverted echo mates with opposite fairy conditions (Back-To-Back & Face-To-Face) in two twins!
  • (27.03) No.761 – Anatoly Stepochkin (s#6; KoKo, Maximummer; Lion). Valladao theme in Miniature!
  • (27.03) No.760Nicolas Dupont (PG20; Extinction Chess). PG problem with Extinction Chess shown for the first time on JF!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(I) – Kostas Prentos. The judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

KLAN-Defensive Retractor – Klaus Wenda and Andreas Thoma

KLAN-Defensive Retractor, K.Wenda & A.Thoma

An article dealing with “Klan defensive retractors”, a new retro-kind (= a mixture of type Proca & Hoeg) invented by Klaus Wenda and Andreas Thoma is available for download! (PDF, 347K):

KLAN-Defensive Retractor
with special reference to the AntiCirce condition
by Klaus Wenda (Vienna) and Andreas Thoma (Groß Rönnau)
in memoriam Wolfgang Dittmann (+ 5th February 2014)


The article in German is available on Tomas Brand‘s retro-blog –

Variant Proof Games by Peter Fayers

vpg-pf-annSome of you may remember that several years ago I was collecting proof games in chess variants with a view to eventual publication.

I now have a round 500, and put the collection on the web for anyone who is interested. Please feel free to view, download, or print (probably not a good idea – it runs to 162 pages. But it is mainly set in 14pt type, suitable for print in “booklet” format.)

Magazine editors and fairy/retro subeditors are invited to broadcast this information to their readership, and everyone is invited to fill in any gaps in the collection. Please send me any proof games I have missed. In English, French or German – I have macros which translate TCFDRP or TSLDKB to RSBQKP, both in the Forsyth and the solution. Enjoy!

— Peter. (

Originals 22-250315


22-25th of March, 2015

  • (25.03) No.759Illo Krampis (h#3; Grasshopper, Berolina-Pawn). Light problem on the theme of Superproblem’s TT-131 (сyclic shift of guards). Warm welcome to Illo in Original problems section of JF! I’m happy to meet and introduce to you a new Latvian fairy composer!
  • (25.03) No.758Geoff Foster (h#2,5; Back-To-Back). A neutral King in a Back-To-Back problem!
  • (24.03) No.757Geoff Foster (h#2,5; Back-To-Back). Three nice mates by Back-To-Back neutral pair in a three-men problem!
  • (24.03) No.756Misha Shapiro (h#2; Gnu). Gnu-promotions + black pins after white Annihilation captures! Warm welcome to Misha in Original problems section of JF!
  • (23.03) No.754, 755Sébastien Luce – Non-standard implementation of castling in two different problems! No.754 (h#10.5; Black UltraSchachZwang); No.755 (h#2.5; Circe RexInclusive; Kamikaze RexInclusive; Duplex).
  • (22.03) No.753Julia Vysotska (h#2; Back-To-Back; Take & Make). Back-To-Back specific pin of the mating neutral piece! Hopefully, shown for the first time. 🙂 I should admit, that the solutions might look weird here and the interpretation of neutrals’ behavior with Back-To-Back can be a topic of some discussions. Myself, I find such interpretation reasonable.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(I) – Kostas Prentos. The judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.