Messigny 2013 Fairy Tournament

messigny-2013-excrptMessigny 2013 Fairy Tournament

Nicolas Dupont

The theme is: problems with a fairy condition and a zugzwang goal Gz.

Remember that a zugzwang goal Gz (where G can be capture, check, mate, stalemate, etc.) is achieved when the side which hasn’t played the terminal move:

  • ♦ has one or more legal moves which achieve G;
  • ♦ and has no legal moves which fail to achieve G;
  • ♦ and is not in check.

→See Full Announcement

Entries should only contain orthodox pieces and a unique fairy condition, the choice of the problem’s type being free. They should have been checked with Popeye (at least “by parts” when too long) and have to be send to the following email address:

Closing date is 18:00 on Sunday, May,19th!!!

P.A.Petkov – changes in email address!!

May, 16th, 2013

Important message from Petko A. Petkov:

Dear Friends,

I’d like to inform you that due to some technical issues with company-provider my old email address doesn’t work starting 15-May-2013.

Please use the following two email addresses simultaneously:

Kind regards,
Petko Petkov
Director of FIDE-ALBUM 2010-2012 (fairy section)

Site Updates-150513


Updates as of 13-15 May, 2013:

  • (15.05) No.321 – Themistoklis Argirakopoulos – A fine marine AUW demonstrated with tries!
  • (14.05) No.320 – Daniel Novomesky – Another nice Aristocrat-Miniature! A play of 5 Hurdle color changing Grasshoppers!
  • (13.05) No.319 – Georgy Evseev – A nice Aristocrat-miniature with echo-play!! I like to see this “Marine problem” with Triton‘s play!

Now there are three sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) with all problems of January-April, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(II) will contain problems of May-August, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(II)Diyan Kostadinov

Announcement – Julia’sFairies Marine TT 2013

jv-marine2May, 14th, 2013 – opening day of Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 !

I believe the time to open the marine season has already came – so, let me open it in a chess composition as well! Today I’m happy to announce the thematic tourney which has been prepared for several months and has became possible now thanks to the efforts of many people.

I’d like to gratitude Mr. Petko A. Petkov for his material about Marine pieces and future judging of the TT, Mr. Thomas Maeder for the fast implementation of Poseidon, Marine Knight and Marine Pawn in Popeye v4.63, Mr. Christian Poisson whose earlier implementation of these pieces has given more clear understanding of their behavior and also allowed us to have an examples of problems for the articles and TT,  and Mr. Geoff Foster for English correction in the articles about Marine pieces and in the announcement below, and those of you whom I’ve asked questions regarding Marine pieces!

I hope for your active participation as there were really a lot of efforts invested to make this TT happen!

Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 is announced now and it’s closing date is around the end of Marine season – September, 30th:


Have a nice Marine season! And good luck in the Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013!

Marine pieces III – the article!

sea-italy13 May, 2013

I’m happy to present you the last part of  the article by IGM Petko A. Petkov about Marine Pieces! This is the 3rd part and dedicated to Marine MAO and Marine MOA. I’ve promised Marine Ship as well, but there’re some differences in implementation in WinChloe and Popeye, so it was skipped for now.

Now the 8 Marine pieces were discussed and all of them are implemented in the both programs – Popeye and WinChloe. So, can be used by most of you I believe, and will be included into Marine TT:

1 Part I – Siren, Triton, Nereid

Part II –  Marine Knight, Poseidon and Marine Pawn

3 Part III –  Scylla (Marine MAO), Charybdis (Marine MOA) 

Enjoy the article! –






With a gratitude to Mr. Petko A.Petkov for his material and work 

and to Mr. Geoff Foster for English correction!

Site Updates-100513


Updates as of 08-10 May, 2013:

  • (10.05) No.316,317,318 – Valerio Agostini & Antonio Garofalo, Gabriele Brunori – Salute to Italian trio with 3 different h#2 problems: Take & Make, Checkless Chess, Anti-Circe
  • (09.05) No.315 – Stephan Dietrich – A nice four-men with Poseidon and echo-play! 
  • (08.05) No.314 – Luis Miguel Martín – A nice “marine pins” after promotions into TR and NE!
  • (08.05) No.286.1 – Gani Ganapathi & Juraj Lörinc –  This joint problem is an improved version to No.286 – an elegant and difficult for solving! As No.286 relates to the previous tourney, JF-2013-I, it will be excluded from there; but this new version participates in JF-2013-II.

Now there are three sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) with all problems of January-April, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(II) will contain problems of May-August, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(II)Diyan Kostadinov

Marine pieces II – the article!

sea-italy07 May, 2013

Almost a month ago I’ve promised thematic tourney dedicated to Marine pieces. Now it is really going to be announced very soon, but first I’d like to publish two more parts of the article by IGM Petko A. Petkov about Marine Pieces.

As you know, the 1st part of the article was “Do You know the Marine pieces? (Part I – Siren, Triton, Nereid)”. And now I’m happy to present you the 2nd part – about Marine Knight, Poseidon and Marine Pawn! For some time these pieces were implemented in WinChloe only, but as you know from the latest Popeye’s release 4.63 – all these pieces are just implemented in Popeye as well!

So, enjoy the article! –




I’d like to add also, that the 3rd part of this article will come very soon, and will be dedicated to Marine MAO, Marine MOA and Marine ship. Why these pieces? Mostly because they’re implemented in the both programs – Popeye and WinChloe. So, can be used by most of you I believe, and can be included into Marine TT.

As always I’m thankful to Mr. Petko A.Petkov for so interesting material and so big work 

and to Mr. Geoff Foster for English correction!

Popeye – release 4.63!

release-4.6305 May, 2013

Popeye release 4.63!


It’s a pleasure for me to let you know that a new version of Popeye – release 4.63 is available from now for download!

See what’s new in the release notes:

New fairy conditions
Circe Take&Make (aka Anti-Take&Make)
Magic square type 2
Marine Chess and Ultramarine Chess

New fairy pieces
Marine Knight
Marine Pawn
Marine Ship

Plus, there’re also many bugs fixed.

Personally I’m very happy about this release, because the Marine piecesMarine Knight, Poseidon and Marine pawn – are added! The next days see the 2nd part of the article about Marine pieces by IGM Petko A. Petkov, and also the announcement of Marine TT by Julia’s Fairies!

I’m very grateful to Thomas buy cialis jakarta Maeder for a very fast implementation of these pieces! 

Site Updates-050513


Updates as of 01-05 May, 2013:

  • (05.05) No.312, 313 Paul Rãican with 2 very different problems:  No.312 is one more PG-problem here; and No.313 is a nice Pser-miniature!
  • (01.05) No.311 Kenneth H. M. Solja with a trio of Tritons opens the 2nd part of 2013 at Julia’sFairies! Nice to see that this season starts with Marine piece!

Now there are three sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) with all problems of January-April, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(II) will contain problems of May-August, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(II)Diyan Kostadinov

End of JF-2013-I


30-April, 2013
The End of Informal Tourney JF-2013-I

Dear Friends,  today is the last day of the informal tourney Julia’sFairies-2013-I !

I will inform you later about the list of problems participating in this tourney (versions of one and the same problem, PG-problems will be excluded). The number of problems is close to 100 (from No.214 till No.310).

For now I’d like to tell THANKS A LOT to all participants and active commentators!

A special GRATITUDE to our judge, JURAJ BRABEC, for taking this big work! Dear Juraj, I wish you a pleasant judging!

And now all of you are welcome to participate in Julia’sFairies-2013-II: from 01-May-2013 till 31-Aug-2013.
Welcome to our judge of summer period – DIYAN KOSTADINOV !