Albinas Bičiušas – 80JT

sachmatijaAlbinas Bičiušas – 80JT

The Lithuanian chess composers’ society announces a jubilee tourney Albinas Bičiušas – 80.

Theme: h#2 with Take & Make and Annan Chess condition. Neither fairy pieces nor other conditions are allowed. Entries on diagrams must be sent by 30th of October, 2017, to director of tourney Borisas Gelpernas, Vytenio g. 27-15, LT-03112 Vilnius, Lithuania or by e-mail: Write your post address.

The judge will be Albinas Bičiušas.
Prizes: Lithuanian books of chess composition. The award will be announced in „Šachmatija“ in the beginning of 2018.

JF-2017/II : Oct-2017 to Mar-2018

Dear authors, and readers, coming back to the next fairy tournament, JF-2017/II, I’m very sorry to announce that I need to postpone it again due to all other obligations I have. So, next informal fairy tournament on JF will start on October, 1st, 2017 and end on March, 31st, 2018. I’ll announce the judge during September.

New problems for Retro&PG 2017-18 will be published regularly again starting September. No breaks in publishing fairy announcements on JF upon request. 

In 2018, I plan to have a break between informal fairy tournaments again, and the next tournament is planned from July, 1st to December, 31st, 2018, closing the year and WCCI and FIDE Album cycles. Awards of JF’s tournaments, articles, announcements are welcome for the period of break in publishing original problems, April – June 2018.

The breaks are made for judging I need to finish as the last year of tries to combine it all showed me it doesn’t work, either my evenings are devoted to judging or to publications, and judging goes too slowly with all interruptions. – Julia.

August, 2017

The Award of JF-2015/I

“In total, I selected 40 problems, the most I have ever awarded in any tourney I judged. I consider myself a rather strict judge, but this time I had no difficulty finding problems to include in the award. My main difficulty was to leave out many other candidates that were also good and interesting. I can say that it was the strongest tourney I have ever judged. Congratulations for making this happen.” (The judge of JF-2015/I, Kostas Prentos)

Only the first and the longest informal competition on JF, April-December 2012, had more problems and authors than January-June 2015. In 2013-2014 we had six 4-months tourneys, and the 2015/I was the first 6-months tourney. At the end of that period, I felt guilty about giving so much work to Kostas Prentos as the judge. Now, he writes in the award, “neither of us expected such a large number of entries: 169 original compositions and versions, by 57 composers”.

Today, it is time for readers to enjoy the Award of JF-2015/I, appearing like a booklet of selected problems… The 23 pages of the award include not only detailed comments for 40 rewarded problems (the comment to the 1st Prize takes 1,5 pages!), but also some remarks for 44 problems left out of the award… What an appreciation for the work of all composers!

And the last, more technical detail: the award you see was fully prepared by Kostas, with all the diagrams and links to original publications, leaving me without work… and words to thank him!

My sincere congratulations to the authors of rewarded problems and gratitude for all the comments, always highly appreciated by the authors and judges. 

60th WCCC: Informal FAIRY composing tourneys

WCCC2017_logoThe four week composing tourneys of the 60th WCCC have been announced as of 18 July 2017.

Of them Fairy/Proof game composing tourneys:

Potica-Tourney (fairy-h#, generic cialis uk online Marko Klasinc & Janez Nastran, 6 days, open worldwide) is one more fairy tournament within 60th WCCC, to be announced at August, 5th.

Closing date for all tourneys: Thursday, 10 August 2017, 20:00 (Dresden local time)

15th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

This year the Tzuica Tourney is not an unofficial tourney of the congress. We are not able to fulfill all conditions of the rules for unofficial composing tourneys established by the organizers. – Eric Huber & Vlaicu Crisan

15th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

Theme: hs#n/hs=n, at least 4 consecutive cross-checks 

Scope: Any fairy piece and/or condition are allowed

Judges: Vlaicu Crisan & Eric Huber | Prizes: Bottles of Tzuica | Details: see PDF

Audience: The tourney is open to everyone, but only congress participants can receive bottles.
Deadline: August 9th (Wednesday8 p.m. to Dinu-Ioan Nicula, or by email until August 6th to Eric Huber

JF-2017/II postponed for mid-August

Dear authors, readers, the first fairy tournament of this year, JF-2017/I is just finished with 54 problems. I’m grateful to all participants, and wishing the judge, Tadashi Wakashima, to enjoy your works!

About the next fairy tournament, JF-2017/II, I need to tell you that I’m going to postpone the beginning of it till mid-August. I regret about it myself, but otherwise I can’t finish all my obligations, mostly about judging. With almost regular updates of two websites I really have no time for anything else, including the own composing too. 

Of course, I’ll continue to update, and will publish fairy announcements on JF upon request. 

I’ll write about the next fairy tournament after WCCC in Dresden, 5-12.08. – Julia.

Announcement of Tourneys of “The Macedonian Problemist” 2017

macedonian-problemistAnnouncements of Tourneys
of “The Macedonian Problemist” for 2017

  1. informal tourneys (closing date 12.2017) for: #2 – Pavel Murashev; #3-n – Boško Milošeski; s#2-n – Peter Sickinger; h#2 – Jorge Kapros & Jorge Lois; h#2½-3 – Christopher Jones; h#3½-n – Hans Gruber; fairies – Eric Huber & Vlaicu Crişan; retros – Thomas Brand.
  2. “The Macedonian Problemist” League (a formal tourney, free themes, closing date 15.10.2017) in four sections: #2 – Karol Mlynka; #3 – Henk le Grand; s#3-8 – Jiří Jelinek; h#2 – Živko Janevski (a reserve judge for any section – Hans Gruber). The tourney brochure with the awards and the total ladder will be published in 2017 and all participants will receive the preliminary awards by e-mail.

Free subscription prizes are stipulated for the best composers. Entries for any of the above tourneys should be sent to the editor’s e-mail address or to his snail mail address: Zoran Gavrilovski, P. fah 137, Pošta 2, Skopje MK-1001, Macedonia.

Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2017 – HS#Max2.5 Award

Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2017
Group C – HS#Max2.5 – Awards

“This tourney was a very exciting one, for both participants and the organizers. The initial idea was to avoid computer testing, in order to make composers train their solving, while giving solvers the forgotten pleasure of looking for cooks… This concept soon had to be abandoned, because Christian Poisson was very quick to create the program for

HS#Max, the new fairy genre that includes only one new element when compared with HS#: the last two half-moves ask for S#1 Maximummer, instead of usual S#1.

The average marks of the first 4 compositions stood out, and were differentiated with slightest of margins, from 8.43 (the 4th place) to the 8.75 (the 1st place). Since there was no single judge, some comments given by solvers were summed up in the following award.”

RIFACE, Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or, 2-5.06.2017

st-germain-au-mont-d-orThe 38th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place from Friday, June 2, 2017 (evening) to Monday, June 5, 2017 (noon) at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or.

Themes are the following:

RIFACE 2017 – Thème aidés.pdfThème féerique.pdfThème rétro.pdf

Address to send the entries :
Time limit to send the entries : Sunday 4th June at 15:00

Kenneth Solja 60 JT

Entries are invited in three sections:
a) Orthodox #2 ; b) Orthodox h#4-n ; c) hs#2-4 with neutral pieces. Fairy pieces allowed but no fairy conditions. 

Entries must be C+ and authors are asked to state which program was used in checking.

The theme is free in each group | The judge is Kenneth Solja | Entries by 30.6.2017 to nealturnerfinland[at]