Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Site Updates-120913


Updates as of the 7-12th of September, 2013:

  • (12.09) No.374 – Neal Turner – A very seldom fairy combination – SAT with Royal Grasshoppers – in s#! Welcome to Neal on Julia’s Fairies !!
  • (11.09) Author’s correction to solution and also a comment is added to No.372! 
  • (11.09) No.373 – Julia Vysotska – Parrying double check to the black King with the one black piece which simultaneously gives mate to the white King. The idea was inspired by the theme of Juraj Lörinc 40 JT, but in the opposite to it, my black piece is not pinned and can parry double check.
  • (10.09) No.372 – James Quah – 4-fold Djurasevic theme! Warm welcome to James!
  • (07.09) No.371 – Geoff Foster – An aristocratic octet with three nice solutions! Author writes that this problem was inspired by No.359 and No.359.1

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III).
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

Site Updates-040913


Updates as of the 4th of September, 2013:

  • (04.09) No.359.1 – Pierre Tritten & Nikola Predrag – An interesting version to No.359 with a non-standard board! Published after comments to No.359. Although, this version is published after end of term for JF-2013/II, it was shown in the comments almost in time, and I believe it might be related to that tournament. Objections are accepted till the end of September.
  • (04.09) No.370 – Michal Dragoun & Ladislav Salai jr. –  Very interesting anti-batteries with a nice activity of the both Kings! Welcome to the both authors with their first publication at Julia’s Fairies!

Now there are four sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) with all problems of January-April, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(II) with all problems of May-August, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(III) will contain problems of September-December, 2013.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

API 4th Mini-TOUR 2014


The Italian Problemist Association (API) organizes
The 4th Mini-Tour called NEUTRAL PIECES

Will be admitted any type of problems from 2 to 6 moves. Every problems must to have one or more neutral piece(s) in initial position. (See original announcement in Italian/English in PDF here!)

More solutions and twins are allowed, but not zero-position and duplex. It’s allowed also only one fairy condition. Problems must be C+, please point out the software used. Sent to this address: valerio.agostini@gmail.com
Sinfonie Scacchistiche with the problems (and award) published will be sent to all participants. Deadline: August 31, 2014.  

Site Updates-030913


Updates as of the 2nd-3rd of September, 2013:

  • (03.09) No.369 – Juraj Lörinc –  A beautiful  Fairy Meredith with model mates!
  • (03.09) No.368 – Peter Harris – A perfect fairy Miniature with nonstandard twin: change of the stipulation only!
  • (02.09) No.366,367 – two nice problems by Italian authors! No.366 by Valerio Agostini & Antonio Garofalo – An interesting creation of anti-batteries after critical moves by Lion! No.367 by Valerio Agostini – A nice dual-avoidance play! 

Now there are four sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) with all problems of January-April, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(II) with all problems of May-August, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(III) will contain problems of September-December, 2013.
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

End of JF-2013-II


01-September, 2013
The End of Informal Tourney JF-2013-II & the beginning of JF-2013-III

Dear Friends,  yesterday was the last day of the informal tourney Julia’sFairies-2013-II !

I will inform you later about the list of problems participating in this tourney (some improved problems, PG-problems will be excluded). The number of problems is around 50 (from No.311 till No.365).

THANKS A LOT to all participants and active commentators!

GRATITUDE to our judge, DIYAN KOSTADINOV, for taking this big work! I’d like to mention, that Diyan runs also two thematic tourneys himself now, Zabunov-85MT 2013 and The 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013(PDF), and regular informal tourneys on the website KoBulChess, so taking one more judging is really impressive! Diyan, we’ll be patient and can wait for the Award as long as needed! Have a pleasant judging!

And now all of you are very welcome to participate in Julia’sFairies-2013-III: from 01-September-2013 till 31-December-2013.
Welcome to our judge of autumn-winter period – ERIC HUBER!



This tournament was announced by the “Union of problematicists Argentina Chess (UAPA). Had three sections: 1º – H # 2 – 2º – H # 2.5-3 – 3º – H # n

There were 83 problems: H # 2 (41), H#2,5-3 (27) and H#n (15) , 46 composers of 17 countries. → Read full Award!