Dear Friends,
JF‘s informal tourney for fairy problems published in January-June’2016 – JF-2016/I – is ended on June, 30th. The judge of this period – Petko Petkov – has a list of 96 fairy problems (all original problems published on JF this year, till 30.06.2016, except Retro&PG problems). I’d like to thank all authors who participate in this tournament and all of you who’s given the spirit, creativity, ideas, advises and experience in your works and comments in this period! Thanks a lot to Petko Petkov for his current and future work!
I’m sorry to tell you that the judge of the next period, July-December’2016, is not appointed yet. Of course, I’ll gladly accept and publish your works, at your own risk 🙂 .
Judging is something not easy to ask for… even hoping that it’s not only a hard work to be done, but it’s also a challenge, a honor, a pleasure in analyzing of many interesting works, and a final satisfaction about the result. Please, let me know if any of you would be willing to take JF-2016/II. I’d be very grateful for it!
And the last thing.. and one of the most important of the year – WCCC2016! Good luck to all of you who will participate in composing/solving competitions! Have a nice trips and a nice stay in Belgrade who’s coming! Myself, I’ll be very glad to come and to meet all of you! (222 participants as of now!) – Julia